Single umbilical artery

Hi, I have this also and am now 33wks and everything is looking good so far. It is just one of those things they like to keep an eye on. Keep positive:)
Congrats Angelkissiz! He's beautiful. So glad everything worked out for you and your LO.

I just had another growth scan today and almost 36 weeks. The kid is still measuring big and breech, so I have another appointment next Friday with my doctor to determine the next steps. I really didn't want to have a c-section, but it looks like that is the direction they are leading me. It's positive that everything looks good and they don't have any other concerns, other than size and direction. Time to start trying everything to get this kid to turn.

I wish you the best, I hope all goes well for you, and your new little baby!!! What name have you picked out??
I've just been diagnosed with SUA, as well as shortened long bones on my scan. I'm going for an amnio on Thurs to rule out chromosomal abnormalities, and won't breathe freely until then. I've also lost 7 lbs this pregnancy.
I also have this. Baby was diagnosed with IUGR, but that is the only complication going along with SUA. Good luck to all!
Cowboys angel, what is IUGR?

I had my final visit with the doctor today. I'm scheduled for a c section on Tuesday. At the last ultrasound the baby was still breech, measuring in the 97th percentile and obviously still the cord issue. It took me about a week to get to where I was OK with having the c section and now I'm so excited to meet our little person and know if it's a he or she!
Cowboys angel, what is IUGR?

I had my final visit with the doctor today. I'm scheduled for a c section on Tuesday. At the last ultrasound the baby was still breech, measuring in the 97th percentile and obviously still the cord issue. It took me about a week to get to where I was OK with having the c section and now I'm so excited to meet our little person and know if it's a he or she!

yay I can't wait to hear your story, and lo's name!!!
Cowboys angel, what is IUGR?

I had my final visit with the doctor today. I'm scheduled for a c section on Tuesday. At the last ultrasound the baby was still breech, measuring in the 97th percentile and obviously still the cord issue. It took me about a week to get to where I was OK with having the c section and now I'm so excited to meet our little person and know if it's a he or she!

yay I can't wait to hear your story, and lo's name!!!

Much to my surprise we had a little girl! I thought for sure she'd be a boy. She was born April 5th weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces. We named her Camilla Lou. They did verify the cord was two vessel, but no other problems at this time. Thanks for all the support!
Cowboys angel, what is IUGR?

I had my final visit with the doctor today. I'm scheduled for a c section on Tuesday. At the last ultrasound the baby was still breech, measuring in the 97th percentile and obviously still the cord issue. It took me about a week to get to where I was OK with having the c section and now I'm so excited to meet our little person and know if it's a he or she!

yay I can't wait to hear your story, and lo's name!!!

Much to my surprise we had a little girl! I thought for sure she'd be a boy. She was born April 5th weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces. We named her Camilla Lou. They did verify the cord was two vessel, but no other problems at this time. Thanks for all the support!

that is awesome, Congrats, my son is also doing amazing, he is beautiful and happy, and mellow s can be, I was so nervous that whole 9 months, now I will enjoy mother hood as should all of you!!!
Kayla Had the SOA and Vacterl syndrome...She was born at 37 weeks and she weighed 6lbs...They said she most liky would be small...THEY WERE WRONG...Keep Hope :) all babies are different and not every outcome is a baby with low birth weight
My daughter - now 6 years old - had this in utero. She was born (induced at 38 weeks) and weighed 8 lbs 8 ounces! She also had a choriod plexuys cyst. She was high risk because of the two but was just fine!!! Good luck to all you ladies. It was scary - but once they scanned for other markers and non found they said she would be ok.
We just had our 18w ultrasound. They found SUA. The doctor took a long time to do a detailed scan looking for any other problems. Nothing bad was found otherwise and baby is actually measuring a few days ahead. I had a NT scan and bloodwork done at 12 weeks and we are extremely low risk for Downs or T18.

The doctor (a maternal fetal medicine specialist) explained that in the absence of other problems, SUA wasn't a huge concern, but they'll be tracking baby's growth a little more closely. He said that Google was a scary place to search SUA. I'm glad to see BnB is on the reassuring side.

On the up side, DH is suddenly very into doing internet research on the baby. I've been struggling to get him to read ANYTHING on pregnancy/baby for months, so I'm almost thinking that the SUA is a good thing!
Hi ladies

I just came across this thread today as another member pointed it out to me.

I am 19 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby. Some of you may or may not know, i lost my beautiful daughter due to medical negligence after going into preterm labour at 27 weeks.

This journey so far has been weird and worrying, i have almost shut my mind to everything and treated it all as a process, most of the time trying to think im not even pregnant to stop myself worrying and getting hurt i guess. Well I found out today i have SUA (Single Umbilical Artery). Normally you have 2 arterys and 1 vein in the cord, well this pregnancy has 1 artery and 1 vein. I am getting mixed opinions online, most forums like this one say this is not something to worry too much about just have closer monitoring and growth scans, whereas on medical websites and places it seems more serious?!

What are the risks, what do i need to do? and is there anything i should be prepared for/look out for? Im willing to try anything. I am a worrying wreck !!

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Hi AuntBug,

Congratulations for the new baby!
I am 23+4 and I've just been diagnosed with SUA, as well as shortened long bones on my scan. I would love to talk to you about your pregnancy and the amnio test because I think we a re going through the same things.
Hope to hear from you soon x

I got told that my baby has a single umbilical artery.
Normally there are 2 arteries and one vein in the umblical cord.
I was warned that this can often be a sign on more abnormalities in the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain etc - but all seemed fine on the scan (at 23 weeks).
I was also told that these babies (if all is well) tend to be small for gestational age and can often arrive a few weeks early.

I just wondered if anyone else was aware of this happening to them and what the outcome of the pregnancy and birth were.

I have another scan booked for 35 weeks to check on growth. I don't think they are overly worried due to everything looking ok on the scan, but I am curious if the small and early bits still apply.


My daughter has this too. We were sent for a fetal echocardiogram and a level II scan and she is perfectly normal and healthy. We have had a few scans since finding out and she is measuring ahead for now. Our next scan is on tuesday. I also went into labor at 29 weeks and they were able to calm it down after 5 nights in the hospital. They did say it didnt have anything to do with the cord so that was good. I also have non stress tests once a week to make sure she isnt under stress. Im still having contractions but im on bed rest and meds for another 11 days.
I was just told I have a single umbilical artery and I need to go for fetal echo
has anyone gave birth with this problem ?
Im really scared i have made the mistake of Google and saw some horrific stories and now im super terrified someone please help me with advise
hi all, i had a SUA and i now have the most beautifully perfect 5 week old baby boy. I found out at my 20 week scan and i felt that i wasn't given enough information, so used the internet to find out more which was very scary. Please don't do this, lots of the information is old and will scare you. I was only offered an extra scan at 34 weeks and that was it. I had a natural birth 2 days over my due date. My son was born very quick with no complications and was a little over 6lbs. There is not a single thing wronge with him and what a releive. Enjoy all your pregnacies. x x
It is good to hear that people are still having positive experiences.
My little SUA baby is now 2 and a half.... Time certainly flies!

Thanks for the update :)
A quick update -

My SUA baby was born with no problems. She was actually above average size (high percentile) for the first 6 months but has now come down to around 50th percentile. She's a perfectly healthy, happy, and normal toddler.

Now working on baby #2
Just dx with SUA ( 2 vessel cord instead of 3 ) at my u/s last week and even though my doc told me to stay off the internet I've been erading these BnB boards for reassurance.

Was completely panic stricken, of course like any new mom would be, but the doc and sonographer were reassuring.

The doctor said 95% of the time this cord issue amounts to a whole lot of nothing and to just look at the diagnosis as an opportunity to get to see my baby more on ultrasounds.

The sonographer said she has been doing this for 24 years and has seen many cases of this and all have turned out fine and not to worry.

The doc also said it was considered a "normal variant" and up until a few years ago they couldn't even detect it on the ultrasound. He also said it was especially encouraging that I had no other issues found on the sonogram.

Worst case scenario they said ( ABSOLUTE worst... ) is that the baby stops growing right towards the end of pregnancy and I just have to go a few weeks early. Best case ( and most likely ) scenario is NOTHING.

But, all that being said, I would love to hear any positive stories from other SUA moms or moms-to-be!
I was diagnosed yesterday with SUA. It was the day after Christmas. Like most, I too did a Google search. It caused near hysteria and panic! I am due May 25, 2014. I already know the baby is a boy. I have another u/s in 4 days with my regular ob. I had seen a specialist for genetic counseling due to my age (35.) I had blood work but no amniocentesis. I should get those results in ten days. I have an echocardiogram in 5 weeks, but so far things look okay. Your posts were so reassuring! I even cried. I am so glad I found this group! This is my 2nd pregnancy. I have a 19 mo old boy who was full breach. I had a full placenta previa that eventually lifted. He is prefect, now I have hope this one will be as well!

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