Eeeeeekk!! Kbkb, i'm so excited to see you've posted!!

Oh don't worry, I know how overwhelming those first few weeks are

I'm so pleased you're feeling more in control and the breastfeeding is going well!! He is absolutely adorable!!!! What a cutie! You still haven't told us a name though????
I am good thanks, first day off on maternity leave today - HOORAY! I am going to stay in my pj's all day and do nothing. SPD is limiting what I can do anyway, so i'm hoping that now i'll have a few days a week where I can just relax!
Certain - Your bump is looking lovely!! I definitely think it's dropped in comparison to the last one. I guess that's due to her moving position? That's good all went ok, they don't seem hugely concerned - just keeping an extra eye on you which is what you need. Hopefully things are still looking good at the scan on Wed.
Hoping - Hello! Glad you had a good time away, though it does sound exhausting... tiredness in the first tri was what got me the most. By 3pm I was ready to go to bed for the night!! Oh not long till your booking in appointment now!
Steph - How are you today? What are your plans?
AFM - Well I sent OH up into the loft yesterday afternoon to get the things down for baby that we'll need. Got everything apart from the car seat - we have turned the house upside down (it is not a big house!!) and cannot find it anywhere!!!! I think he's not looking properly in the loft (even though he's been up 4 times, and 1 time I sent his dad up as well to check) - and he thinks i've accidentally sold it when I sold the pushchair. Which I definitely did not do. (i've got the newborn insert bit, and I remember specifically saying the car seat was not for sale and having a discussion with the lady about why not!
Arghhhhhhh!!! Just have no idea where it is. So looks like we're going to have to try and buy a new one - So annoying. Cuz i'm so sure when we move we'll find it! I spose having 2 car seats wont hurt if we do find it. But it just feels like we're going mad, it's not ANYWHERE!
x x x x x