Should this principal be disciplined?


Mom of four monkey-moos
Aug 19, 2012
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Some parents are so upset that neither the school board nor the teachers' union will discipline this principal, they have removed their children from the school. The parents say that the principal's actions are inappropriate.

I will post the link describing their concerns in detail, but in short the parents are concerned about these actions:

- the principal posed with two friends, depicting a sexual act on the Washington Monument. Someone (not the principal) posted the photo on their facebook page

- the principal has a Pinterest account. In these account, she pinned a drawing of girls playing squash in tight clothing, and the caption is Shorts: if it looks like your vagina is trying to eat them, they’re not for you.

-the principal also pinned an image of a girl holding up a sanitary napkin with an eye drawn on it. The caption reads "Thanks for the iPad, Dad".

-on Twitter, the principal retweeted a photo of a young girl fishing. The caption on the photo read "Girls who fish are cuter than girls who twerk". The principal added the comment "yes we are".

Here is a link to the newspaper article:

What do you think? Are these parents overreacting? Or does this principal's behavior warrant some disciplinary action?
In my opinion, the parents are really overreacting. It would not bother me at all if my children's principal had similar items in her pinterest or twitter accounts. She very well may; I don't look her up on social media.

The picture with the Washington monument was not very tasteful, but it's not as though she framed it and hung it up at school.
Perhaps bad humour but this is totally normal behaviour and I don't think it's offensive or fair for the principal to be disciplined. It's not like they were doing it in school or for the pupils to see. I posted this on my (private) FB the other day:

Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 14.35.33.png

I found it on a Buzzfeed post and found it funny. I teach. Should I be stopped? It's insane. I don't think teachers should have to censor their personality in their private lives just because they are teachers, so long as it isn't advocating anything fundamentally wrong. That said, having non-private social network accounts is dumb.
Lol no, how ridiculous. I can't believe someone would withdraw their kids over this.
Totally overreacting. My guess is that there's problems in the relationships with the parents so they're picking on anything to get her out.
People really need to calm down! Do they want her at home, sitting by the fire knitting when she is not at work?
Over reaction. I personally wouldent post photos like that but I know plenty who do. When I was working as a teacher we had to read stuff and agree that social media was private so only friends could see and no being friends with students. I have a lot of friends who are teachers and have seen worse especially photos from drunken nights out, obviously she should be aware of privacy settings so wrong people don't see but none of it was that awful. Not sure why you would drag child out because of that. Teachers do have private life's.
Ridiculous. What she does in her private life has nothing to do with her professional life.
Bwhahahaha... total overreaction. Good grief.
Clearly they believe that this lady shouldn't have a personal life at all and should just work and sleep. The concerns are ludicrous and the parents should get a very firm talking to about how bad it is to disrupt your child's education and social interactions by moving then to a new school for no good reason!
As if this Principle has the audacity to have a personal life.....disgraceful!

I actually have no idea what Joshua's headteacher / teachers do in their spare time....I don't really care to be honest.
:wacko: What a bunch of crazies!

I would dread to think what they'd say about my best friend. A few night ago we were out. She got so drunk I had to carry her home. But not before I got a video of her trying to make a 'she-wee' out of a plastic cup (I didn't let it get THAT far, I did get her to a toilet). I've seen her chained to a post at protests. Her FB includes like of 'I may not have curves butI'm still a real woman' and she's forever like Kardashian trash.

But that in NO WAY effects her abilities as a teacher. Or as a person. She's incredible at both.

To me it sounds like these parents were looking for an excuse.
I can see why people wouldn't be thrilled about a teacher/principal posting photos like the one in Washington, especially if they have their students on Facebook. But it sounds like an accident that it got out and I think saying she should be fired over it or pulling kids out of school because of it is absolutely ridiculous.

As for the other stuff, well, I don't see how it's offensive at all. :shrug:
Overreaction for sure. She shouldn't have to censor her personality on her own private pages just because she works with kids, and honestly, nothing that she pinned was even that racy? I thought they were cute/funny pins too. The only thing listed that I could see making an issue over is the Washington monument thing, because you know if it were a teacher, disciplinary action would be taken, even if it seems unwarranted. Teachers can't get away with anything like that, so she should probably be getting some sort of discipline over that one thing. (Although I think its pretty ridiculous how far they go with disciplining teachers over this type of thing, too. But still, discipline should be equal across the board for these types of circumstances. You can't punish a teacher for this, and do nothing to a principal because her position is "greater".)
Lol I want to be friends with this principal.
I can see why people wouldn't be thrilled about a teacher/principal posting photos like the one in Washington, especially if they have their students on Facebook. But it sounds like an accident that it got out and I think saying she should be fired over it or pulling kids out of school because of it is absolutely ridiculous.

As for the other stuff, well, I don't see how it's offensive at all. :shrug:

Totally agree...the Washington Monument pose is crude, but I find the rest of the "issues" to be funny. She sounds like a principal who I'd love to work for! Total overreaction by parents.
Did you not know that if you're a teacher, doctor, nurse, counselor etc that you're no longer allowed to have any fun? :haha: good grief some people!! What are they doing stalking the principal's personal life anyway?
Hah wow huge overreaction! Personal lives are just that, personal, and have absolutely nothing to do with professional lives.
Was it a religious school or something? taking your kid out over that! ridiculous. Guy has a life too. Hes not a priest.
Ridiculous!! Those things aren't offensive! Is the woman not aloud a life and a sense of humour outside if school?!

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