My son is 2 years old and has learning problems. We still dont know what learning problem he has as hes going under tests and seeing a doctor at a child development centre. Anyway his sleep has got really bad. He used to be a great sleeper then all of a sudden its a hit or miss with his sleep. The last 2 night I have got around 6 hours sleep. He went to bed around 8.30, woke up again at 12. Wouldnt go back to sleep untill around 4am and up again at 8am! Thats roughly what its been like the last 2 nights. He is full of energy durning the day and will not nap durning the day at all. I cant cope with no sleep and my OH has to get up at 7.30am, for work. It was that bad last night that he slept in for work and was very late for a meeting. Can anyone please give me any advice what to do. I cant go on another night with out any sleep. Thanks