
so sorry to have been MIA stupid internet has been playing up at work as well!!! and we have been so busy

Shocking! However I believe I should be ok for today and DH is waiting at home today for the internet people so FX we should be back online asap. Only worry is that we have quite a lot of snow so worried that they may use it as an excuse not to come out!
Been missing lots of chatter!...
Smiley - so sorry you are in so much pain

but if it is SPD hopefully they can start to help you. make sure you rest lots and stay off work if you can!
Steph - Lol love the suggestion of photos - made me giggle but think its a little too much! Sorry you are in pain too, hope you finally got into the docs! Im glad to hear your OH realises the importance of our opinions

my DH is also wary of anything following "on b&b..." hehe. I have to say I agree with Smileys suggestion for the coming home outfit...I really should start thinking about that.
OMG OBEM was so traumatic, however fortunately I had my girlies over for a meal so we all supported each other, well, they sat there looking at me in horror saying - are you ok? should you be watching this..I think they found it worse than me though. They did break the baby's arm but its actually quite a common technique and it will heal very quickly, better that than staying in too long. I felt so so bad for the woman!
I am doing ok, midwife was all fine and she said just to call the doc if i want signing off but Im going to see if I can last the next 5 days

sooo excited to be leaving though! we have a whole day of NCT tomorrow...yawn! although im looking forward to the breast feeding bit!