Single umbilical artery


Mum of 3!
Jun 8, 2009
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I got told that my baby has a single umbilical artery.
Normally there are 2 arteries and one vein in the umblical cord.
I was warned that this can often be a sign on more abnormalities in the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain etc - but all seemed fine on the scan (at 23 weeks).
I was also told that these babies (if all is well) tend to be small for gestational age and can often arrive a few weeks early.

I just wondered if anyone else was aware of this happening to them and what the outcome of the pregnancy and birth were.

I have another scan booked for 35 weeks to check on growth. I don't think they are overly worried due to everything looking ok on the scan, but I am curious if the small and early bits still apply.

I dont have any experince. But if your scan was clear and your not being rescanned till 35 weeks then they cant be to worried. Just dont google anything. If things dont feel right then get yourself checked out. Hopefully someone with experince will answer.
my sil had this with one of hers, they kept an eye on things, and the baby was perfect! Don't worry!

So - the baby was fine, but was she/he early or small like they say is possible?
A close friend of mine had twins, one babys umbilical cord was standard 2 arteries, and the other babys cord had just the one. Both are beautiful, healthy 19 month old toddlers who were born only a few weeks early (35 weeks which is not bad for twins) and bubs with the different cord was only half a pound lighter than his brother.
Best of luck wth bubs and the rest of your pregnancy :hugs:

I got told that my baby has a single umbilical artery.
Normally there are 2 arteries and one vein in the umblical cord.
I was warned that this can often be a sign on more abnormalities in the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain etc - but all seemed fine on the scan (at 23 weeks).
I was also told that these babies (if all is well) tend to be small for gestational age and can often arrive a few weeks early.

I just wondered if anyone else was aware of this happening to them and what the outcome of the pregnancy and birth were.

I have another scan booked for 35 weeks to check on growth. I don't think they are overly worried due to everything looking ok on the scan, but I am curious if the small and early bits still apply.


They found the same one artery situation when I was pregnant with my daughter. No abnormalities. She was two days late, but I had a leakage of fluid and was induced (unfortunately for me!) She weighed eight and a half pounds.

I remember the technician tensing at something during a routine scan, and sending me to have a word with the consultant, who was very reassuring (more so, it seems, than the one to whom you spoke). He said that he always had a couple of mothers with this condition, and almost invariably everything was fine.

Our neighbors, and good friends, had a baby in 2009 that had this issue. They were really scared, but were blessed with a super healthy little boy!! No complications beyond the fear of 'what if' during pregnancy.
Wishing you the best!

I too have also been told my baby has a single unmbilical cord.

I made the mistake of googling it when i got home as wasnt told much at my scan, needless to say this was the worst thing i could have done as now i am worried sick about it!

I have been booked for scans at 28 and 34 weeks have midwifes appointment in a couple of weeks so will be asking her for lots of info!
Let us know how it goes and what the midwife says. 'Cause you'll have had both of your extra scans before I have my one and only extra one!!
And I was told my baby had this, and then they told me they could see both arteries after all at a later scan....GRRRR
Thats good to know i had my midwife app a couple of weeks agoo explained that when i went for scan they said my baby had SUA she said not to worry about it just wait until i have eextra scan at 28 weeks which is next week so i do hope they say the same about mine! x
I have this condition and also a little fluid around the heart. My doctor warned me that it could be cause for concern, but the baby seemed otherwise okay and was measuring the perfect size and amniotic fluid levels. I guess I will have to wait until wednesday when I get the detailed ultrasound and will report back on what I'm told.

I am trying not to worry too much.

Didnt want to read and run bt just to let you know when i went for my 28 week scan i got told the baby is measuring quite small still with singl UA.

I was booked into see a consultant a week later and he measured baby and cchecked it out, again the bay is measuring very small and at 29 weeks weighs 2lb.

I have now got to go every 2 weeks and see the consultant.

My mum will be coming next week with me as my partner is currently working away, hopefully she will ask the questions as when im in their i just start to worry about everything and mind goes completely blank!
Got a growth scan next week at nearly 35 weeks. I'll have to wait and see until then...
I had this with my son. I was told he would be small and that he would come early.
Well he was small, 6 pound 4 ounces although here i was expecting him to come at 37 weeks but he was 40+5 when he decided to arrive.

He had no abnormalties, as routine he had his kidneys scanned at 6 weeks old but that came back fine too.
Im now pregnant again, sont have the cord issue this time but im having another very small baby. Im now wondering if sua even affected my sons weight cos it seems i just have small babies.

I have a friend who had this with her daughter and she was still nearly 8 pounds, then another friend whos son has really bad heart defects. That was picked up through u/s though.
Well, just an update really. I had my scan today and I'm pleased to report that all was found to be ok. Baby definately has a single umbilical artery, but she is anatomically fine and is absolutely not growth restricted. Actually, I was warned that she is growing so well she could be a nine pounder- gulp!
Hi ladies! I found out that I had SUA as well on my 20-week ultrasound. The doctor didn't seem too worried, he just said that I would need a few extra ultrasounds.

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