Hi Everyone! Just looking for some advice....
Today is CD 33 and I ovulated on CD 19 as far as I can tell from my BBT charting. Today is also 14 DPO. I have no idea how long my luteal phase usually lasts -- this is my first time charting. But from what I've read, most women's are 12-16 days. Should I wait until it's been 16 DPO (Wednesday) to test or should I test sooner? My plan was to wait and test on Friday, but I don't know if I can wait that long! Friday will be 18 DPO. What do you guys think? Should I just wait it out??? If I did test tomorrow (15 DPO), would the test be accurate or is it too soon? I have been having sore boobs and constant backache, but these could be signs of approaching....I don't want to test if it's too early anyway, but I don't want to wait until Friday if I don't have to! Thanks!!!
Today is CD 33 and I ovulated on CD 19 as far as I can tell from my BBT charting. Today is also 14 DPO. I have no idea how long my luteal phase usually lasts -- this is my first time charting. But from what I've read, most women's are 12-16 days. Should I wait until it's been 16 DPO (Wednesday) to test or should I test sooner? My plan was to wait and test on Friday, but I don't know if I can wait that long! Friday will be 18 DPO. What do you guys think? Should I just wait it out??? If I did test tomorrow (15 DPO), would the test be accurate or is it too soon? I have been having sore boobs and constant backache, but these could be signs of approaching....I don't want to test if it's too early anyway, but I don't want to wait until Friday if I don't have to! Thanks!!!