both girls! yay!!

still no clue what happened to sf - so weird!
anyway - malinko - I TOTALLY get where you're coming from! I was so over this month on Friday night/Saturday when we were fighting (which started while I was traveling on Tuesday - fun week!) and I even skipped temping Sat morning on purpose b/c I thought having a baby was out the window for now (clearly we had other issues to work out first). We even slept in separate rooms Fri night! Then we had a normal conversation that morning and all was better, but I was so mad I didn't temp! grr! But I so get it - so much of it is on us and honestly, it will be forever when it comes to the kids. I'm sure our DH's will make great daddies, that's why we chose them, but I've never seen the majority of the parenting fall on a father. Why shouldn't it start pre-conception?? haha
Re: your temps - you sound like a slow riser like me. And watery CM is still fertile CM - it's swim-through-able! It turned up as 'green' on my chart when I said that's what I had, so that's a great sign! Per your temps, I wonder if you O'd Sunday night? Which would be GREAT for your Sat night BD!! Overall, though, I really don't think that the guys comprehend how important and slim the timing is. If you miss the window, it's a
WHOLE OTHER MONTH until you can try again. I cannot tell my DH half of the stuff that I'm doing/watching/researching/timing b/c I think it'll be too much pressure. It's like I have to be the wizard behind the curtain!
Don't ever worry about venting, that's what we're here for! Not many other people will understand what we're going through right now, not many that we want to tell anyway. I have about 2 friends that had fertility issues and I see them the least out of all of my friends. Everyone else has literally thought about being pregnant and BOOM! like you said. Thankfully, now that we're trying, everyone else is just about done, so no more showers for me to attend to rub it in my face. If you could slap your SIL for me, that'd be greeeeat.
Bumpy! Thanks for sticking with me! I love to hear from you, even though you are not ttc yet.

I'm always hoping there's a chance for you too!!
CPA exams - holy hell. GOOD LUCK. And no thank you. haha! If you can get CPA stuff, temping will be a BREEZE!! It's really not that tough and I agree with malinko - it gives you great insight into what your body is doing, or not doing.
That is adorable about your niece!! My nieces look nothing like me - red hair and blue eyes! I'm brunette/hazel.

but oddly enough, I found a pic of me as a toddler and I look VERY much like our friends' daughter, who I just love to pieces. It's freaky! But I definitely feel a weird pull towards her and it's easier to imagine my own daughter!
man - sorry for the book!! slow day again today, so I'm sure I'll be checking in later!
happy HUMP day!
~ michelle