Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

thank you for checking in, little! I'm so excited for your u/s! Nope, you can see the HB sometimes at 6 wks. I don't know about hearing it but I know you should def be able to see it by 7 weeks. H&H 9 mos to you!!
Oh yes, the worrying that comes with seeing that BFP. I am so happy that you have good numbers and are showing some true signs. I love it!! You're going to be such a great mom, I can't wait to watch your entire journey. I hope you feel comfortable still coming on here and updating. Don't feel bad that I haven't had my take-home BFP yet. I'll get there, hopefully.

next steps for us is to try another cycle. But work is getting the way of the timing for this cycle, so I may have to wait a whole month. Actually I'm just asking now if we don't have to move my appt (it was the 18th but I'll be flying home from CA then so it was moved to 2/29) and can just have a phone consult. We'll see! Trying to be creative here!
Well I am glad that you guys are talking about giving it another go! The US went well! We were able to see and hear the heartbeat! It was at 172bpm which they say is very normal at this point in time. I am 8 weeks and 3 days today, and the little one is measuring at exactly that! My due date is September 24, 2016 however the chances of me making it that far are slim to none. So we are probably looking at an early September baby which is fine with me!
I go back in 3 weeks for labs and a pelvic exam and we will go from there. I still cant believe this is happening and am excited but scared all at the same time.

love to you both! :hugs:
wow!! I seriously can't believe this is happening either but I'm SO HAPPY for you! I'm glad the little one is measuring where he/she should be. Are you going to find out the gender or wait? That is a stroooooong little heartbeat!! <3

how are you feeling?

So I was able to get a phone consult with the RE yesterday and we get to start our cycle this cycle instead of waiting one. I almost had to b/c my consult with her had to be rescheduled out to 2/29 b/c of a business trip I just had. But I was able to get in with her yesterday instead so we don't have to push out! Soooo.... we are going to do a cycle that was similar to my first two - same meds except the suppression (was birth control pills for 10 days) is going to be a little lighter so as not to suppress me too much. She said we're really just working with the biology of Diminished Ovarian Reserve here and it's trying to find the right balance of everything to make it most effective, get the most eggs, etc. Anyway - I feel like it's the same old story at this point, so I'll just update you with how many eggs we get, etc. :)

Please keep checking in!!
Good morning, ladies.

Wish, I am so sad to hear that last month didn't work. But, I am so proud of you for not giving up and continuing to try. They are worth all the pain, heartbreak, frustration in the world. And I am so happy that you don't have to wait this cycle out!!! Hooray! I know I am not the best about posting anymore - but please know that I am checking in and reading updates. So, please keep them coming as I continue to pray that you will be on here soon with your announcement of your forever baby.

Little, so excited for you! My doctor always told us that once you can HEAR the heartbeat, you have over a 90% chance of bringing that baby home. You go from worrying from one thing to another - so it never ends. You are at a whole new level of worrying as you constantly are worried until you reach the "next level" - such as making it past the first trimester and then you want to make it to the anatomy scan and pray to God that everything looks normal - it is always something. And just wait till that little one gets here. Hello worry 24/7!!! How are you feeling?

As for me - so I am finally back to work (hence the long post!) and I absolutely hate it. I have not left our little one except for with my husband when running to the grocery store and leaving him with the sitter tore me into pieces. I have never cried so hard in my life. Absolute worst day of my life. (Heck, I had crying spells starting three weeks before I even had to leave Brady boy!) Anyway, he is at a private in home day care and couldn't be with a better sitter. She only has a few kiddos which makes me comfortable that Brady gets plenty of attention - and she will only take one baby under the age of 1. Thankfully - she has a 1.5 year old that only comes twice a week and then a couple of older kids. So, he gets all the attention he needs. She sends me pictures and updates throughout the day. Seriously wonderful and makes the day better. However, I will say I still do not like leaving Brady but I'm at least not a sobbing mess walking into her home anymore.

I will tell you I absolutely hate my job now. I was so career focused prior to Brady and never thought that would change once he was here. Never in a million years. Well, it did. My husband and I are discussing me leaving my current job and just finding a part time job. While it is so hard to leave Brady - we know that being around other people is healthy for him - especially as he gets older. And, while I could stay at home - a part time income is better than no income. Not really sure what it is that I am going to do at this point - but will find something. So, I'll probably work a couple of days a week and then be home the other three.

As far as the things that caught me most off guard about becoming a mom. No one told me about what to expect after giving birth. WOW. Make sure you take plenty of stool softeners. And wow - was I ever sore. I had three tears - and of course stitches. I didn't know each time you went to the bathroom that it would be a 15 minute ordeal. And the most challenging part for me was breastfeeding. I never knew it would be so difficult. I think some of my problem was is I didn't feel I had my husbands entire support in the early days. Brady would attempt to nurse (was a very lazy nurser and would just go to sleep) and then we had to give him a bottle of supplemental breast milk that my husband gave him while I then attempted to pump. So needless to say, my husband was very attached to giving him a bottle and really cherished that time together. So, when Brady wouldn't nurse well, my husband was always pushing for me to just pump and then feed him my expressed milk. There were a few rough weeks - but my husband finally came around, Brady boy did better with nursing and then was only breastfed from there on out. Occasionally I would let my dh give him a bottle in the evenings, just so he could still have that bonding experience - or to let me go to bed early and skip the late feed so it all worked out. But - while getting those first few weeks under control - it was very difficult - emotionally.

Anyway, enough rambling from me. I better get back to work - to the job that I absolutely despise now!!!'s so miserable. I seriously count down the time until I get to pick up Brady boy. And then its back to feeling sick to my stomach at bed time knowing that I have to do it all over again the next day. That's when you know you love being a mom more than anything in the world.
wow malinko - thank you so much for sharing that. I can absolutely feel how in love with Brady you are!!
That is rough about the job - so interesting how it affects people so differently. One of my closest friends had twins and it disrupted her life so much (she was an only child, has always been pretty 'her-centric') that she couldn't wait to go back to work and actually went back a week early. She did not enjoy how everything-baby her life had become and needed something outside of that for breaks at a time.

that's great that you have the opportunity to look for a PT job instead. Do you think you guys will try for another or is one good enough?

little - hoping for another update from you soon!

thank you both for continuing to support me (and each other) - I do feel a little like I can't keep up with everyone, in a way. Like I'm falling behind in life a bit b/c everyone has been able to either get to home plate or is at least on base and we're still stuck in the dugout. Not trying to be 'woe is me' but more like I feel like the imposter here! But onward and upward - hopefully we'll find the magic potion that will work for us. And soon!
Wish - do NOT feel like an imposter. However, my heart breaks for you as I cannot imagine how difficult it is for you. If I were you, I would hate me right now. Honestly. Because I would be playing the "why me" card. Infertility is brutal and ugly. I despise everyone saying "just relax" or "it'll happen when it is supposed to." So, I am not telling you that. However, I hope what I share with you will be more encouraging than anything. I have a friend who is 41. She has tried for 3+ years to get pregnant. Got pregnant almost 2 years ago and ended in miscarriage very early (had only had a positive test a few days before she miscarried - however she also didn't test until she was 6 weeks). Anyway, they have gone to a fertility specialist who more or less told her she had poor quality eggs and they needed to use donor eggs and wouldn't even do any kind of testing. They of course were not going to do that as her husband wasn't supportive of IVF or donor eggs. So, they had more or less accepted it wasn't going to happen. They are pregnant with twins now and doing beautifully. So, I just want you to remain strong and have hope. Be mad all you want. Don't let people tell you to relax or it'll happen on its own time. Just please...have hope!
thank you, my friend. i love stories like that - cheers to your friend! I do wonder if that's what might happen after all of this digging in and trying to MAKE it happen. And I do still have hope, just losing the actual 'magic' of it all. Getting preg right off the bat when we started this IVF stuff was probably the worst thing to happen (I think? I can't tell. Maybe the best thing so I continue to have hope that it DOES work.)
My RE did suggest donor eggs as well and I put the kibosh on that. I haven't even asked DH but I believe I know him well enough to know that if we can't make a child from our own concoction, then we will maybe look to adoption. There are so many unwanted children out there, why start with someone else's egg?
Yeah, people who say 'relax' can shut the hell up. I'm not going to be anymore relaxed than I am right now, so deal.
I am going to my first acupuncture appt next Monday, though. Figured it was worth a shot - I've heard so many great things about it and it helping infertility. And I also wonder if I hold my stress so well that I don't realize that my body is stressed - I figure this can't hurt that either. However, this one fertility-specific acupuncturist does not take insurance yet so it's all out of pocket. Oh well - twice a month or something won't be too bad. I don't know if I should go more than that or if there is some formula to it, but that's probably all I'll put towards it.

anyway - I could never hate you or little or any of my 'friends' on here for getting pregnant. I celebrate that you have been able to expand your families as you've always hoped to, that everyone was healthy and nothing tragic happened! I wouldn't wish this frustration on anyone but I certainly don't point make your successes my failures.
little - any updates for us? how are you feeling/measuring/etc? the whole bit!!
hi girls! Just wanted to check in. No - no BFP yet. I'm still stimming for this cycle, which may end up being our last. The meds out of pocket are just too damn expensive and it's quite a gut punch when you drop over $5k for a couple of weeks of meds and it doesn't result in anything. And then you have to do it again the next month. We don't have that kind of money. BUT - remaining as positive as can be for this month! I'm also going to acupuncture, I don't know if I told you guys that. It's A-MAZ-ING. Have you ever done it? holy moly, it's relaxing. I highly recommend it.

anyway - just wanted to see how things were going! Little, you haven't posted in a long time, I hope everything is ok and you're just enjoying life and pregnancy.

malinko - how's work going? I know you were having a hard time adjusting to going back and leaving little Brady Boy. I hope things are easier now or you've found a good compromise somehow.

Anyway - thinking of you both often! <3
Hey ladies!

Wish - so glad to hear from you. I keep logging on to see if you have any announcements for us. Hope this is the month for you.

Little - if you still check this thread would love to know how you are doing!

Brady is doing so well. 4 months already! How can that be??? He is my everything now. I live for that little boy. I am leaving the company I work for - very bittersweet but I just cannot give them what they need or want from me anymore. I have a love/hate relationship with work anyway. I'm going to stay home for awhile with Brady and then look for some part time position. I don't know how other moms do it. I come home from work, nurse Brady, put him down for a nap, take my shower and clean all my pumping supplies, try to get things out for dinner, then Brady wakes up, its play time while trying to get dinner ready, bath time, and then bedtime routine (snuggles, read, etc). Once he goes down, it is time to eat dinner, clean up dishes and then I'm exhausted and ready to go to bed. Poor dh doesn't get much one on one attention anymore. I'm selfish in that my time is focused on Brady and then I want sleep....badly! So, while dh and I never used to go to bed without each other, I'm passed out in bed - dead to the world when he calls it a night. So, I am looking forward to being home with Brady during the day. I can take my shower and get ready for the day during his first nap, I can clean the house during his afternoon nap (my house hasn't seen a dust cloth for quite sometime now!), get ready for dinner, etc. and then spend some quality time with dh in the evenings as I won't be rushing off to bed to then wake up at 5:30 (after waking up anywhere from 1 to 3 times with Brady).

It's exhausting...but I do love it. And know I will miss it when its over.

Until next time!
WOW that is a busy life you have going on! that's great that you have the opportunity to stay home and take on a PT job somewhere. It sounds like your life needs some give somewhere and that's great that you're able to do that.

pop in whenever - I'm sure I'll still be here. :)
hi girls,
I don't know if you're still out there but thought I would update. I got a positive beta yesterday but it's very, very low at 11.82. So it could mean it's a late implanter, but more likely it's a chemical or worse, ectopic. I go in again tomorrow morning for another test.
If it doesn't work out this time, we have decided we'll have one more go. We may end up going with a donor egg, as my eggs just don't seem to be cutting the mustard and I feel like we're beating our heads against the wall trying to use them.

So we'll see - I'll keep you posted if you're still out there! I hope you're both doing well!
Wish - I'm still here! I'm so bummed for you but happy that you at least had a positive test. Are you holding up okay? I'm glad to hear you are giving donor eggs a chance. Please keep me updated. Thoughts for you and your dh and praying you guys have the best luck ever next month. Fingers crossed my friend.
hey there! I get so happy when I see this thread light up! :)
thanks - yeah, I'm doing ok. I was sad last night and I'm sad when I feel the soreness in my boobs. Just stop, already.
I get a bit of a break for a few weeks b/c the doc and I can't align schedules to meet, so we aren't meeting until 5/4. I don't know what this process will entail or if we can even afford it, but it's worth checking out.
I will definitely keep you posted. The success rates go up so much using a 20-something's egg instead of my own! I hope this is the path to success for us.

I hope you're doing well with all of your life changes. Have you left your job yet? How is it being home full time with the munchkin?

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