Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

checking in girls! little - how did your surgery go? that's nuts! I hope you're on the mend and DH is taking good care of you. How did that even happen? is it random like an appendix?

so what's on the docket for you next with TTC?

malinko - thinking of you and Brady. I understand if you're going to retire from BnB now - seems like it would just be that much more work in addition to a newborn!! :) We miss you, though!

for us - we decided to give it another calendar year and see what happens. I'm going to call the RE's office soon to get us going on the next cycle. We will prob go with the frozen embryo first since that is already a 5-day blastocyst. I think it might give me another cycle meds-free, that would be nice. My stomach is still a little tender when I graze my fingers over it. If that one doesn't take, we'll go back to medicated fresh cycles.

if I don't talk to you girls - I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!! malinko - have so much fun with Brady and your new little family!! start planning for #2!! ;)
Yes the gallbladder can act up just like the appendix! Same concept! I am doing much better from that surgery now and have not had the pain thank God. However, I do have some news that it not the happiest. I have in the past had some issues with my eyes in relation to my diabetes. It is not really anything that I can control as it is just one of those things that happens sometimes. However, the stress on my body from the pain and the surgery dealing with my gallbladder has caused this issue to resurface. I underwent a treatment yesterday and will have another on December 31st to try and correct the problem that started with al of this gallbladder crap.

Fortunately they will be able to fix the issue and in time my eyes will get better again. The unfortunate part is that they have decided that my body will not be able to handle the stress of being pregnant or delivering a baby. Therefore my friends I will not be TTC anymore, or ever getting pregnant.

DH and I have struggled with this news over the last week. There have been a lot of tears and anger, and also some relief. It was a big question as to if we could actually get pregnant or not anyway, and at least we don't have to continue to go through that stress and spending that money without knowing if it will ever work.

We have also decided that we are going to adopt! We both want to be parents very badly, and we have decided that this will be the best option for us. I can't tell you the heartbreak that I feel knowing that I will never get to carry my own child or feel them move inside me. I was looking forward to getting to tell my husband and see the look on his face, as well as telling our family members and seeing the looks on their faces. However, this is a situation that we have no control over, and therefore we are going to do the next best thing.

I wish you both the best of luck and the most love and happiness that you can find! You have both been so wonderful to talk to through all of this and I hope that everything works out for you the way that it should! :hugs:

Please don't be sad for me! There are plenty of children out there who need parents who want them so badly, and DH and I are going to get to do something wonderful!

I will check in with you periodically to see how things are going, but probably wont be on too much as it is still pretty fresh and I have a lot I need to work through! I send lots of love to you both and I hope you have the most wonderful holiday season!

:hugs: and love!
little - while I am heartbroken that this HAS to be the option for you, I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. You and your DH will give the most loving home to an adopted child (or children!!), I'm sure of it. Good luck in your journey. And I'm so happy to hear that you're putting your health first and not pushing the limits. Please take care, enjoy life and all that it throws at you. Thank you so much for being a good friend and cheerleader for us.

just a note that we might not be far off from this decision as well. I've been inspired by Sandra Bullock, as silly as that sounds. Wherever you can find inspiration for such a big step, though, is what I say!

Good luck on your adopted :bunny:!! love to you!
Hello ladies.

I'm at a loss of words. My heart breaks for you little. To be honest - I've been on reading been busy to post from my pesky phone. Plus I felt guilty posting about Brady. I haven't forgotten and will never forget the heartbreak of negative tests and the stress of follicle checks. However there are many children who need a good loving home and parents. My best friend has adopted two and they are amazing. She was there for both the births - the doctors placed the baby directly in her arms both times and it was her own baby. Adopting is stressful in and of itself but more of a guarantee. I hope you continue to log in occasionally and provide updates on your journey. And hope you are recovering well from surgery.

Wish - I'm so sorry to hear about your test. Don't give up!!!! I saw on good morning America that each Ivf cycle you do, you have higher chances of it being successful. Glad to hear you are relaxing this holiday season and gearing up for the next cycle.

As I struggle to post about Brady I'll give you just a quick update. He's growing so fast it breaks my heart. He's somewhere around 8 pounds and looks like he's gains more weight everyday. I know I'm so lucky to hav him here and that he's healthy. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't acknowledge how lucky we have been. I know it's not something to take for granted as many people do. He's the most laid back and easy going baby. He loves to eat and sleep and we have very little time with him just awake. Technically he's only two weeks old since we do have a gestational age and adjusted age that we go by.

Happy holidays my friends. I'm so thankful to have had your support during our journey. I'm thankful for the both of you this holiday season and pray that you both soon get to experience the joys of becoming mothers. You will and you both will be fabulous mamas. Please keep me updated on your journeys. I will try to get on here a couple times a month to read your updates and post an update. May you both enjoy your holiday season.
Thank you to both of you for your positive words! It has been extremely difficult to understand and wrap our heads around this concept, but the not having much of a choice is definitely helpful! I am feeling more positive about it as the days go by, and am hoping that we won't have to wait terribly long to get "picked" to be someone's parents!
Malinko I love that your friend has gotten to adopt 2 and the babies have been placed in her arms immediately after birth both times. Honestly just hearing that makes me want to cry. I can't imagine the joy that I would feel. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to!

Wish if this has to be the road for you as well know that it is not the end, just the beginning! Life takes lots of twists and turns and this is just another road, perhaps one less traveled, but another path that has a wonderful journey included! I believe Robert Frost has a poem in which he talks about two different paths, and at the end he says, "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
So true :)

Malinko I enjoy your updates and I hope you continue to get the opportunity to post them! Glad to hear you and Brady are doing well and I am truly so happy for you!

Love to you both!

and happy new year!
your quoting of Robert Frost just gave me the chills! I come from the land of Robert Frost here in NH. :)
I was reading some quotes people were posting to FB and one hit me as well - something about letting go of the plans you had for this life and just enjoying the journey you're on. We set so many expectations of where we're going to go and how we're going to get there that we miss enjoying what might be going on differently right now. :)

:hugs: to you both - much love to you and happy new year to you too!
Well I definitely have an update....I went in on New Year's Eve for my last procedure for my eyes and had a long conversation with my doctor. He is actually considering doing a special surgery to my eyes in which he would clear out some of the old scar tissue and blood vessels that are causing the issues, and he said if we do this I can most definitely try to have a child. I was speechless. I literally couldn't breathe or say a word. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. There just aren't words to explain what that feels like when you have your dream taken away, but then someone gives you hope again. I am not sure what will come of this, but I do have a little more hope. I am feeling much more relaxed about going through the process of trying, and know that it will happen when it is meant to happen.

DH and I are both beyond thrilled. I go back to the doctor on February 4th to see what is going on as far as if we are doing the surgery or what he thinks, so I will have more information then. We are still looking into adoption, but private adoption is actually extremely costly. DH and I decided that even if we have to give IVF a try we would like to do that at least once before counting ourselves out totally.

I must say that when the time comes to try again I am sure I will be a little more nervous and such, but for now I just feel so blessed that we have that opportunity to look forward to in the future!

Thank you both so much for all of your love and support! I will definitely keep you updated!

little - that is WONDERFUL news!!!! I'm beyond happy for you, I just got chills!!! I just know this will happen for you one way or the other. You will make such a wonderful mother. Just think of the stories you can tell your little one about the paths you had to take to bring them into the world! Or to the adopted child you were gifted.
I hope that surgery is perfect for you and you can heal quickly from it. Though eye surgeries freak me out completely, there does seem to be a remarkably quick healing process!
Yes, I think we learned somewhere that the adoption process is quite pricey. But hell, look at all of the money we're spending every month on IVF meds. It's outrageous if you have self-pay. So - take a few months of that and spend on adoption instead. That's how I see it!
There's an awesome commercial on TV right now for, I think, home mortgages and it follows a couple while they are dating and traveling and then buying a home, and then they adopt a toddler and make it a true 'home'. I LOVE it.

anyway - please keep us posted, for sure!

I hope you both had wonderful holidays with your families and 2016 brings you everything you hope and dream of! I hope malinko gets knocked up with #2! ;)

nothing really new here - waiting for AF. She should arrive either Thurs or Fri, I think. I had a late O this month, i think b/c I took ibuprofin the weekend before I was expecting O. So I didn't O until cd20 or something. It was a powerful one, though - I felt ovary pain for 2 days. Crazy stuff. We did BD in a timely manner, though, so who knows! I used preseed too, so hey - maybe this Sat if AF hasn't arrived yet, I'll test. :) But i'm having absolutely NOTHING in the way of PMS or early preg signs, so I'm just waiting. Transfer of our one frostie will be 20 days after AF arrives.
Thank you Wish! I am glad to be back in the game! But you are totally right, IVF and Adoption are both up there in cost. Although I will say from the research that I have done you can at least do 2 rounds of IVF for the price of one adoption. DH and I were just shocked that people are expected to spend so much. I mean these children are in need of a good, loving home right? I was just a little surprised at the cost! Fortunately my RE seems to think that we have a good shot at this last round of IUI working, so hopefully I can get cleared and we can give that a go! :)

Sounds like you are kind of just in that annoying waiting stage Wish! I always hate that part, although, I think I stress less during that time. After going through the 2 rounds of IUI I was getting a bit annoyed with people telling me I should just relax and it will happen. Okay, that is great in theory if you are just able to have :sex: and get pregnant, but it is not the same when you are going through rounds of infertility treatment! There are medications involved and all of this particular timing, and ultrasounds and crazy things that you have to try to work around and I seriously think people have no clue that it is IMPOSSIBLE to relax and "let it happen" when you are going through all of that!

So I hope that things go well for you and I hope that you can just have it happen without having to go through another implantation round!

Malinko should definitely get knocked up with baby #2 this year!

anything can happen right? after all it is 2016! hahahaha

:hugs: to you both!
AF is arriving as we speak so on to the frozen Ace in the Hole!! WOO!! transfer should be 1/27. I'm excited!! My nurse was SO excited we're using the frozen guy this month b/c it's way less of all of the stuff you noted above. I just have to take a pill and increase that throughout the month, plus baby aspirin. I go in for only 2 blood draws and one ultrasound, instead of every other day/daily stuff before the transfer. Then we transfer on day 20 and that's that. As long as it survives the thaw, of course, of which there is a 96% chance that it will. So hopefully i can relax, continue to workout for a couple of weeks b/c I'm not stimulating follicles, and take it as it goes. :)

that's insane about the cost of adoption!!! and I totally agree with you - these children need a home! I'm sure it costs more to keep them in the system or whatnot.
That is so exciting Wish! I am so glad to hear you have something to look forward to that isn't as stressful as normal! haha I guess I kind of went on a rant the other day, but I get so sick of people telling me to "just relax" and "let it happen" REALLY PEOPLE? haha

Sounds like your plan is an ace in the hole, and maybe without the stress of all of the extra stuff this will be your time! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

thank you, little!! I hope so, though work is taking over that stress factor. I'm back to the gym a bit though so hoping that evens out my stress levels. And, really just trying to take a zen approach to the project i'm on. there's so much that I could stress about that is beyond my control, so trying to keep that in mind. La lalaaaa! :)

keep me posted on when you get the green light to try again! or when your eye surgery is for - or whatever else you have going on!
little - how are things going? any further with setting up a surgery or whatnot? just checking in on ya.

malinko - if you're lurking, hi! :wave:

nothing new here yet - lining check tomorrow and if all is ok, we'll go with the FET next Monday. So then I just have to worry about the embie thawing well. Always something!
Hey Wish!
Nothing yet, I probably won't know anything further until Feb 4th. Although I suppose if I don't need the surgery then we might be moving forward with our TTC plan sooner than later which would be very exciting! I have to be honest I haven't thought much about it lately as I have been working short staffed as one of my nurses had her baby in December, and looking at taking a promotion so I would then be working for the State. Between those two things and trying to keep my house clean its has been far less stressful. It is TRULY amazing how much you are able to relax and distress when you aren't trying to get pregnant! Now I just wish I could remain this calm about it while trying!

I hope everything goes well for you! I have been thinking of you and hoping that you are able to finally have your dreams come true this go around! Please continue to keep me posted!

malinko I hope you are enjoying your little guy! :)

Love and :hugs: to you both!
I have some extremely interesting news to share....I am pregnant...

I honestly have NO IDEA how this happened haha okay well I know how it happened, but after all of this I am in complete shock!

had my :bfp: on sunday, and blood confirmed on Monday. It is insane to think that this literally happened from one round of :sex: after all of the testing and procedures and all of that!

We are feeling very blessed, but I am feeling very nervous due to my recent medical issues. Fortunately I believe that everything will be just fine, and am seeing all of my doctors within the next few weeks!

Just thought I would share....I suppose perhaps things really do happen when we least expect them to!

Hope you are both doing well! Love and :hugs: to you both!
oh my GOD, little!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :wohoo: :happydance: :wohoo: :happydance:

You got your little :bunny:!!!!

I'm so happy for you!!! Please keep me posted on all your tests and doctor visits and whatnot. EEEEEE!!!

were you just late? did you have any symptoms?

I find out on Friday - my beta. We used the frozen embryo this cycle. I am feeling very different from all of my BFN cycles I've had, so I am hoping so badly that I'm preg. I want this to be it!
Hello ladies!!!!!

Little - HUGE congrats!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

Wish - beta information??? I HOPE you are pregnant too!!!

Ladies - I want details!!!!!

Brady Boy is amazing. He is 12 weeks! How has that already happened???
Will post more soon. Just finished eating and now it's playtime. I couldn't read and run with this kind of news!!!!
ugh, negative here. I really thought this was it - I was feeling so much more than my other BFN cycles since my BFP. Really, I've felt NOTHING in the last BFN cycles so the fact that I was feeling anything this time around duped me.

I can't believe Brady is 12 weeks already!! milestones?

congratulations again, little!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you both so much! I am honestly still in shock!

Wish to answer your question I was just late, but I really wasn't that concerned about it because I just figured with all that my body had been through lately it was probably just a little off. I told DH that I was late when I was about 5 days late and said that I would give it some time because I honestly expected her to show. SO I actually waited to test until AF was 9 days late, and it was most definitely positive. I literally just about passed out. Not at all what I was expecting nor was it planned by any means. I went the next day which was Monday for a blood test and my Hcg was 16,000 which I guess it pretty good for 6 weeks. Again I was still in complete shock, and I still am.

Due to me being high risk I am seeing my OB at 8 weeks and they are doing the first US and all. The nurse told me that since my numbers are so high they should be able to hear the heartbeat that day, but I am still confused on that because I was under the impression that 8 weeks was just too early?

Anyway that appointment is Monday February 15th so not to far out. I have mostly just noticed that I am definitely more tired, boobs are just really tender, and I can't eat much. It's not like I actually feel like I am going to throw up, I just can't eat, and nothing sounds good. Other than that I feel the same.

I can't explain to you how much I sincerely thought AF was just running a little late this month. I didn't feel much different than normal. Life is so strange.

Malinko I can't believe that Brady is already 12 weeks! Time sure does fly! I hope you are enjoying every moment!

Wish I am so sorry to hear that the frozen embie didn't work out :( My heart breaks for you, truly. If it makes you feel any better the sense of responsibility that comes on after you find out is a tad overwhelming. I am not saying that I am not thankful because I TRULY am, but it is the most scary feeling in the world. All I do now is worry...its a bit maddening.

Do you have a plan from here? Please keep me posted! I want sooooooooo badly to get on here and see that you have had your BFP. I am praying for you! Which is a lot because all I do these days is pray haha

Love to you both! Will let you know how the US goes!


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