Sleep Sense Support Group!

Hello again all!
Well last night was the 2nd night of SS and LO went in crib at 7.30 and cried until 8.15 when he went to sleep . Was expecting him 2 be up again a lot through the night but he slept through til 7.20 this morning!!! Don't know if this was just a fluke though! All I.can do is hope!!!
He's had his jabs 2day so doubt we'll get much sleep!

If last night is anything 2 go by, I'd just like 2 thank you all for bringing SS to my attention!

Sarah x

That's a great improvement. Here's hoping it will work well again tonight. If he has done it once, he can (and probably will) do it again.
Bertie - cross posts - but well done!! did you wake in the night wandering when he would wake? fab - hope tonights bedtime is even better!
FAB news Bertie!! And HG, she slept later! :happydance:

Right, DD has had a big solids day...and not had too much milk. Am worried that she seems to be ignoring one side when it comes to feeding, and seems to have a preference for the other. Well, have decided am not going to tie myself up in knots and just - breathe - relax. Will see what happens.

Hoping she has a bit more during the days, as two night feeds is quite a bit...but I've been sneaking quite a lot of EBM into her food. Muahahahaha ;)

She napped well today -in the afternoon, and has been really fun. Gumming everything and dribbling, but just good fun.

Am tired, so feet up...rubbish tv and a neck rub from DH!

Lady in the village brought me over a big chocolate cake to say thanks for watering her sending you all a big cyber slice and lots of sleepy dust!
thanks for the cake! TG - my LO had a couple of weeks where food was much more preferable to milk. I'm sure she knows what she is doing!
Yeah HG, I woke at 5 and made OH check on him! When we were up at 7.20 my top and bed were soaked and my boobs were like dolly parton!!! Absolutely agonizing!! But so proud of my little fella!

Hope we all manage 2 have good nights 2night
Hey ladies, good evening to you all,
Bertie, what fab progress already! Well done you!

TG - thanks for the cake. Shame about those cyber crumbs, guess I'll have to do some virtual hoovering :)

HG - Hope you whipped those year 11s into shape. I bet they have reached that time of year where having done nothing for the past 5 years, they are now asking you to come in at 6 in the morning and all weekend to give them extra revision classes and dictate to them exactly what they should write on the paper. Oh how I do miss those days!

Well, our night was one great big pile of pants! LO woke up at 11.30, which is always a bad sign. I left her for about half an hour, (well, I didn't leave her, I tried all sorts of SS and a various mish mash of other techniques to re-settle her) but she was not having any of it so I fed her. She then woke again at 2am and I fed her again, since I figured as she has a cold maybe she needs to feed more often. She then woke again at 3.30am, by that time I had given up the night as a bad job and so just fed her again, and she was up again at 6.20 :( All in all, a bad night at bad skills from me, I am noticing that I am very very BAD at not feeding her when she wakes up. It's just so hard!

On the BIG plus side, Abigail took a bottle today for the first time!!!!! She has always refused it and we have been doing well with the sippy cup, but I am really keen for her to take a bottle because it means I can leave her with OH or my mum. I just didn't think it was very practical for them to be getting her up and giving her the sippy cup if I was out and she woke up. It would involve a bib, clean pyjamas, sitting up in her chair, hardly condicive to a low key night feed! Needless to say, if she takes the bottle again tomorrow I shall be organising a catalogue of glamorous social events.

I was about to have an early night when I discovered 'Junior Apprentice' on the TV :dohh:
Hi cattia- thanks! Hope you had a better night last night!
I always find it hard not feeding when my LO cries because I know how much comfort he gets from it.

Well I don't believe it but he's done it again!
3rd night - bed at 7.30, asleep by 8.10 and not a peep until 7.10 this morning!!

Feel like I'm counting my chickens but I haven't felt this human in 4 months!

Having my hair done this afternoon - will be like a new woman soon!

Sarah x
HG - fabulous stuff with the wakings! Think it's time for us to give it a go...

TG - hope you had a restful night. Thanks for the cake. Did a few cyber star-jumps to make up for it!

Bertie, that's fab, you must be a new woman!

Cattia - I also cannot resettle without feeding. Think we need to start a new group 'The Sloppy Sleep Sensers' Sanctuary'. Great about the bottle, it's little things like that that lets them (and us) be so much more independent.

Well, we also had a rubbish night. Woke at 12.30am and was very upset, so fed. Eventually settled, but woke screaming again, at 5.30am!!!

Amazingly, he wolfed down another full bottle (I usually wouldn't even bother offering one after 5 hours). Anyway, after that, there was no going back to sleep, so Evan is now down for his first nap, when loads of babies are just getting up!
Wow, I can hardly keep up with things these days!

Well, right on schedule at 12 weeks of age, our honeymoon period of sleeping 6-7+ hours at a stretch at the beginning of the night went the way of the dodo on Saturday evening and we're back to waking between 12-2 and then again around 5-6am. He is pretty good about going back down if it's not too close to 7ish though since I tend to not get him up for the morning until 7:30 or later, or at least I was doing that. :rolleyes:

He's still going down ok between 7:30 & 8:30pm and I can't really complain if this is the worst of it but I get the feeling that it's not! He's feeding ok, but he's not ravenous and seems easily distracted or just loses interest. He's like that day and night at the moment though and I guess it's not uncommon during the 12 week developmental leap which is what makes me wonder if he's actually hit his 3 month growth spurt yet. His prior growth spurts, especially at 3 and 6 weeks were brutal and he couldn't get enough boob. :shrug:

It's all so confusing and I still don't know whether these leaps and spurts are based on full term (born at 40 weeks) or whether I can expect these things to happen 2+ weeks later since he was born at 37+5, or whether 3/6/9 month growth spurts happen at 12 weeks or by calendar months at 13+ weeks etc.! I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, and it's always 'around' not dead on at those times, but it helps to be able to brace yourself for the worst and not be continually thinking 'well it's that time and this isn't too bad, I think we can do this...but then again maybe it's not bad because it hasn't happened yet and it's not really time yet and it's going to get so much worse...' :wacko:

Or am I the only nutjob who does that? :mrgreen:
Hivechild, so sorry for your rough night. I always thought the spurts and leaps were based on full term, but I'm not sure either. I definitely try to brace myself for growth spurts, and it only gets harder to determine if they are going by weeks or months as they get older, so I end up bracing myself for several weeks. :)

We had an ok night - a little crying before bed, which she hasn't done since last Friday, so I was a little sad, but she was asleep within 20 minutes, so not too bad I guess. Then she was up for a feed at midnight, and again at 4, but went off to sleep easily after both of those and didn't wake for the day until 7. Naps today have been hit or miss - the first one just had whimpering and took about 15 minutes, but then the second had major crying :( and took about 30 minutes to get her to sleep. Then the third one only took 8 minutes with nearly no sounds from her at all! I really feel like I'm not doing anything different each time, yet some are so much easier than others. All her naps only last 30 minutes though...

Do any of you try to stick to a nap schedule, or just "nap on demand", so to speak? I wonder if trying to get her in a schedule will help us? I just watch sleepy signs for now, so sometimes she's awake 1 hr before a nap and sometimes 2.
cutie, I nap on demand. It would be an unmitigated disaster if I tried getting Ronan to nap on a schedule since he generally gets tired faster if he has a short nap. Also, glad I'm not the only one who is all over the place with growth spurts!

I'm a little worried about what kind of night I'm in for tonight as he's been napping a lot of today, waking cranky (and I figured hungry) but he's barely spending 5-10 minutes on the boob and that's with encouragement to keep him going before he wants to go back to sleep! He usually has a good 20 minute feed on both sides.
I hope everyone is okay :) Sorry I haven't posted for a while but I dpo always come here veryday and read how everyone is getting on.

Well....considering Elliott hasn't been very well his sleeping has been very good :)

Last night was the best night in a long time. He went to bed at 7pm and woke at 10pm crying. I fed him and he went back to sleep until 3am. I fed him again at 3am and then I did not hear him again unitl about 6.30am ish....!!!!!

I thought this was fantastic!! Day time naps are getting better. Since ditching the dummy. He does find it easier to go to sleep. Especially when we are out and about. First nap of the day is usually best in the cot but the others will get there. So all in all I'm over the moon with him.

Thanks for the cake TG!

Cutie....we nap on demand and I echo what HC said above. If Elliott has only had a power nap (30 minutes) he will very rarely last 2 hours until the next one. I just watch for his cues and follow his lead.
cattia, jacs - am the same...I am sure 9 times out of 10, I feed DD in the night...when she's actually just woken up and looking to resettle. It's a kind of panic reflex!! I got a bit better at working it out a while back, but now am back to 'SHE'S AWAKE! FEED!'

Cattia - great news on the bottle! DD has started to take a little ebm in her sippy cup :) Good call on Jnr Apprentice, DH and I enjoyed it! Hope you have a good night :hugs:

Jacs - How was the rest of your day? Naps any better? So hope you all have a good night tonight, poor lil Evan and those teeth :( :hugs:

HC - You're not the only nutjob! :hugs: I find myself breathing a sigh of relief when I realise a manic session and a bit of grumping has coincided with a growth spurt...although, DD does tend to have a few 'off piste' growth spurts, too! 6 monther actually lasted around three weeks, I think. Am sure I was on here everyday saying 'DD has basically been nursing for twenty hours' :haha: Hope you have a good night tonight

Cutie - we definitely nap on demand. DD gives me a few sleepy signs, and we go with it. If I try and work on a timetable, I get a smacked nose and a few shouts ;) Naps are so tricky...:hugs:

Poppy - Elliot is doing so well! What a little star - especially as he's not been feeling so great. Brilliant! :hugs:

Well, DD slept through last night :D Although, today she's not been so interested in nursing I have a distinct feeling she may require some feeds this evening ;) Her naps have been better today, which is a relief.

I got very annoyed today - we were at a play session, and I fed DD in another room...came back, and basically because her feeds are very short (this one was slightly less than five minutes) another Mummy saw fit to say 'oh, that's a bit of a pointless feed...why are you bothering to offer?' I explained that DD 'speed feeds', and she started rattling on about how she can't possibly have had very much to drink...and that I needed to 're work' my feeding schedule :( I just feed when I get the impression she's getting a bit hungry (and it was hours since her last feed, and even solid)?! Other Mummy then said 'oh, well, you're just a first time Mummy - worried about everything' and started laughing, and trying to get everyone else to have a good giggle. She's so annoying - she's one of the annoying two. She bleats on about her LO having a very cultured palate *rollseyes* Based on what, exactly?! DD eats books - that makes her very cultured, surely?! :haha:

I WASN'T worried about the speed-feeds, until she said all that!! And I certainly didn't let her know I was remotely bothered.

Why do people feel the need to impart their opinion?! DD has always, always fed quickly!

Anyway, really irritated me. I'd never dream of behaving like that!

Sorry for the rant, DH has heard it for about an it's your turn now ;)
TG - the cheek of the woman! Who does she actually think she is? Has she been raising your LO the past 7 months and is therefore the expert? The part of me that is brave would have told her to mind her own business and get back to looking after her own children but the part of me that likes not to cause trouble would have lurked away! As I FF I have no idea about the feed length but I do know that you know best. I get so annoyed when people bleat on about 'oh your a first time mummy' and patronise you. Well my sister has had four and still asks our mum so many questions, so having loads dosen't make you an expert. and a cultured palette? My LO was found eating (well trying to) the bottom of my didgeridoo - does that mean she has a taste for world cusine?

We had a great night again - except for one wake up at 10pm where she sobbed and sobbed and I had to pick her up. 15 mins of cuddles, she did go down awake and put her self to sleep. So a success. Up at 5.55 so getting there and I didn't have to wake her up before hand!

Anyway I can't post for long as we were told today at school that .....

OFSTED are coming on Monday :nope:

Argh, OFSTED! Good luck! I can remember our teachers being wired at OFSTED time!!

Phoebe is doing really well! She's such a star :hugs:

Thank you...I wish I had been braver. I think I just went red and answered in clipped tones. If she says anything else, I will tell her to mind her own business. Argh, am SO annoyed!! There is a tv character she reminds me of...when I remember, I'll post!
Thanks TG! You LO knows what she is doing! go with it!

Ofsted should be fine - it is jumping through hoops really.

Right beauty sleep for me (hopefully!!) sleepy dust all !
Cattia - I also cannot resettle without feeding. Think we need to start a new group 'The Sloppy Sleep Sensers' Sanctuary'.

Jacs - I love it! I think that would be perfect for me! We were back to two night wakings last night. This afternoon I cluster fed LO every half hour in the hope that she will sleep better but I doubt it. Am going to try to leave her longer to re-settle but not sure my resolve is as strong as it needs to be.

HG - OH NO :( Not the dreaded OFSTED! Is it one of their 'light touch' inspections? They are hateful! I hope you don't get observed, it's just sooo stressful. The worst one I remember was in the days when they gave you about 6 weeks notice, our managment went mad, made us produce massive folders for every single class with all this paperwork on each student, it took HOURS and they never even looked at it! Well, god luck!

Cutie - Just a small setback with the crying, sounds like you are still going great! Hang in there.

Hive - I know what you mean about growth spurts - you're always on the lookout for the next one and never sure whether you're in it yet or not! We found the 12 week one really really tough, but then noticed nothing at all at 16 weeks, so I think it all depends. I am sure that's why your LO has been a bit unsettled though.

Poppy - glad Elliot is feeling better, and so great that dumping the dummy has been so positive for him. You should be really proud of yourself as I remember when you first came on the thread you didn't think you'd do it!

TG - woah!!! I am annoyed on your behalf! What a dreadful lady! You should tell her that DD always tends to speed feed when she's eaten sushi for her lunch.

Well, I am off to bed now, really hoping for a better night tonight, but we'll see. We are starting weaning at the weekend, earlier than I would like because of my return to work, although now we have had such success wtih the bottle it is not quite so urgent as it was. Sleepy dust to everyone!

It's all so confusing and I still don't know whether these leaps and spurts are based on full term (born at 40 weeks) or whether I can expect these things to happen 2+ weeks later since he was born at 37+5, or whether 3/6/9 month growth spurts happen at 12 weeks or by calendar months at 13+ weeks etc.!
Lol, you want to try dealing with an eleven week difference!

I've thrown the calendar out the window and am just going with it. If she eats lots, gets bigger quicker and is generally whiny - it's a growth spurt!:haha:
Ok so I know I can't complain as LO is doin well but his morning waking is gettin earlier each day from 7.20 then 7.10 and now 6.30 although I know he's still tired! Is it hunger? If so is it worth me feeding then putting him back down?
Thanks all x

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