SMEP success buddies

Forgot to say, was getting loooaaddss of BH last night - I actually quite like it, in a weird way. I think it's cuz it's making me think that I wont go all the way to 40 weeks... I have no idea if there's any logic in that, but it's making me feel better! :D x
Oh and I also forgot to say that i'm going to start on the RLT next week! :happydance: x
Oh... and I also wanted to ask you girls something - Have you noticed a kind of clicking noise coming from baby when they move?? It's SO strange! It's been going on for a while now, but I've been writing it off as me being crazy. But i'm not crazy - when he moves about quite often something in there will click!!!

And is anyone else SOOOOO thirsty??? I have felt like this for weeks, I can drink a pint of water then 2 seconds later i'll feel thirsty again! It wasn't so bad, but recently it's putting me off eating - cuz when I eat I feel even thirstier and just feel really full?

I don't know - I think pregnancy has finally made me lose my mind! x

Ok - I think that is everything I wanted to say / ask now... haha, no more posts!

Aww is ur DS's bday nxt week? Eek! Do uz have much planned? Its scary how fast time goes isnt it? Brandon is now 2 and a half and im thinking hes only just turned 2! Scary!

Yeah i know wot u mean abt the massive learning curve! Ive never been brandons favourite, hes been a daddys boy since the day he was born but i know obv he loves his mummy!! But it was just as if he was saying that he belonged to OH and this baby belongs to me! But hes still full of kisses for bump! And we took him the other nite to make the first teddy bear (he called it mickey mouse haha :dohh:) so i still think wel be ok!

And are u sure u dnt want anythin for the gro egg? I feel terrible for just being like 'yeah il have that!!!' Wel obv cover postage!! Il PM u my address! But thank u so much!!

Oooh thats good abt the BH!! Lol i see sense in ur logic! I had loads with Brandon so fingers crossed it does mean ul go early!

And on the RLT subject...i was gonna start last nite with a wee cuppa until i read that u shouldnt take if uv had a previous csection! So im gonna need to do a few more readings before i decide!! Bloody csection...takes the fun outta everythin!! :haha:Xxxxx
Smiley, i never even noticed ur last post yesterday!!

I personally havent noticed a clicking noise but ive seen loads of girls post in the third tri section about it so it must be quite common! Thats really weird tho...i wonder wot it could be! Im gonna go google it just now, see if anythin comes up!

And ridiculoudly thirsty ALL of the time! I could honestly just drink 24/7! Ive been like that for a few weeks now!

Im also constantly out of breath! Just back from the shops and see walking up the stairs to the flat...oh my god! I cant believe i used to be able to run up them!! anyone else starting to get jealous of all the 'this is it' threads? I know its too early for baby to come...but my god i want him here! Im actually really lookin forward to labour! Xxxxxxx
Okay...theres a few theories on google!!

1) its the babys bones clicking when they move

2) its the baby "splashing" in ur waters

3) apparently we have cartilege (sp?) Under our stomachs and when baby moves they could cause it to click and pop!

I think the 3rd one is probably the most believable but i dnt kno!

There was no definite answers! Straaaaange! I wanna kno!

Haha, Steph - I don't blame u for missing my post, it's my own fault for adding a million on after each other!!

No, we haven't actually got that much planned for his birthday. We are just going to have family round in the morning with cake etc, then later on will have a couple of his friends over... for cake again! We were going to have a big party, but decided against it. We did a big party last year, and I think next year he'll be asking for a party, so taking a break this year! Also, his friends all turn 2 at the same time, so we've been to 2 big party's already - February is such a busy month!!

Just cannot get over that he's going to be 2!

No its totally fine, it's just sat in a drawer gathering dust so you're very welcome to it! I always wanted it hotter than what the egg was telling me as well, so we never really got on :haha:

I am soooooo jealous of the "this is it" threads - I do not want him to arrive this early, but I just can't wait for him to arrive!!!!

Ahhhh thanks for googling the clicking! It's so strange, I guess out of those 3 options the 3rd does sound more likely. But it really does sound like a bone clicking... like when you click your fingers (i'm terrible for doing that!) I can't believe Google has no definite answer though?!

Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!! Me, OH and DS went out for lunch then came home and all had a sleep for an hour and a half - was great! x x x x x
We didnt do much for Brandons 2nd birthday either! But ur wee day sounds fab! I love that ur DS has friends...Brandon only has his wee cousin (and soon his wee bro haha!) We r gonna go register him for a nursery nxt week tho!

I really wanna kno what the clicking is! Lol i wanna hear it now! Brandon went for a nap and i lay in silence trying to hear something...but couldnt hear anythin!

Aw ur sunday sounds lovely :-) my OH is at work so its just me and Brandon! Weve had a wee jammy afternoon & i fell asleep when he was napping and we both slept for 3 hours! Oops haha!

Lol, thanks so much for the gro egg! Il PM u our address just now!

Brandon is currently sitting singing into his microphone and playing his keyboard! Hes singing something about batman sitting in fireman sams fire engine! And theres something about sausages too haha!!

When are you hoping to put Brandon in nursery? That's exciting! Yeh i'm really glad I met these other girls - we went to a few of the baby groups together in the very early days so it's been lovely to see all the "babies" growing up!

That reminds me, I need to put DS on the waiting list for a pre-school tomorrow! It's one we really want him to go to, but we don't live in the right catchment... but OH's parents do, so i'm hoping we can just use their address?!?! Not sure if we'd have to have some other kind of proof though!

Haha, that's funny you've been trying to listen for a click! I definitely didn't have this with DS1 so no idea why I've got it this time :shrug:

Ahhh Brandon is so cute, I love it when they just sing / play / chat to themselves! x x x
Were hoping to put him in once hes 3 and gets his free placement! But we'l need to get him on the waiting list! Hoping we havent left it too late! Maybe if uz said that ur OHs parents would be the one picking DS up from nursery & that uz are looking to move to the area then they can put u on the list! Im not sure how it all works! Brandon will turn 3 in August so that will give him 4 months with me & baby before he goes to nursery! I wouldnt want him to go straight when baby is born cos i kno u shouldnt have many other big changes around the same time! Altho, id much rather just wrap him in cottkn wool and never let hin out my sight until hes 30! Lol!!

That is lovely that u and all the other girls get together! Wish id done something like that but cos my SIL had her boy 3 weeks after me, i spent a lot of time with her!

I wish all the Smeppers lived in the same area so we could all meet up! Xxxxxx
I know, I was thinking that - would have been great if we were all a bit closer!! Ah that's nice you had your SIL with a baby the same time, literally none of my friends or even anyone I remotely knew well enough had baby's so I just had to force myself out to the groups. It was the best thing I did... but wow, it was SO nerve wracking!!!!! None of my friends could believe I went / had made other friends either, I just used to hate doing anything by myself - haha!!

Oh yeah, that's the waiting list I am going to put DS on for. It's obscene how long the waiting lists are - so I'm having to get him on a year before he even needs to go! That'll work out well though for Brandon, as u say - not meant to bring in any big changes when baby arrives, so 4 months should be good! Awwww, I think wrapping up in cotton wool till he's 30 is perfectly reasonable though :D x x x
Lol it is impressive that u went out and made new friends! I dnt know if i could have! I took Brandon to baby massage classes but i was just too scared to go up and be like "hey, we should be friends!!"

It was good having SIL but it has caused some issues too cos we have very different parenting ideas lol! I think she thinks im ridiculously strict cos i dont give Brandon chocolate or tomato ketchup etc! And becos i cut Brandon off his bottles not long after his 1st bday...her wee boy still gets abt 3 bottles thru the nite! So its just been a wee bit up and down! Lol! Haha!

God the waiting lists are long arent they? I really hope we havent left it too late! There is a few that we have seen that we wouldnt mind so hopefully one of them will have a space!

Haha! I always used to slag OH cos i said his mum would love to keep him wrapped up...but i totally get it now!! Haha!! Xxxxxxxx
Aaaw do u? I think il get shot if i buy anymore haha! When r u goin shoppin?

I made a list last nite of absolutely everything i need to buy for the hospital bags! Thats gonna b a biiiig shopping trip!! Xxxxxxx
Btw...what are u ladies planning on wearing in labour? I cant for the life of me remember what i wore last time! I know it wasnt a hospital gown... Xxxxx
Can you please write this list out for me.... pleeeeaaassseeeee?? :flower:

I will definitely get shot, but I just really want to see some more baby things :D No actual plans to go shopping, probably on the first Monday of my mat leave though - if I can hold out that long. Still need to get a coming home outfit, have seen some lovely little ones in Mothercare and M&P so want to head back to there to decide!

Haha, last time I had a nice plan of wearing this nighty thing... but i turned up in leggings and a vest then didn't have time to change. Just wore the vest - still had my white socks on throughout! I'm hoping to be in a pool this time though, so probs just a bikini top?!

x x x x
I'll type this list out right now for u!! If u think of anythin ive forgotten then let me know!!

Aww was ur labour that quick u didnt have time to change!! Nice one! Lol im gonna need to have a think about!

Not long til maternity leave now :happydance: and only 10 days til my scan! Eek! Wot date is ur next scan?

I shall type the list up in a seperate post! Xxxxx
I'll type this list out right now for u!! If u think of anythin ive forgotten then let me know!!

Aww was ur labour that quick u didnt have time to change!! Nice one! Lol im gonna need to have a think about!

Not long til maternity leave now :happydance: and only 10 days til my scan! Eek! Wot date is ur next scan?

I shall type the list up in a seperate post! Xxxxx

Thank you! :flower:

Oh no it wasn't that quick (I wish) - Just that we had to hang around for ages, then by the time I got into a room I was like "I need to push" so that was that!

I honestly cannot even begin to explain how impatient I am for maternity leave now. The girls in my work have been on top bitchy form today (I wont bore you with the details) but it's taking all I have not to just walk out!!! My mind keeps going back and forth between - only a couple of weeks, it's not long... to .... gahhhh still got a couple of weeks, just go and get signed off!!

It really isn't long though.

I'm not sure if you've already said, but how come you had an ecs with Brandon? I just realised I know you had to have an emergency one, but I didn't know why x x x x bags!!

My bag
  • Maternity Notes
  • Clothes for Labour
  • Ipod
  • Juice and Snacks (altho dont know if im allowed to eat during labour)
  • Hair Bobbles
  • Jammies (with dark bottoms)
  • Light dressing gown or cardigan
  • Fresh Underwear (big panties!)
  • Dark Towels
  • Travel Size Toiletries
  • Breast Pads
  • Maternity Pads
  • Fresh Clothes
  • Phone Charger
  • Phone Numbers on Paper (incase our phones die)
  • Loose Change
  • Tens Machine
  • Hankies
  • Thank You Card for Midwives
  • Plastic Bags for Dirty Clothes

A few wee things for OH
  • Fresh Tshirts
  • Fresh Underwear
  • A Hand Towel (I was sick on him last time!!)
  • Snacks and Juice

Babys Bag
  • Vests
  • Sleepsuits
  • Blanket
  • Swaddling Blanket
  • Nappies (I cant remember if the hospital provided them!)
  • Cotton Wool Balls
  • Nappy Bags
  • Hats
  • Scratchmitts
  • Socks & Booties
  • Coming Home Outfit & Cardigan

If you think of anything Ive missed out PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! LoL!! :thumbup::thumbup:

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