Thomas is the youngest in his year so whilst most kids starting reception were were 4.5 or even almost 5 Thomas had only just turned 4 a few weeks before. The cut off here is anyone born after September starts the year after so my friend's daughter is the oldest of her year being born on September 1st. She's a year behind Thomas even though there's not even a month between their birthdays. It's a bit confusing but generally it goes like this
Pre-school - 2 years old (just a few hours in the morning, usually free. In Wales it's called flying start but you can only get it free if your postcode is included).
Nursery - 3 (half a year mornings, half a year afternoons. Some kids depending when you're born have to do 2 years).
Reception - the September after you turn 4 years old. It's generally the oldest kids who have to do 2 years of nursery so that's why they're almost or already 5 when they start. Full time.
School isn't compulsory until they turn 5 though. Thomas only went at 4 because I wanted him in a unit and to have a statement.
Sorry kind of went off on one there
Thomas must have grown a hell of a lot recently as all I'm getting off everyone is how big he is. I had one woman say omg he's tiny and I was a bit confused but she meant he was slim
Love the pram picture Thomas would do that with his and push himself round the room
Happy belated birthday Ella!
That's a lovely photo wackymumof2 xxx