I am so sick of timed sex. Tmrw is cd12 so I HAVE to start bd every second day. No spontaneous fun sex... just, hey Im ovulating... lets do this lol not seriously like that but we both know better. And I am over it.
This is us too!! But it's more dh than I, as I still want sex at other times in my cycle, but at those times dh most of the time rolls his eyes or something along those lines and tells me whats the point I'm not even ovulating right now. I get peeved and tell him the point is he is my husband and I love him and want to be close to him. It's like geeze, what a turn on. Sadly it didn't used to be like this, I rememeber the days when we were NTNP and he was ALWAYS in the mood, stupid infertility has ruined it for us!