Sleep Sense Support Group!

Yes, Sarah - my DD loves her thumb :hugs: Welcome!

Cutie - I'd get your LO checked out. DD tugs her ear at the end of the day when she's tired...but when she had an ear infection, she was tugging a lot more frequently throughout the day. She also tugged a bit more when she had a teething flare up (I took her to the doc, who said it looked a bit sore - not infected - and believed it was due to teething) Hope she's ok...could well be that she's tired :hugs:
Cutie - I agree, best to check to be sure about it. Evan also tugs his ear when he's tired, but at no other time, so I know that's all it is.

We have a lullaby gloworm! Evan loves watching the face light up - is that the one you have? I'd say anything LO can control herself is fine (which is why blankies are great, but dummies aren't). If you have to be there to work the gloworm then it's probably best to get rid of it at bedtime, otherwise she's not being independent. (sorry if that's bad news!)

Evening old hands and welcome newbies:flower:

Our good news of the day :happydance: 3 proper naps at the childminder :happydance: and one much happier baby this evening. So releaved, might have been a fluke but very chuffed.

I'm going to try tonight leaving her in the cot if she wakes at silly o'clock and if she grumps give her some ss until 6am - to hell with her going back to sleep for too long the CM is fab and could do breakfast. No pain no gain! If not we will just play until we go to work.

TG :hugs: I think we must award your dd an award for marathon eating! :munch: Hope you get a better night. Phoebs has eaten for Britain today.

Cutie - it's hard when they are in childcare isn;'t it? we chatted about her sleeping and it has improved today. We've had ear rubbing. It is one of her tired signs but also I think she found her ears! check with the dr - do you have to pay for each visit?

Bertie - well done on night one! I would get night times secure before getting serious over naps. Try them to start with ss style but if going downhill i always let LO sleep on me to avoid overtiredness.

Poppy - hope LO is getting better - a good night considering how under the weather he is!

Jacs - hope you feel better soon x

Right probably missed people out but my sister phoned mid post to complain that eastenders was delayed! so I lost my train of thought...

sleepy dust
Go Phoebe :happydance: Fabulous napping and eating!!

We had no nap success today, DD was much happier eating my arm and squawking :haha:

She's also been in love with rice cakes, so I wonder if her little gums are giving her some trouble :nope:

Well, am watching all the PM news, and awaiting Enders before heading to bed. DH and I are v.tired! I had a little cry at the GB speech. I also cried watching Young Victoria last night...and Braveheart at the weekend. I've reconciled myself to the fact that pregnancy has turned me - permanently - into a walking ball of emotion :rofl:


Tonight was our first bedtime with no tears!!! This may be due to Helen being knackered from water babies but who cares! She was really cheery all evening. Loads of smiles for DH and loads of smiles on the boob for me during her last feed, then a few yawns, put her down in her cot and put the mobile on, left the room and heard...............nothing. Only downside- checked her after 20 mins and she had my old T-shirt which is her blankie right over her face:wacko: I moved it but am now going to be constantly worrying about her doing this.

Last night was o.k. too, she woke for a feed at around 2, went back to sleep after 10 mins of grizzling. Woke at 5:50, I fed her until quarter past 6, put her back down and she slept without a peep until 7:15. I felt so good I gave her a quick boob and then left her with DH and went for a run!

Really love my baby girl today:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

PM - I find it hard to know when to feed overnight too, I generally feed straight away. I didn't start doing SS to deal with night wakenings but to help her learn to self settle and I don't feel that her wakenings are exccessive for a BF baby. She rarely wakes before midnight and on the odd day she has it's been when she's fallen asleep during her bedtime feed so I reckon she is probably hungry. Once she is a bit older if she doesn't start dropping feeds I might start playing hardball!

Can't remember all the things I wanted to say now!

HG - glad naps at the CM went so well, good luck for tonight....
Poppy - hope you have a better night tonight and the wee man is feeling a bit better.

Bertie - That sounds like a really tough first night, it does get better I promise:hugs: It's hard when you have a youngish baby as I knew H would need a feed at some point but wasn't sure when to do it. She is such a snacker during the day!

Jacs and TG I'm sure I wanted to say things to you too!! Thanks again to everyone for all your support, I appreciate it so much:flower::flower: (sorry slightly tipsy after a celebratory small glass of wine!!)
Hello everyone!

Wow I can hardly keep up with this thread! I read the whole lot then I can't remember who said what :dohh:

TG - sorry you had a bad night. Hope tonight will be better. It sounds like teeth to me.

HG - thanks for the advice about going back to work. I shall be looking to you as my inspiration when the time comes, as it seems like you're doing so well despite finding it hard. I reckon go for it with trying to crack the early wakings. Hopefully by trying to train her out of it you'll get good results even if it means missing out on a bit of sleep, but that must be soooo hard when you have a whole day at work ahead of you!

Jacs - sorry to hear about bad napping. Naps are so odd - you get one sorted then another goes weird on you. I think all you can do is keep repeating the nap routine and maybe get him up if he refused to nap and then try again later. Maybe if it doesn't suceed the second time it would be worth taking him out or getting him to sleep any how so he doesn't get too over tired?

Bertie - welcome and well done on your first night. As Foogirl said, sounds about right and it should get easier, although don't be alarmed if you have some ups and downs.

PM - I am constantly confused about feeding v SS as well. I always make up my mind to leave her for ten minutes at least to see if she re-settles,which she hardly ever does. After ten minutes though she is sometimes still just winging so I reckon I could leave her longer but then I start to doubt myself and think maybe she is hungry after all. I also find ten minutes in the middle of the night a very long time! It is so tempting just to feed her since I know she wil go straight back down and I can go back to sleep, but I also know in the long run it is better for her to learn to go back to sleep without feeding.

Poppy - I hope Elliot feels better now. It's horrible when they are ill isn't it. Abigail has a cold at the moment, I hate seeing her all sniffly.

I know I have forgotten some people so I hope the rest of you have a good night too!

Our night last night was a bit crappy to be honest. I went to bed early as DH was out but I had been watching news 24 so I was too wired up to sleep. DH came back in from work at 9pm and woke me up, then told me he was off out to see his friend whose wide has just had a baby and who wanted a pint and a new dad chat, so off he went, came in again at midnight and pretty sure he woke LO up :growlmad: She winged for a bit and then ramped it up a level so I fed her. She then woke up again at 4.30 and I fed her again, too quicly I suspect,and then she was awake again at 6.15, I ended up getting her up to play becasue she was cooing at me from her cot.

Hoping for better tonight, but since she has a cold I think she is waking up with a sore throat and sniffy nose and wanting to feed to make it better :(

Wishing you all a good night and lots of sleep :)
Bump - we crossed posts - GREAT news about bedtime, well done :happydance:
Cattia - hope you have a better night :hugs: Hope that cold goes asap

Bump - :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Fab news!! Enjoy your glass of wine, and here's to a good sleep!
Evening All,

Just a quickie (will read the thread and write tomorrow) but I found a few articles on the sleep sense, here is one about early wakenings (apologies if you have already read them):

There are actually loads of interesting articles in her blog (see catagories on the RH side), I never knew they were there until now.


Morning ladies!

Hope you all had good nights? DD woke for a feed twice, and she was starving hungry! She settled v.quickly just going with it. She definitely wouldn't settle until she'd had the feed, so must have decided on a mini growth spurt! However, she's also decided to drop a couple of daytime, hoping she's not decided to replace them at night!

Definitely want her to have them...but would rather they were during the day :D

She wouldn't BF this morning, but went onto eat her pear and porridge!
Well, what a day in Westminster! Really hope they can work together - would not like to be in on their discussions, can you imagine the hot air in that room?! How cute are GB's sons?

Well, wee man was up for about an hour through the night:wacko:. Some Calpol, Bonjela and many hugs later, he calmed down enough to go in his cot, but was still awake for ages:wacko:.
On the up side, he woke at 7am, which is great for him. Not sure if it's because he's dropped one of his naps, or because he was up in the night (I really want to believe it's not a fluke that this has happened 2 mornings in a row!).

OT, but where exactly was Eastenders last night? Does anyone know when they'll catch up? OK, and breathe...

HG - You must be so pleased, what an improvement in naps! Hope your night was good.

TG - Hoping we both see an improvement today! I watched Young Victoria the other day - was watching the helicopter footage last night of Buckingham Palace, thinking '0h, Queen V. would have walked around those gardens etc!

Cattia - yep you're right, I have been trying to re-do naps - will jeep at it today! Hope LO was more settled last night (was DH quiet?!). Is she any better?

PM - thanks for the links - will have a trawl over my cuppa (assuming Evan will sleep today!).

Sorry TG, that crossed - had to put Evan to bed!

Oh dear we didn't have a good night :( After watching Dana's video about 'Breastfeeding your Baby to Sleep' I thought well, I do always make sure Kyle goes down in his cot awake BUT he probably does doze on/off during his bedtime and night feeds. So, OH gave him a bottle of EBM before bed (which he fussed over) but after a short cry fell asleep. He woke up just before midnight which is within our 'try to use SS' time. Fell apart here as he cried for about 45 minutes (with OH doing SS) before I couldn't take it any more and fed him. I know that's bad because he cried for no reason and every couple of minutes I'd think, right that's enough will go and feed him then would think, will wait a minute more just in case. But then I burst into tears as I just couldn't bear it any longer. But, when I did feed him he didn't latch on and drink hungrily at all but ate with those horrible body wracking sobs - sob sob sob!!

He then woke up at 4.30am after going back to sleep at 1.30am. OH used SS again and he fell back to sleep until 6.45am when he woke up happy as larry.

I feel like such a bad mummy for making him cry all that time and then feeding him. I just don't know what to do at times like this!! I guess it will be easier when he's old enough to not need night feeds anymore but that's a fair way off yet. Although I always put him down awake (well, sleepy awake) in his cot I think he has a feeding/sleep association (although not for naps as he has a nap 2hrs ish after his feed).

Sorry for the waffle!!

Jacks - Well done on the 7am wake up!!! It sounds like it could be linked to dropping a nap (is that his cat nap that's gone? how many hrs of naptime a day does he have now?)

TG - Growth spurts seem to be a constant factor don't they! How many milk feeds does your LO have now?

WELCOME NEWBIES! X :hi: This is a fantastic thread and amazing support for everything sleep related (and anything else you fancy!)

History - How was Phoebe this morning?

Bump - Did you have a good night with Helen? Good work on going for a run! I have all my running kit looked out and ready but haven't managed it yet! Now that I think OH will be giving Kyle a bottle of EBM before bed (to try and disassociate the BF with sleeping as I think he does) I shall hopefully nip out for half an hour then!

Sorry if i've missed anyone, my brain is seriously fried this AM from lack of sleep and midnight tears!

GBs sons are VERY cute!! I think it's going to be a challenging time ahead for all...I'll be continuing to watch with interest.

And, no idea where Enders went! Maybe it's on tonight? I confidently turned on BBC3 at 10pm...and nada!

Jacs - hope Evan has a better nap day. Great that he had a lie-in!! Poor little thing, his teeth must be hurting him. How is your cold? :hugs: Must have been very hard for him to settle with those pegs pushing through :(

DD has just settled for a nap...we've been playing since I posted at half eight...and she was up at seven. Naps, naps...wherefore art those naps?!

PM - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: You are NOT a bad Mummy, you are a lovely Mummy! It's SO hard to know what to do with those night wakings, I can empathise. I've cried, too...DD was shouting last night, which is easier than crying, but when she really cries and I don't know if she's hungry or tired, I end up getting upset. I never know what best to do...and tend to bring her in with us for a feed. We set a time limit for calming, as if she's tired...she tends to settle quite quickly, but if she's hungry she doesn't. It's so hard...and I know exactly what you mean about questioning actions. We do ALL the time. Remember, though - you are a fab Mummy.
Aww PM I'm so sorry about your rough night! On Sunday for C's last nap we wound up letting her cry off and on for 1 hour before finally getting her out to play a while and just wait for bedtime. I felt so awful about that, so I understand what you're saying. But try not to let it bother you for too long, you are not a bad mom at all! You're trying to teach him to sleep for his own benefit, and it's so hard to know when they need feeding or not. You are doing a terrific job!! :hugs:
Really sorry to interrupt girls I really need help I'm struggling with day times it stresses me out and I never have time for myself time to tidy up nothing at all!.

Please help me ! I have mastered night times kaylas great at nights its during the day she's a nightmare now.

She gets over tired and just refuses to sleep today I've just had to put her in her moses basket and leave her to cry it out I felt so bad and wanted to get her sooo much but the screaming was stressing me out so much!

Am I a bad mum for leaving her I feel terrible :(

Should I make a daytime routine? And if I do how do I work it around going out?

Lots of advice needed, even a routine needed she gets up at 6am and then goes back to sleep after a bottle and bum change till 9am/10am then its bottle and bum change again but after that she does what she likes till 3pm when she has rusk and milk then does what she likes again then its her bedtime routine at 5/6pm can anyone work something out for me please I can't stand this no more

Are you watching for her sleepy signs and watching the clock. At 2 months she won't be able to do much more than 45mins to 1 hr awake. If she's up for longer than that, she'll be too tired to nap.

We don't have a strict "times" routine for Abby, we are led by her, but when she shows signs of sleepiness (yawning, arching her back, rubbing her eyes, clawing at her face) she goes down for a nap. When we think she is ready for it, we have a "nap routine" we go into her room, close her curtains, have a little song, then a cuddle and into the cot. That way she knows what is coming.
Hello again all!
Well last night was the 2nd night of SS and LO went in crib at 7.30 and cried until 8.15 when he went to sleep . Was expecting him 2 be up again a lot through the night but he slept through til 7.20 this morning!!! Don't know if this was just a fluke though! All I.can do is hope!!!
He's had his jabs 2day so doubt we'll get much sleep!

If last night is anything 2 go by, I'd just like 2 thank you all for bringing SS to my attention!

Sarah x
Well I tried early waking this morning (well OH did it when he got up for work at 4.30am) and then nothing until 6.15!!! Very chuffed, probably a fluke.

PM - it is harder to do ss in the middle of the night when they need feeding. I've found night waking a lot easier since she has forgone her night feed (she did that a week short of 6 months). Hope tonight is better - or maybe a growth spurt is starting?

Hope all ok - manic 5 period day today and then very frisky year 11 for revision (hormones everywhere and ants in their pants) - choccie, tv and early night!

Sleep well everyone!

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