Should I or Shouldn't I


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Nov 10, 2006
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So I went to my 28 Week appointment on Friday, and talked to the Dr. about what has been going on lately. I told him how I have been really depressed and down, and how before I got pregnant I was on zoloft (an anti-depresent). I just happened to weem myself off zoloft a month before I got pregnant (a total coincidnece). Anyways, he says I should go back on it, and I was going to but...I heard if your on anti depresents you can't breastfeed, and I really want to breastfeed. I have a wonderfull man who always seems to cheer me up when I am depressed lately (which is often), so I think I can outlast the depression, with out meds. What is everyones opinions on this? Thanks for your ideas!

I really dont know much about the subject, but I would see if you can make it through this with the help of your DH without taking anything. But, If it becomes too much, I would take it so that you can enjoy the new baby. I hope this helps.

Suz :hugs:
I think you need to see how you feel as you go on. If you feel like you need the medication and your not coping without then do it. Iknow how hard it can feel when you have plans of breastfeeding and you cant do it. Ifully planned to BFlast time and went to workshops before and everything. But because Iwas ill after the birth Ihad to stop almost imediatly. At first I was so upset about this as Ifelt like a faliure and that Iwasnt giving my son the best. But he was happy with his formula and after I got over the initial disappointment, I was really happy about it, OH could be involved in the feeding more, and Iwasnt tied down having to be around for him to feed all the time etc.

So please dont worry about this to much, Im sure you baby will be happy what ever your choose, and would rather more than anything to have a happy healthy mum!
hi i agree that you should see if you can go through it without the medication, and if so then thats awesome, and if not then thats awesome too :D there's no need to feel like less because you couldn't breastfeed because your baby will love you no matter what. i formula fed my daughter and shes healthy as a horse, and i plan on formula feeding this baby too, because i think it will be less stressful. but anyways lol its more important to be happy for your baby than it is to avoid taking medication if you need it. :D i hope it all works out for you and you can get what you want :D
I've been on meds the whole time and will continue on them when I BF. it's a great way to wean baby off the meds slowly.

In my case, the times I've gone without meds in the past have been disastrous, so with the guidance of a mental health nurse practitioner (who is also a MW) I'm staying sane and happy to provide a stress-free pregnancy for LO.

It's not the best choice for everyone, but it was the better of two evils for me.

You can deffo BF on I said, it's a great way to slowly wean baby off the meds as she'll get much less through milk than through placenta.

Feel free to MSG me with questions :). My baby is 27 weeks, growing like a weed and perfectly developed :)
I guess it depends is it just post partum depression, how long were you depressed before? some people suffer from depression chronically, do you? I went through a 5 year period of depression and refused medication and now that I am no longer there I am happy I didn't because I know I worked through my depression I didn't just cover it up. I learned what triggers it, how to reteach myself that my emotions were wrong and now I know my happiness comes from within. If breastfeeding is really important to you I would try going without it and doing other things. You can journal your emotions, get counseling or simply read self help books and if you find it unmanageable than reconsider your decisions. I never recommend medication as a first choice, it would be my absolute last after trying everything else I could think of. Good luck, its a hard road to go down and I wish you the best.
I take Celexa and I was told I can still breastfeed. Maybe it depends on which ones you take?
I have bipolar disorder and have been off my meds since we started trying- and I don't plan to go back on them until I decide to stop breastfeeding.

If you're strong enough to go without meds, then by all means go ahead and try- but as you seem to be suffering from your symptoms, I would at least seek counseling so you have someone to talk to about how you feel. My OB wants me to see a psychiatrist, but in all honesty pregnancy has made me feel pretty normal and I don't think I need it (not to mention I have no way to get there- the psych's office is SO far away!). I do have an episode every now and again, but I it passes pretty quickly.

That being said...I wish you luck. I hope you don't need to go back on your meds so you can breastfeed, but if it comes to feeling like you want to die and/or kill yourself just so you can breastfeed....for the sake of yourself and your baby I would have to say give up breastfeeding to save your sanity. Yes, human milk is best....but your LO will be better off with you in a good state of mind :)

I have severe bipolar disorder and for me the for the depression aspect was too strong for me to stay off meds. I stayed off them until baby was at least viable, and I really felt I'd lasted as long as I could. I felt weak and ashamed to have to start back on them, but I know that healthy happy momma is the best thing for baby.
I won't be able to breastfeed on my pills, I was even sent a leaflet from the perinatal mental health team telling me how breastfeeding on medication is inappropriate, but I was really struggling and by the time I went back on my pills at 25 weeks, I was desperate for some help.
Please don't let yourself get to the point of being desperate for help, it's a miserable, lonely place, and if you need the help, get it, because your mental health is more important than breast milk, but that's just my opinion.
Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better soon :hugs:
I was taking Zoloft while BF - it's the 'recommended' one I believe, my doctor didn't know if you could take any at all but he called one of the specialists because BF was actually doing me good too lol.

I guess it will depend on a lot of things like the dose but it may be an option for you :)))
i went onto anti deps when i had my little boy i was breastfeeding, there are certain ones that are safe to use. if its what you need to feel better then they will consider the right drug
I know of a free resource that can answer your questions. Texas Pregnancy Riskline 1-800-733-4727. They deal exclusively with questions about exposures during pregnancy and lactation. They are really helpful!

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