Slimming before TTC - my Weight Watchers Diary


Counting down to TTC
Jun 15, 2009
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My partner and I haven't set a specific date on when we finally start TTC, I'm more broody than her...
Obviously we need a bit of help in the :spermy: department so will be using a Fertility clinic. However, most of them won't accept you unless your BMI is 30 and under, some want your BMI to be below 28.
Obviously I want to be slimmer anyway, but that's just a good reason to stick with it.

I've been doing Weigh Watchers for 5.5 weeks now and have lost 9lbs so far[sorry, my ticker is metric]

Start Weigh: 15st 3lbs
Current Weight: 14st 8lbs
goal: no idea...

This week is going to be tough as we're going to a restaurant on Saturday to celebrate my GF's birthday with the whole family and the menu is not at all Weight Watchers friendly, so I was going to 'save' 4 Points each day in order to not ruin my week by having a greasy dinner on Saturday.
Add to the trouble that I received 'Toffee Bonbons' in the post today which I bought for my girlfriend, and I ate a whopping 100g of them(I ordered 300g and got 400g) so I managed to go over my allowance by 5.5 Points today for the first time in 5 weeks *grrr*
So tomorrow needs to be extra good to get back on track:

breakfast: Porridge with Raisins, made with skimmed milk 5.5 Points
lunch: bowl of 0-Point soup with 2 Crumpets w. low fat spread 4 Points
snack: nakd bar 1.5 Points
Dinner:pasta w. 0-Point Sauce(pre cooked in freezer) 4 Points
leaving me w. 2 Points for an evening snack and 4 points saved(the maximum you're allowed to save)
Managed to stick to the meal plan yesterday and had a slice of toast after my dinner instead of a sweet snack, figured that would fill me up more than a tiny chocolate bar.

I'm out all day attending job interviews, travelling on the train and won't be home until 11pm, so I'm just going to have to make wise choices on the go...
I knew I didn't do very well last week as I went out for my GF's 30th on Saturday and had a lovely dinner plus birthday cake for desert and didn't save enough points to be indulgent as I went over my points twice last week( I blame the evil :witch: )
But luckily the weight stayed the same at weigh-in tonight, so didn't gain :)

I'm on a mission to lose 2lbs this week to reach my 5% goal next week.
I just made my favourite meal since I started Weight Watchers:

Serves 2
100g couscous, pour over 160ml boiling water with half a stock cube, cover and let soak

chop up 1 carrot, 1 courgette, 1 red onion and 2 peppers(whatever colour)
mix the vegetables with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and sprinkle with mixed herbs
spread on a baking tray and roast in the oven until soft
afterwards drizzle with balsamic vinegar

divide veggies and couscous onto two plates and add 50g reduced fat feta cheese
=6 Points each (my feta cheese is 2.5 Points for 50 g so you may have to adjust)
obv. you can save points by using 1kcal spray to roast veggies
Well done on staying the same, when your out for meals it is tricky to judge the menu and portion sizes etcs so staying the same is much better then putting on :happydance:

I am def going to try your receipe this week, looks good and so low in points as well. Will probably have to add something else to dh meal though lol

Keep up the good work, we will get there PMA :thumbup:
Thanks :)

I loved the cous cous salad...I live by myself so have the second serving saved for tonight's dinner

I cooked tomato soup yesterday and it's not very nice...tastes a bit like tomato sauce, so might just use the remaining 3 pots(in the freezer) with pasta ;-)
Have my weigh-in tonight, really hoping for a loss as I've been good this week.

The GF and I went out for dinner the other night and went to Pizza Express where I had one of the Leggera Pizza's(the one with a hole in the middle that's filled with salad) for only 8.5 Points.

I've noticed I have been much much better about sweets and crisps. I used to easily eat a whole tub of Pringles and now am happy with a sweet 'treat' if points allowed.
My favourites are Rocky bars(2 or 2.5 Points) and Milky Ways(2 Points or 1.5 if funsize)
Also really like the snack size(30g) nakd bars which are 1.5 Points, the cocoa ones are almost as good as a chocolate bar.
1.5 lbs off this week, bringing it to a total of 10.5 lbs :happydance:

6.5 lbs left to my mine-pre-christmas goal of exactly 14st.
Our leader asked us 5 weeks ago how much we wanted to lose before Christmas and I said a stone, so hopefully I can manage that.
Ideally I want to be around 12st, I don't think I'll ever be a size 8, so 12st sounds good to me :blush:
Today has been a bit of a *meh* kinda day...woke up with a sore throat and a bit of a woozy head...didn't really feel like planning any meals and just ate whatever really.

Breakfast was:
2 slices of Hovis Wholemeal-2.5 Points
Margarine-1.5 Points
1 Large Egg-2 Points
=Total 6 Points

1 Pitta Bread(Food Doctor)-2.5 Points
1 tiny tub of 'Good For You' Hummus-1.5 Points
1 Carrot-0Points
=Total 4 Points

Sugar-free Jelly
1 bag of Weight Watchers Crisps(the ones you buy at meetings)-1 Point
=1 Point

50g Brown Rice-2.5 Points
Vegetable Curry(butternut squash, courgettes, peppers, cauliflower, red onion) made with Pataks Balti Sauce. Veggies are all 0 Points but the sauce was 2 Points
1 WW Garlic&Coriander Naan(from the Poundshop) 1.5 Points
1 Cup of camomille tea with honey(0.5 Points for the honey)
=Total 6.5 Points

giving me a total of 17.5 Points, meaning I still have 5.5 Points left for the day

I'll have a bit of Mango in a bit to up my fruit intake for the day.
Still not feeling that well which is good for my appetite.

Porridge made with Oats(3 Points), water, a 'splash' of milk(as I have run out) and raisins(1 Point)
=4.5 Points total

Spicy 0-Point Soup made with cauliflower, red pepper & butternut squash
1 slice of bread no margarine
=2 Points total

1 Banana(1.5 Points)

KFC Zinger Burger(7.5 Points), McDonald's side salad no dressing(0 Points) and diet coke

so that gives me a total of 15.5 Points out of my daily allowance of 23...still 7.5 left so will have a little bit of something to eat now as I'm a bit peckish.
My GF keeps saying I should just not eat all my points and it would make me lose faster. She doesn't understand Weight Watchers(but then again she weighs 8st so doesn't really need it)
Been feeling ill all week and have been craving carbs like crazy...still stayed within my points every day but basically didn't move much and ate lots of carbs...we'll see what the scale says tomorrow night
Lost another 2lbs this past week...I probably lucked out by not eating too much at the end of last week when I was feeling a bit under the weather.

I definitely want to get down to 14st by Christmas, so that's another 4.5lbs to go and I'll have to be a bit better about meal planning.

My BMI is oficially under 30 and I've lost just over 5% of my body weigh :)
I went over my points monday and yesterday, so will have to save 6 points over the next few days *sigh*

today I had:

Porridge w raisins
=5 Points

mushrooms[my newest addiction since starting WW] 'fried' then at the end I added 1 low fat cheese triangle
2 Crumpets soaked in 1 egg and 'fried' in 1kcal spray *yum yum*
=5 Points

dinner will be
leftover from last night, Pasta and chicken, mushrooms & peas cooked in Campbell's low fat condensed chicken soup
=6 Points

I have a total allowance of 23 Points and chose to save 3 today and 3 tomorrow, so I still have 4 Points left for the day to fulfill my fruit and dairy allowance ;-)
snacks ended up being 1 bag of Walkers Baked(1.5P) and 1 Muller Light(1.5P) also had 1 slice of WW bread with my dinner
2.5lbs this week, total of 15lbs in 9 weeks :)
Well pleased with that!

I'm moving at the end of the year and am a bit sad that I'm going to have to find a new leader in London as my current WW leader is super funny and very motivating
You are doing so well! I read your whole thread thus far!

Out of curiosity, you had mentioned to me in my thread about how your partner is thin. You also said some clinics require you to be under 30 BMI. I take it then you are the one who will carry the baby?
Out of curiosity, you had mentioned to me in my thread about how your partner is thin. You also said some clinics require you to be under 30 BMI. I take it then you are the one who will carry the baby?

Yes, it will be me carrying the baby. My partner has some medical issues, is on medication and honestly is not interested in ever being pregnant.
Out of curiosity, you had mentioned to me in my thread about how your partner is thin. You also said some clinics require you to be under 30 BMI. I take it then you are the one who will carry the baby?

Yes, it will be me carrying the baby. My partner has some medical issues, is on medication and honestly is not interested in ever being pregnant.

Well then you get all the fun. Trust me. :thumbup:
I'm still doing well, eating within my points and going to the gym(though not as often as I could go). I'd like to be able to see a difference, but my jeans fit better so that's good.

I'm going on holidays in 2 months and have a dress and a pair of board shorts I'd like to fit in again, so that's my [short term] incentive to carry on.

I'm getting a bit bored of eating mostly the same foods all the time though and need to mix it up a bit more...

Today I had:
2 Crumpets, 1 Egg and some Juice
=7 Points

Muller light Joghurt
1 Baby Bel light cheese as I was out shopping longer than I thought and had 'lunch' at 3pm
=3 Points

Pitta, light hummus, carrots, cucumbers
=4 Points

cous cous with roasted vegetables and feta cheese
=5.5 Points

1 bag of Walkers baked(1.5 Points)

=21 Points so far, so in theory I'm still allowed a 1.5 Point treat today, might have a banana later
You are doing great! I'm excited for your next weigh in. It's in a couple days right? Be sure to let me know how you do! I bet that weight is just going to drop off pretty soon.
well done, u r doing really well. I hav lost 64lb so far on WW, last 21lb is taking its time 2 come off tho.
keep going :thumbup:
Well I put on 0.5lbs last week which really, really annoyed me :(
But I got my period on monday and my WW leader said it could make a big difference as you tend to retain water...actually looking back in my weighing card, 4 weeks ago(last period) I didn't lose any weight and then 3.5lbs the next here's hoping!
I have been good and eating within my points, I know it will all catch up eventually

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