hey there girls!!
Hopingitwill -

so nice to hear from you again! FX you join this gang really soon, would be lovely to have you. Hope the relaxed

is working and sending loads of

your way
So cool that you can feel nudges and pokes this early!! Very exciting! hope you're feeling better already

It really sucks being unwell, especially when you can take zip all for medication
Smiley- that is a lovely scan!

how lovely of the sonographer to show you 3D as well. I'm getting a growing

vibe from the little waving girl! I'm so jealous of you....I wish i could work up an appetite...All i have put on is 2 kilos so far (to be fair i did lose weight in the 1st tri because of MS), and I dont really feel super hungry. I'm also getting very tired because of all the house related exertion or maybe its a growth spurt from the baby?? .Its not like I'm starving myself- I have a pretty balanced diet- milk , eggs, twice a week chicken/fish, whole grains, tons of fruit, coconut water...but just not putting on any weight!! and i just dont feel EVER that I'm starving, I need to eat! Any advice from all you girls who've been there once?? Should i be worried?
Steph-thanks for the pram suggestion....sorry work was so horrid! lets hope this week is easier. My bum hurts all the time

its so hard to get up once i'm lying prone because of it...Darn! I'm using all fours to get up, which is mildly comical to OH these days.