Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Woo hoo for the flashing smiley!!!!! Hope you get a solid smiley soon...but have fun and take advantage of the flashing smiley! Question for you since I know you've been using the advanced digital and is something we have talked about before. I'm using flu with the advanced. Is that what I should do or is it better to detect in the afternoon?

I just kept temping with the same time and didn't adjust. I did 6 am on Saturday and 6 am on Sunday :)
thanks for the info on your timing - I think I'm still going to adjust. Kitties' bellies are ready for breakfast at 5:30am now so I'm not going to set my alarm for an hour beforehand just to temp, and then probably stay awake for an hour every morning! nope, nope, nope

yep - I typically use the fmu with the clearblue advanced digital, i think that's what the instructions say to do. Not sure what I did wrong this morning to get the error, but that's the only reason I retested with the next one today.:dohh:
thanks for the info on your timing - I think I'm still going to adjust. Kitties' bellies are ready for breakfast at 5:30am now so I'm not going to set my alarm for an hour beforehand just to temp, and then probably stay awake for an hour every morning! nope, nope, nope

yep - I typically use the fmu with the clearblue advanced digital, i think that's what the instructions say to do. Not sure what I did wrong this morning to get the error, but that's the only reason I retested with the next one today.:dohh:

I don't blame you for adjusting your time!

Thanks for explaining your testing. Makes sense now :) So, I was just sure today would be another circle but we got a flashing smiley today! Generally speaking, how many days do you get a flashing smiley before a solid smiley?

Were you able to bd last night? What is your plan for the rest of the week?

Hope you are starting to feel better!!!!
yay for flashing smileys!! I got another one this morning AND I'm feeling a bit better, so BD'ing tonight, hopefully! :happydance:
Didn't BD last night - wasn't feeling well and we are sort of getting over a fight, so just wasn't up for it.
CM is also much more prevelant and waterier and temp dropped back down to normal so all signs are pointing to GO TIME! I may even throw out the past few days of temps b/c I was sick but we'll see what FF gives me. I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing now or soon with the OPK and CM signs, so we'll go with that.
As far as a 'plan', I think I'll tell DH that the 'every other night' plan is out the window and we need to do it every night until I see sticky or no CM! hahaha
A friend of mine who has fertility issues said that the 'every other night' plan b/c of depleting sperm count is an old wives' tale or a farce b/c it really only depletes by maybe a couple million. But if you start off with 15m the first time, then what's a couple less next time? Still 13m left, right? So I know your plan is to BD every other night but don't feel like you're doing anything wrong if you get in an extra session or 3! hahaha :thumbup:

to answer your question - I have only gotten the solid smiley once bc I poas for too long in Jan, so I never got the solid. I think that's why anyway. But last month I got it after 4 days of flashing, I believe. I think average is 2-4 days after, but can be as high as 5-6.
Hey Wish!

Sorry I haven't checked in.. I've been so busy with studying for my state test that I haven't been able to think about babies! At least until my sister in law had hers today!! A little girl :) She waited to find out until she was born. Back onto baby fever. Ugh... Well, the good news is we only have 7 cycles until we can start NTNP (moved up to November yay!)

Anyway, it sounds like you're confused as to when you're o-ing still... but hopefully tonight is the night!!! :) Isn't it crazy how it's like.. OUR timing is what matters.. the guys swimmers just go but we have to be ready. How annoying, when our minds & hearts ARE ready! :)

We're not trying as you know but I've been trying to determine when I O too.. I just have no idea either. So no are not alone. Honestly I would just try to BD every other day for like the 2nd and 3rd weeks after AF lol. Perhaps get creative to keep it fun, lol!!

Sounds like a make up kind of night :sex: ;) Good luck dear!
Thanks Wish! DH is gone I think we are going to skip the every other night and just go for every night as well starting tomorrow. Hope things are going well for you and hubby...sorry to hear about the fight. And SO glad to hear you are feeling better! Touch base with you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Bumpy - Hello! Hope all your testing goes/went well!!!!
Hi Bumpy! Good luck on your test!! What is it for again? Nursing? I know sf is going into nursing but I couldn't remember if the other was you or Kitty. Glad to see you guys have moved up the date of NTNP ;) heehee
Yes, this O business can get con-fus-ing but I relaxed a little bit and my temps, CM and OPK all agreed that this weekend was peak, so YAY! BD'ed both nights, maybe get one in tonight for good measure. But you're SO right - it's really crazy how our bodies have to be just right for conception and the boys can go around ready all the time. I guess someone has to be the responsible body or we would have overpopulated this planet centuries ago!! hahaha

malinko - how was your weekend? as successful, hopefully?? hahaha

Happy Monday!:flower:
Hey Wish!

Happy St. Patricks Day! Hopefully there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for us :)

Glad to hear you had a good (and productive!) weekend! Unfortunately, we only got to BD one night. We BD's on the 10th, 12th, and 15th. We started getting the flashing smiley on the 14th and had that thru the 16th. This morning we got a solid smiley face, so will probably BD the next three nights. I'm going to be exhausted ;) Hopefully it'll at least make this week go by quickly. My temps are still just everywhere, but I'm hoping I'll be able to see a distinct temp rise after ovulation. Haven't seen much cm either, so I'm hoping that picks up today. I agree with you and Bumpy....guys have it so easy!

Have a great day and I'll be talking to you soon!!!!!
Sounds like you have a solid plan going for BD'ing! :thumbup:

May the luck 'o' the Irish be with us all this month! :happydance:
Good morning Wish!

How are things going for you?

Think I'm out on this whole deal. DH got called into work last night so yet another day/night has passed by. The advanged digi still had the solid smiley face but i took the regular digital test this morning and just a circle. My temps do not mean anything to me (up, down, up, down, absolutely nothing consistent), I never have o pains, and unless things change today, never really had/have any ewcm. We will try to bd tonight and the next couple just in case o is late. Realistically, I'm feeling out, but can't wait to go through the tww wait you and hear all your symptoms!
morning, Malinko!

I'm so sorry you're frustrated and your timing hasn't worked the way you wanted it to. Your BD on the 15th could be the one, don't give up hope! It only takes one :spermy: remember! Yeah, the solid smiley is supposed to stick around for 48 hrs, right? My CM was drying up yesterday, so I am pretty sure the O was over even though the stick was still smiling at me.

I think things are ok here - our temps must be doing the same dance. I definitely O'd this weekend per the OPK and the gross abundance of CM (sorry..!), but my temps refuse to cooperate. I thought they were on the rise yesterday but I'm back down to normal today. It's so weird - I woke up in a pool of sweat (sorry again!!) so I was SURE that my temp had spiked!! My sleep was sorta interrupted a few times looking at the clock, maybe that affected it. I guess I could spike tomorrow but based on last month's fun, I'm not betting on it. What would that mean? my progesterone doesn't work or maybe my body temp just doesn't react to it as much as others? ughhh
I took another digi this morning too to be sure and got the circle, so O has definitely come and gone.
Day 2 of trying not to spot symptoms that surely are not symptoms this early! :)
I'm hoping the 15th will be our life saver, but I'm certainly not counting on it. Maybe it'll at least make for an easier 2ww since I'm not getting my hopes up!

Thankfully it does just take one, but that ONE seems to be an issue! I'm not having a very good attitude and I apologize. TTC is just so frustrating! Yes, the smiley is supposed to stick around for 48 hours, but I'm not buying it. I do like seeing the smiley though!

Nothing grosses me out! In fact, I'm jealous of your abundance of CM! :haha: My sleep is always interrupted and I wake up 3 to 4 times a night. It's nice to chart the temperatures I think though, just so when (I hope it's only IF, but trying to be realistic) it's time to go to the doctor, I can say "here are all the things we have been doing." I am wondering if maybe your progesterone levels are low?

Anxiously awaiting to see what your temps do over the next few days! Fx for you!!!! Have a great Tuesday!
No need to apologize about being realistic, I'm right there with you. I, too, think temping, even though it's not doing what it 'should', is still data to bring to the docs when (same boat) we go.
I agree the tww is much easier when you don't think you have a shot. That was me last month. Unfortunately, I'm convinced we timed it right this month so I'm in analysis mode. Which will just make it that much more frustrating when it doesn't happen b/c we DID do everything we needed to do. We shall see. Man, sorry, I feel like I turned into Debbie Downer! But I always say, it's much easier to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. :)
just an update to share some info, not that this is happening to you but in case it ever does!
so sweating is there to regulate your core temp. If I was having night sweats, it could be b/c my internal temp WAS actually higher and my body just cooled itself down. I hope this is the case! I usually have night sweats before AF but not until a few days beforehand. This is too early. So we'll see...
:coffee: morning!

How's it going this morning? Feeling anymore confident in things? You know, if we both conceived, we would probably have the same due date! :)
I need to turn my brain off, huh?

got my temp spike today! woohoo!! :happydance:
I'm still considering myself 3dpo - mayyyybe 2dpo. I'm not sure if you get the ewcm right before O or while you're O'ing, so if it's right before, I guess I'm 2dpo. Whatever. Not much is going on, too early I think. Feels like BBs are starting to get sore but that's nothing out of the ordinary and is linked to the prog surge.
Other than that, too early in the day to tell much! I should list out what I felt yesterday, though I'm pretty sure it's all in my head!

  • my chin is awfully broken out this month, but that started last week i think
  • gassy
  • my CP was low, wet, and squishy - I've NEVER felt this before
  • CM was watery but dried up by EOD
  • this might be completely off and it's definitely weird, but - my urine was stinky!! Not that urine smells like roses but this was noticeable. I never smell it unless it's after coffee, even after eating asparagus!

I went on the twoweekwait site and found a forum with pages and pages of women listing their TWW symptoms that ended up with a +hpt! I was addicted for about an hour or two yesterday!!
Good morning!

Glad to hear that you finally got your temp spike! I'm going to be checking in with you every single day to read about new symptoms and hope you get your bfp! When do you plan on testing?

I'm feeling so confused! I had the solid smiley face on Monday (which carried over to yesterday) and prior to that had 3 days of flashing. Normally each month I get ewcm but it appeared to mainly just be watery this month. I think I had a really small amount of ewcm on Monday and yesterday but was only once each day and a very small amount. I had a temp drop from 97.4 on CD10 to 96.8 on CD 11 (last day of flashing smiley) and it is gradually climbing since the drop. (From 96.8 it went to 97.1, 97.4 and today 97.5). Every other day on my temp chart looks like a mountain but it appears if my temp is trying to go up. Maybe I am a slow riser? Or, heck, maybe I'm not even going to ovulate this month. I don't know.

Anyway, I hate to be this way, but I'm so over this month. DH seemed all in to getting a plan figured out last week but now when it really matters, he doesn't seem to care. He couldn't help that he got called in for work on Monday night but knew that I was frustrated as that seemed to be our greatest chance, especially with BD on Saturday. (I should haven't given him Sunday night off!!! haha!) So, he was acting like he was "trying to make up" last night and was being all sweet and then somehow things changed a corner, got into a (stupid) argument and we were both over it. I think I irritated him, he REALLY irritated me and we went to sleep! Game over! Anyway, I'm still holding a grudge this morning and I shouldn't. He's in a great mood like he always is when he wakes up and acts like nothing is wrong. We even discussed last night how maybe I haven't ovulated yet and we still had a chance to BD. I could care less about the stupid argument...I'm over that. I'm frustrated with him that now we are most likely on to yet another month of trying. This ttc thing is really starting to get the best of me. It seems like the more we plan things out and try, the harder it is on me. And, with each passing month that we aren't pregnant, I get even more irritated listening to my sister in law talk about her pregnancy and how wonderful it is. And, I'm sick of getting so upset and crying over bad timing!

Sorry Wish.....I totoally went off on a tirade here. I feel better though, so thanks for letting me vent! None of our friends or family know we are trying, so I get to vent on here. So....this is YOUR month! It has to be! If we would have conceived, our edd would have been Dec 11th. So, hoping you will have the best Christmas present ever this year! I'm not going to leave you hanging and will be here every day to check on you! Fx!
Hi girls, :coffee:

I swear, sometimes I am compelled to look on here 1) because I've been following wish for a while now and wanna see her BFP! and 2) after I O I cannot help but think there's always a CHANCE from pulling out :haha: My little niece looks literally exactly like I did as a baby and nothing like my brother or sister in law, haha. But my dads side is very prominent (blue eyes, dark hair, button nose). It's impossible to not have baby fever when you see yourself in a baby. Only 7 more cycles until I will enter this torture that they call the 2 week wait! Oh and I have 2 more baby showers to go to next month.. THE CUTENESS TORTUREEEE!!!!

Oh and I am studying to take my CPA exams. There are 4. And let me just tell you... it is ROUGH.

Malinko- so sorry to hear about your frustration & fighting with DH. How long have you been TTC?? Sorry if you told me this before!! But you know... it'll happen when you least expect it :)

Wish- It sounds like you definitely covered your bases!!! When will you test? Perhaps mid-next week?

I cannot really keep up with your temp-talk lol. I don't understand any of that :haha: And it seems a lot more frustrating and confusing than I think I want to take on!! I can't imagine how difficult it is not getting a sticky one after trying for even a month! I'd probably go insane. Just remember you aren't the only ones!
Hey Bumpy!

Good luck on your exams! When are you scheduled to take them?

DH and I have been trying now for 7 months. DH's brother and his wife decided one month they are were going to try and boom...pregnant! Seriously?!?! Hopefully you can have that kind of luck!

I will say, this is my first month temping, and I like the fact of doing it just to determine if I am even ovulating or not. I feel like it is just that much more information I'll be able to give to my doctor and proceed with the next step.
both girls! yay!! :flower:
still no clue what happened to sf - so weird!

anyway - malinko - I TOTALLY get where you're coming from! I was so over this month on Friday night/Saturday when we were fighting (which started while I was traveling on Tuesday - fun week!) and I even skipped temping Sat morning on purpose b/c I thought having a baby was out the window for now (clearly we had other issues to work out first). We even slept in separate rooms Fri night! Then we had a normal conversation that morning and all was better, but I was so mad I didn't temp! grr! But I so get it - so much of it is on us and honestly, it will be forever when it comes to the kids. I'm sure our DH's will make great daddies, that's why we chose them, but I've never seen the majority of the parenting fall on a father. Why shouldn't it start pre-conception?? haha
Re: your temps - you sound like a slow riser like me. And watery CM is still fertile CM - it's swim-through-able! It turned up as 'green' on my chart when I said that's what I had, so that's a great sign! Per your temps, I wonder if you O'd Sunday night? Which would be GREAT for your Sat night BD!! Overall, though, I really don't think that the guys comprehend how important and slim the timing is. If you miss the window, it's a WHOLE OTHER MONTH until you can try again. I cannot tell my DH half of the stuff that I'm doing/watching/researching/timing b/c I think it'll be too much pressure. It's like I have to be the wizard behind the curtain!

Don't ever worry about venting, that's what we're here for! Not many other people will understand what we're going through right now, not many that we want to tell anyway. I have about 2 friends that had fertility issues and I see them the least out of all of my friends. Everyone else has literally thought about being pregnant and BOOM! like you said. Thankfully, now that we're trying, everyone else is just about done, so no more showers for me to attend to rub it in my face. If you could slap your SIL for me, that'd be greeeeat. ;)

Bumpy! Thanks for sticking with me! I love to hear from you, even though you are not ttc yet. :) I'm always hoping there's a chance for you too!!
CPA exams - holy hell. GOOD LUCK. And no thank you. haha! If you can get CPA stuff, temping will be a BREEZE!! It's really not that tough and I agree with malinko - it gives you great insight into what your body is doing, or not doing.
That is adorable about your niece!! My nieces look nothing like me - red hair and blue eyes! I'm brunette/hazel. :) but oddly enough, I found a pic of me as a toddler and I look VERY much like our friends' daughter, who I just love to pieces. It's freaky! But I definitely feel a weird pull towards her and it's easier to imagine my own daughter!

man - sorry for the book!! slow day again today, so I'm sure I'll be checking in later!
happy HUMP day!
~ michelle

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