Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Follies are all measurable!! I still don't know if I need more meds but at least this is not a cancelled cycle.
I'm sorry AF is being a brat for you. Hurry and get here, little's AF!!
Yay Wish!!! That is wonderful news! So glad to hear it! :)

afm, still no af. no signs noting. I have always thought it was bad trying to spot signs for I am trying to symptom spot for AF...CRAZY

16dpiui and still nothing. It's a very mean joke. RE's office told me that if I have not started by Monday I should take another test. So I will do that tomorrow morning if I haven't started by then, but definitely not getting my hopes up :(
oh man, little. totally horrible joke your body is playing on you. Maybe you had a late implanter?? I really hope you have a BFP this morning!!! Did you :test:??

ok, so I was on my phone in the office yesterday - I can elaborate now. My estrogen is looking great, my lining is at a 10+ and my follies are 16, 13, 12, 12, 12. I have to stay on the meds for another couple of days and go in again tomorrow morning for another scan. I hope they want me to trigger tomorrow night b/c I just ordered one more Gonal-F pen at $700. Ugh, I can't do another. I got a little panicky last night too b/c even though there are 5 follies, that doesn't mean they all have eggs, that doesn't mean that all eggs will fertilize right and those that fertilize may not develop right. So we're cutting it close on getting 2 embies to put back. I know it just takes one and I'm not trying to be greedy. Just trying to have the best chance possible.
hey little - how is it going? AF come yet?

wanted to give an update on me - all 5 follicles are playing along. Today they are at 19, 18, 17, 17 and 14. One more scan tomorrow and most likely triggering tomorrow night. That means the retrieval will be on Sat and if all goes well, transfer on either Mon, Tues or Thurs. Yup - Thanksgiving like I thought!
so a couple more shots of meds and hopefully that last little one will mature enough to be eligible for egg retrieval as well. Hopefully all of this means that slow and steady wins the race!
hi girls! one more update and triggering tonight (most likely - I haven't gotten the official call yet but there's no reason not to)!

guess what?? Follicle #5 made the jump last night!!! So today's scan showed:
R: 21, 20.5
L: 22, 20 and 18 - it jumped up 4mm in one day!!
Lining is around 10.5 or so (she said she might have just mis-measured yesterday but anything over 10 is perfect)

little - anxiously awaiting to hear if AF came yet or not.

malinko - how are you doing in your final weeks? you must be getting uncomfortable!
Wish that is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for you! Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful chance this cycle and I am thrilled for you!

Sorry it took me so long to update! I am still angry and forcing myself to try to move forward. AF did start on Sunday afternoon 11/15 in full force. So I am back on letrazole Tuesday-Saturday which will put me at 11/21. I will go in for my first US on Saturday 11/28. Hopefully ill have some mature follicles that day and they will trigger and DH and I will go back for the IUI on Sunday 11/29.

If this is successful for us both we would be SO close in conception and due dates it would be CRAZY!

Best of luck to you! Know I will be thinking of you constantly and hoping all the best!

Maliko, I hope you are hanging in there girl! Only a little while longer! You've got this!!!!!
oh little, I'm so sorry that you're angry. This TTC stuff definitely tries our nerves, that is for sure. I am trying to keep my head on straight about what is to come - there are literally SO MANY things that can go wrong, even before the transfer back into me!
I need eggs - my follicles could be empty
What eggs I do get need to be of good quality
DH's sperm has to be in good shape
the ICSI has to work and they have to fertilize well
they have to then develop normally and not fragment
they have to then last hopefully until Day 5, if not we just do an earlier transfer

it's insane!

well if I don't talk to you ladies - have a wonderful holiday. I don't know if either of you are traveling but if you are, please be careful! eat lots and know that I'm thankful for having you both in my life. Cheers! :hugs:
hi girls! just an update - I'm PUPO with one embie!
we only had 3 eggs, 2 of which were mature, 1 of which fertlized. So we transferred that one today at only Day 2, but they said when they only have one, they'd rather not wait any longer to get it back with the mom. So fingers crossed that this one little 'embie that could' works out! My beta is on my 40th birthday, of all days - 12/7. I'm hoping for super sore boobs, cramps and lightheadedness starting sometime before then!
At least it is a shot Wish! I will be thinking of you and hoping all the best! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and are able to get some R&R and enjoy family time! Fingers crossed that the one little embie is definitely the one!

Malinko hope you are hanging in there okay! try to update us when you can!

AFM I go in at 8am on Saturday the 28th for my US and hopefully trigger as long as I have mature follicles, and then if all goes as planned we will do our second round of IUI on Sunday the 29th. I am trying to stay happy and hopeful and doing a lot of praying. If this is indeed how it works out then I will be testing on December 13th. What a wonderful early Christmas present that would be!! Until then I will be eating and shopping haha

Hope you both have a spectacular holiday! I am also very thankful to have the both of you in my life! GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Love to you both! :hugs:
Well U/S was a bust. Had 2 follies on each side, but one was 12 and the other was 11.5. Lining was only like 6.5-7. SO no trigger. No IUI on Sunday. Am supposed to go back on Tuesday (12/1) morning at 8am to see if follies have perhaps developed and just did so late, or if they just fizzled out. I am feeling confused and discouraged. Thought perhaps this cycle would finally give us a good shot since we fully know what to expect, and then can't do it because there aren't any mature eggs.

This entire thing has just felt like cruel and unusual punishment. I suppose we will see what happens tomorrow morning, but unfortunately I am not feeling very positive about it since the first cycle I had 2 follies on day 14 that were 18 and 20. BLAH

Will keep you posted! Hope you are both doing well! Wish when do you test?
Every month is different with your body, little. But yes, it's absolute torture!! Just when you think you found the key, your body goes and does something different. I hope your scan is better tomorrow! Good luck!
I test next Monday. Not feeling any differently yet. So normal.
Hi ladies. Sorry for the lack of posting.

Wish, congrats on being pupo!!! I wish you the best of luck on testing next week! Little, sorry to hear about last cycle. And don't get discouraged about this cycle. You can't compare your cycles. I drove myself batty doing that. Each month is different and follicles grow differently and at different times. This will cause you a tremendous amount of stress so try to relax as much as possible.

As for me - we unexpectedly welcomed our little boy - Brady on November 12th. He was born early at 36 weeks and spent almost two weeks in the NICU. We came home the day before Thanksgiving as he's doing so well. 6 pounds 4 ounces. We are hoping to be back to birth weight soon as he was down to 5.9 but is slowly but surely gaining. We are still figuring out breastfeeding but I have been pumping and can supply enough to feed that with a bottle for his next feed (I attempt to nurse every feeding and then finish with pumping). Being a mama is the hardest job I've ever had but so worth everything. Will try to post more later but need to go shower while little guy is asleep!

Will be checking your updates so keep them coming!!!
OH Malinko CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I love the name Brady! what an awesome little guy he must be! And a tough one as well! Sounds like things are going well regardless of him being early and I am sure he will continue to progress just fine! So happy for you and your new little man!

Wish can't wait to see how your test goes!

AFM, I had my next u/s today, and now I have 6 follies that are 12mm. AWESOME. they said I am an overachiever and that my body is working so hard to produce follicles that none of them have fought off the others to get big enough. This is so dumb. So I am still waiting to hear back from the RE, but the nurse told me that the dr would probably have me come back in again in a few days to see if maybe a few of the 6 fought off the other ones and broke through to grow. I guess we will find out. If not then I have no idea what this means. What a mystery. I am guessing that they will have me come back in on CD 20 if they do at all and then if someone a few of those have grown will trigger and then do the actual IUI on CD 21. I am slightly concerned that this might be too late in the cycle and maybe the eggs will not be good quality? but what do I know? I guess I just have to trust them and hope that they know what they are doing. After all, they do this every day. Otherwise I am just frustrated and don't even know if it is possible to have eggs this cycle. Oh well, nothing I can do. I am glad to know that not every cycle is the same even though it seems that it should be!

love to you both, and love to Brady!!!! :hugs:
congratulations, malinko!!!!!! OMG, I'm SO happy for you!!! Welcome, little Brady!!! :wohoo: :happydance:
I'm so glad that everything turned out ok. I was wondering if you had had him due to your silence. Are you ok? did the actual birth go ok? huge hugs to you and your new little family!

little - HAHA! I don't mean to laugh, but our What a PITA!! I only think they wouldn't do the IUI b/c of the chance of multiple follicles rupturing and the risk of multiples, but what do I know either. GOOD LUCK to you!!

nothing going on here - small little twinges and only on the left side and that's where they put the bugger, so I'm hoping it means something. I felt them all through the night last night while I was sleeping and it made me smile. :)
No they decided that this cycle was "suboptimal" and we are now just waiting for AF. Of course RE did say there was still a chance that I would ovulate and that DH and I shouldn't be distant over the weekend. HAHA the nice thing is my RE actually called himself and talked to me for about 20 minutes on Tuesday and we were able to formulate a better plan.
Next cycle I will be using letrozole and injection medications to ensure ovulation. Of course this greatly increases our chance of multiples, but it also greatly increases our chances of pregnancy so we are doing it. RE said that if this next cycle with all of these meds doesn't work then we are going to have another chat, and he is going to recommend IVF. So we are going to give this thing one last go and see if we can't get a miracle without IVF. Wish me luck!

Ill keep you updated and you do the same!!!

Love to you both!

so much luck to you, little!!!

I get to test early on Sat and don't have to wait until Monday. :)
sorry for the lack of update, ladies - negative. I'm going to take the holidays off and either tag in our frozen Ace or do one more fresh cycle.

when is your AF due? did you time your BD'ing right?? :) HOH for a natural BFP for you!!
malinko - thinking of you and little Brady!! I hope all is well and you're enjoying each and every little snuggle!
oh Wish :( I am so sorry. I know that you were really pushing for this cycle to work and I am so sorry it didn't turn out well. I understand that disappointing feeling well. :hugs:

Well no BDing happened because I had a gallbladder attack and am now having surgery tomorrow in hopes to get this little pain causing sucker out. So ya, also hoping that AF will hold off until the 18th or 19th. Might even take some medication that gives you progesterone for like 10 to 12 days and then makes you start, in hopes that I can hold her off long enough to get the surgery done and have a good recovery so that we still have a chance to give this last cycle a try in January. So I guess I am also really trying hard to take the holidays off as well!

Please know that I am thinking of you often. Again I am so sorry

:hugs: and love to you both!

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