SMEP success buddies

Hello ladies!! Happy peach day smiley! Yaaaay! Ooh im a lemon! Hehe its so exciting!

Aaw traybaby! Ur numbers look great! Cant wait to see ur scan pic 2moro! Lol good to see im not the only one who has pregnancy brain!

Certain - i was gonna say the same as smiley! Based on the hb theory, sounds like u have a wee girly! Gosh i cant beleve u r 16 weeks already! I find time dragging in now! The past 2 weeks have been soooo slow!

The gym was ok today the other day but i really struggled do anything that i used to! I could run for half an hour easy before...i couldnt run at all on mon nite!

Hope everyones havin a good day! Im workin today but making some soup just now! I love making big batches and freezing them! Yum yum!

Hows everyones day? Xxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

How are we all today?!

Try - how did the scan go?? keep us updated :)

Im sooo excited! I have been feeling LO moving loads! Last night I woke up to a very strange feeling below my belly button - and I am pretty def it was LO kicking me :happydance: also today at my desk I am def feeling movement :) love it!!
my scan was AMAZING evrything was there and right where it should be IN MY UTERUS :happydance: it was so wonderful. I even saw its heartbeat, i started crying when i saw it flickering away. Happiest moment of my life. Im on cloud 9 right now. My little bubba looked just like a little bean. Hospital are really happy with me that they have released me back to the care of my doctor. Have my first midwife appointment in 2 weeks eeeeeeeeeeeeek. So so so happy x


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Aw traybaby!!! That is fantastic!! Look at how teeny ur wee baby is!! Im so glad everything is great!! Aw yaaaaaay!! So so so happy for u!! Ur pic is great!

Certain! Woo hoo for all the movement! Thats so good! I havent felt anythin yet! Cant wait til i feel something! Just wait til u feel it on the outside! We used to shine a torch on my bump and brandon would kick the light! Was amazing!

AFM - worked all day...just home! I dnt have anythin exciting going on! Im just really sore down at my csection scar!! Bloody agony! Xxxxxx
Good morning!

TrAyBaby - Yay!!! I'm so pleased your scan went well and all is confirmed in the right spot - your little bean looks perfect :flower:

Certain - I can't believe you are feeling so much movement already!! I am so jealous!! How amazing for you, enjoy every single second!! You've also reminded me I need to book my 16 week midwife appointment - thanks :D

Steph - Sorry to hear you're sore, is it actually from the c-section? I never even thought that would be uncomfortable afterwards for another baby!

AFM - I've got my 20 week scan letter through - 3rd December :happydance: So that's 2 scans to be looking forward to. Getting very nervous about the gender scan in 3 weeks.... why????

Have you ladies have your down's risk letters back yet? I was told it would take about 2 weeks - Ugh, I want it now :hissy:

Also, at your 12 week appointments, did they take a load of measurements of baby? All of the measurement came back as average, head, length etc etc (as they should seeing as they gave me that dute date) except for the femur length... which came back as waaaaayyyy too small!!??

x x x x x
Morning smiley!!

We havent got our downs risk letters back yet actually...and thats been 2 weeks now since my scan! Hhmmm...! If i dnt hear anythin within the next week, il maybe give them a wee phone!

And not sure about the measurements! I saw her taking loads of measurements but she didnt tell us anything...i just assumed it all looked ok! Did the sonographer say 2 u that the femur length was too small? I wouldnt look too much into it...but if ur worried then just give ur midwife a phone! Thats wot they r there for afterall!

And yaaay on ANOTHER scan :happydance: im soooo not jealous haha! Ur gender scan is only like...3 weeks away! How exciting! Why r u getting nervous? Probably the same reason as me...everyones expecting u to have a girl? Lol! Im just worried we have a boy cos we cant think of any boys names haha!!

Im not sure if my pain is because of my csection but i assume so! I dont remember being so sore so early on last im assuming its just the scar tissue stretching! Il ask my midwife at the 16 week appt! 12days away lol!

How is everyones friday goin? Im workin again 2nite! Really cant b bothered but gotta get some extra money! I was short in last months wages cos i didnt get paid wen i off wen brandon wasnt well! Nice eh? I shouldve jst phoned in with morning sickness cos i wouldve got paid for that! Ach well!

Btw...does anyone know how to subscribe to a thread? Xxxxx
Morning Steph!

Yeh the lady said everything looked very normal, and even made a point of showing us the legs and saying how in proportion they look even at such an early stage. It's just the print out with all the measurements on show the femur length as small vs what the average should be. I don't know - i'm not too worried, but will probably bring it up with the midwife when I see her.

Yeh I spose that is why i'm so nervous, I kept waking up last night and thinking about it. I imagine I will get zero sleep the night before the actual scan... so silly!!!

Oh I was going to ask you, can you please give me the recipe's for you soups? :D After you wrote that the other day I have been really wanting some home made soup!!

To subscribe to a thread click the box at the top of the thread that says "thread tools" then it's one of those options.

Ah that is so tight they didn't pay you whilst you were off for Brandon!! Oh well, next time you will know better and just say that you are sick - stupid work!

x x x x
Ahh i see! Aw i would not worry at all! Im sure if u had anythin to worry about they would let u kno! They always like to make us worry about somethin lol!

Aww im the same, doubt il get any sleep before the scan! Luckily its early in the morning so i can just come home & go back to bed lol!

Haha yeah of course il give u the recipes! I make carrot & chilli...carrot & corriander, tomato & chilli! Aaaand they r all scottish slimmers recipes so means they r very healthy! Yum yum! Il type them up in an email and send u them! Im tryin to perfect lentil mum makes amazing soup & i wanna b as good as her haha!! I made chicken curry yesterday...making bolognese today! Lol i love wen im in a cooking mood haha!! now subscribed to this thread! Took me long enough haha!! Xxxxx

Try - fantastic news!! Pic is gorgeous and im so happy you saw a hb and its in the right place - go baby!!

Smiley - Glad i reminded you - it was a bit of a boring app though, didnt really like that midwife :( hope i dont have her on the day. Super jealous about your scans - mines not until 15/11 -AAAGGEEES away! Dont worry about the movement - yours will come. Havent felt any yet today :) I dont remember them saying anything about measurements at the 12 week scan, just that my EDD hadnt changed. I did however get my downs test back within 5 days - it was 1:10,000 so pleased with that :) I would give them a call to chase it.

Steph - sorry you are sore :( I have a small scar just below my pubic hair line from a laparoscopy i had and it also feels sore sometimes, my mum (whose a GP) said its the tissue stretching and to make sure I keep in moisturized, so maybe try that?
Cant believe you dont get sick pay - so unfair!! hope your shift isnt too bad.

Im off out for cocktails (ok mocktails....:haha:) after work with some girlies...cant wait - although I have nothing to wear :( boobs too big and stomach too big for most of my stuff....humph!!
Ahh i see! Aw i would not worry at all! Im sure if u had anythin to worry about they would let u kno! They always like to make us worry about somethin lol!

Aww im the same, doubt il get any sleep before the scan! Luckily its early in the morning so i can just come home & go back to bed lol!

Haha yeah of course il give u the recipes! I make carrot & chilli...carrot & corriander, tomato & chilli! Aaaand they r all scottish slimmers recipes so means they r very healthy! Yum yum! Il type them up in an email and send u them! Im tryin to perfect lentil mum makes amazing soup & i wanna b as good as her haha!! I made chicken curry yesterday...making bolognese today! Lol i love wen im in a cooking mood haha!! now subscribed to this thread! Took me long enough haha!! Xxxxx

ps...can i have them too? I will pm you my email address :)
Good morning certain :wave: How r u today?

Its really weird, the postmans just been and I have my down syndrome results letter! It just says "low risk" :happydance::happydance: I thought it would be but its nice to have the actual results! So that was 15 days mine took smiley!

Ah certain...your mums a clever woman! I'll def make sure I moisturise my scar more! I never would have thought of that helping!

And of course I'll give u the recipes too! :flower: LoL its a lot of pressure now...I hope u like them haha!!

Do either of uz have any recipes yous could share? I remember when I was weaning Brandon...i had soooo much fun making him loads of things! LoL the excitement of pureeing up some sweet potato! Haha!!:haha:

Im gonna try post some pictures of my belly...for no real reason other than to show you how much its freaking grown in the space of two weeks! But uz need to promise not to be judging the stretchmarks from last time lol!

Oh Steph - They all sound delicious!!! I don't really have any recipes - I'm not very good at this cooking thing. :nope: I got all my puree's from the Annabel Karmel book though, loved doing all that :D

Aha, that is good timing Mr Postman! I really want mine but I guess will have to show a little patience... Glad both yours have come back as low risk!!

Certain - Enjoy the mocktails, sounds like fun! Oh I don't envy you having to find something to wear. The thought of doing that for me is making me sweat - haha. Nothing fits, but I dont look preg enough yet for things to look nice like they do on proper preg ladies!

Looking forward to seeing bump pics Steph, I started taking pics at 11 weeks and the diff is amazing! I will have to post them as well at some point! I bet yours looks lovely! :D

x x x x
Aw certain...i forgot to write that I also do not envy you in having to find some clothes to wear!! I have a wedding in four weeks time and I have bought a dress in a size 12, Im normally a 10 and Im just hoping that will do! Ive been living in my maternity jeans and my joggers lol! Not attractive at all! I have just ordered a maternity bundle off ebay! It has loads of jeans and combats and some jumpers etc...and it was £6!! I know its 2nd hand but hey...even if one pair of jeans is good, £6 is still a bargain! here are my pictures...the first one was taken at 12 weeks...and the second one at 14 weeks!:blush::blush:


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LoL...they dont actually look that different do they??? :dohh::dohh::dohh: xxxxx
Awww Steph, they do look different!! You can really notice it!! So lovely!!! :D

Ha, I have a wedding in 4 weeks as well and I really need to put some effort into looking for a nice dress that I won't look like a mess in... but if I could rock up in joggers that would be much more ideal :haha:

x x x
Aaaw thanks!! I cant wait to have proper big belly bumpage!! Im gonna make sure I take a picture every week! I only took two pictures the whole pregnancy with Brandon!

Aw tell me about it...its so hard to find a dress normally, never mind when ur at the awkward in between stage that we are all in!

Im gonna attach a pic of the dress I got! LoL u can tell when Im using my laptop rather than my galore :haha: I think its really nice considering its from Sainsburys haha!!

The thing Im dreading the most about the wedding is wearing heels all day and night! Our poor wee feet haha!!



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That dress is lovely!! They have some really nice things in Sainsbury's - I must get down there!

Ah Steph, you are still little though - but it is a horrible inbetween stage, I can't wait to have a huge bump!!

x x x
Hehe! Me neither!! I looooved being huge! Hehe!! Oooh im on the Next website looking at maternity clothes....DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!! :winkwink:

Hehe! Me neither!! I looooved being huge! Hehe!! Oooh im on the Next website looking at maternity clothes....DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!! :winkwink:


Aha, I was there the other day - did not work out well for my bank!!!!

It appears I cannot get enough of salt and vinegar snack a jacks - LOVE THEM :D

x x x x x

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