SMEP success buddies

Lol its so hard to pick isnt it?! I like the way the wee white one wraps over!! Thats really cute!

I dont really have any wee outfits either...just onesies that i think are too cute for sleeping in haha!!

Aah i feel terrible doing this!! Lol he has everh single Bob the Builder figure in the universe lol! He doesnt touch them anymore but i cant bring myseld to throw them out! Lol i think il stick a bundle in my mum and dads loft!

Haha, yeah - it is hard! But things that he used to play with a lot you should defo try and re-home in another loft for when this baby will want them! But things that wont be used again.... Get rid!

x x x x x
Done!! Phew!! Lol he still has far too much but at least its less than wot it was lol!

Certain u have all this to look forward to!! Haha!!

Time for a wee chocolate biscuit i think haha!! Xxxxxx

Wow lots of chatter :)

Smiley that is so cute they threw you a party!! :) how exciting! And I love all the stuff you bought today- I agree the wrap over one would be great for a going home outfit :) I really must not buy any more newborn stuff!!

Steph- well done on the clear out and I hope you are enjoying your biscuit :) i know I can't imagine what I will be like, I'm terrible at throwing thi gs away!

Hoping- how was your week away? Hope you are able to rest up again before work tomorrow!

AFM- so me and DH went back to the fetal ass unit this morn (as requested by the foc) and had another CTG which was all fine apparently :) however the mw said I still felt low on fluid but we shall see at my next scan on wed. Still, it was good news today :) it was so strange, I think I could see my BH on the toco scan thing, some I Could feel and dome I couldn't!

So glad it all went well! Lol thats weird u could see u were having contractions but not actually feel them!! I guess they arent really concerned about u being low on fluid? Thats gooood :-) its wierd tho, i wonder where it went if u kno wot i mean!!

I did indeed enjoy my biscuit! So much so, i had half a packet haha!!

I think they are still concerend but are waiting until the scan and CTG on Wednesday as that will be a week later - I think they are concerned my placenta isnt making more fluid as its supposed to replenish itself etc. but the good news is she isnt in any distress at the mo. She is still moving loads which REALLY can hurt! but its reassuring!

As promised here are some bump pics, 1st one is 35 weeks and 2nd is today (37+1), see a difference?:
Hi girls.
Sorry have been mia but been trying to catch up onsleep. Week away was mostly good - a few I could have throttled but most were brilliant. Only averaged about 5 hpurs sleep most nights so slept from 8 until midday fri- sat! Must say tiredness is hitting me so will write more tomorrow. Not had any ms but some nausea and nipples a bit sore. Apart from that feel the same Chad one night were I had some sore cramps which had me ina bit of a panic. Did you guys get many? Got meeting with midwife on we'd and then she will give me a date for booking appointment.
Smiley- outfits lovely. Enjoy your official maternity leave. I agree wrap one is lovely. Your baby shower sounds like a lovely surprise. Congratulations on reaching last box.
Steph- remember you can eat more than 1 biscuit after all you are eating for 2. Well done on potty training - no wonder you are so proud.
Certain- congrats on being full term. Look after yourself though, think in two weeks you will have your dd in your arms.
Anyway off to sleep. Speak tomorrow x
Helloooooooooooooooo girls!!! remember me???
Sorry i have been MIA for a month! I am a first time mom, dont judge me harshly- it just has been sooooo overwhelming! for the first month or so, i was in a total fog- the sleep deprivation, breastfeeding and totally feeling the baby blues. Now it really feels like I'm more in control and getting on top of stuff.Proud 1 month breastfeeding milestone under my belt also making me a bit more confident!..I promise to check in more often...

I am DELIGHTED to see hopingitwill here! congrats, friend and so happy for you! if i can think of anyone who really wanted and deserved their :bfp: it is you!

Certain- WOW, full term! Congratulations!! it feels like yesterday we were all discussing our BFPs! Have not read back much, but hope the docs are keeping a good eye on you . yours was a planned C-Sec right?

Smiley/ Steph- How are you ladies? Getting closer and closer!! Oh do fill me in on whats happening with you -because the littleman wont give me enough time to read back! sorrrreee....
here are 2 pix of him


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  • drunk on milk-1.jpg
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Eeeeeekk!! Kbkb, i'm so excited to see you've posted!! :happydance: Oh don't worry, I know how overwhelming those first few weeks are :hugs: I'm so pleased you're feeling more in control and the breastfeeding is going well!! He is absolutely adorable!!!! What a cutie! You still haven't told us a name though???? :flower:

I am good thanks, first day off on maternity leave today - HOORAY! I am going to stay in my pj's all day and do nothing. SPD is limiting what I can do anyway, so i'm hoping that now i'll have a few days a week where I can just relax!

Certain - Your bump is looking lovely!! I definitely think it's dropped in comparison to the last one. I guess that's due to her moving position? That's good all went ok, they don't seem hugely concerned - just keeping an extra eye on you which is what you need. Hopefully things are still looking good at the scan on Wed.

Hoping - Hello! Glad you had a good time away, though it does sound exhausting... tiredness in the first tri was what got me the most. By 3pm I was ready to go to bed for the night!! Oh not long till your booking in appointment now!

Steph - How are you today? What are your plans?

AFM - Well I sent OH up into the loft yesterday afternoon to get the things down for baby that we'll need. Got everything apart from the car seat - we have turned the house upside down (it is not a big house!!) and cannot find it anywhere!!!! I think he's not looking properly in the loft (even though he's been up 4 times, and 1 time I sent his dad up as well to check) - and he thinks i've accidentally sold it when I sold the pushchair. Which I definitely did not do. (i've got the newborn insert bit, and I remember specifically saying the car seat was not for sale and having a discussion with the lady about why not!

Arghhhhhhh!!! Just have no idea where it is. So looks like we're going to have to try and buy a new one - So annoying. Cuz i'm so sure when we move we'll find it! I spose having 2 car seats wont hurt if we do find it. But it just feels like we're going mad, it's not ANYWHERE!

x x x x x
Aaaaaaahh!! Good morning kbkb!!!!!

Its soooo nice to hear from u!! First of all, massive congratulations again!! And oh my god, ur son is soooo cute!! Well done on surviving the first month of motherhood!! It does get easier!! I remember it being such a blur too, its just such a massive change no one can prepare u for! And uv done so well breastfeeding too!! Ahh it sounds like ur loving it!!

So how did u all get on with the labour? How big was ur DS? He looks teeny!! Aaah! Hes gorgeous!!

Ahh its sooo good to hear from u! Are u over in the baby club section much?

Oh nothing much is new here with me! Been fainting so had to take maternity leave early! But apart from that, just getting bigger and bigger hehe!!

Hoping - helloooo! Glad to hear ur week away was a success!! Def get as much sleep as u can! I remember i couldve literally slept on a knives edge in the 1st tri! And dont worry abt the cramps, i got them lots too!! Glad uv not got any ms...long may that continue!!

Certain - i love ur bump!! Its perfect!! I agree with def looks like shes dropped! I do think it looks smaller but i dnt kno if thats jst cause it has dropped!

AFM - i totally slept in to get a same day docs appt for this bloomin thrush & to get my iron tablets prescription! Ah well, il need to wait til 2moro now! Rage!
Steph - posting at the same time :D

Oh no, how annoying - can you not call them up now and see what they have? Or will u just book the appointment for tomorrow?
x x x
Morning smiley!! I totally didnt see ur post!!

Aah thats soooo annoying about the carseat!! I take it there is no way u can go up the loft to have a look? Lol i wouldnt trust my OH to find anything lol!! I love how he thinks uv sold it lol!!

Aww i guess 2 car seats isnt the worst thing in the world but i would grudge buying a new one too lol! Are uz 100% sure that uz didnt leave it at someone elses house? Like, all my baby stuff was at my mums but for some reason the car seat is at MILs!

So wot other stuff did u get down from the loft? i love baby stuff!!

Ive not got any plans today! OH asked me "if im in a cleaning mood, could i focus on the bathroom!" Lol!! I went crazy yesterday cleaning and i ended up using our new hoover to literally hoover everywhere! It has a big hose attachment so i was up hoovering windows and doors and the ceilings lol! My house must be 100% dust free haha!!

Ur day sounds good!! A wee relaxing day is always great!! Xxxxxx
Haha!! Aah we did it again!!

They dont have anything left! If u dnt phone within the 1st ten mins, uv got no chance! I'll jst try get an appt tomorrow! Xxxxx
I know, it's so annoying. Nope, there is no way I can get in the loft - we don't have a ladder and OH has to heave himself in whilst standing on the stairs banister (I have a heart attack every time he does it!). I sent him over to MIL's house to check there and it's not there which is the only other place it might be.... even though its not logical for it to be there! And my family all moved a couple months ago so if it was with them they'd have sent it straight back to me to save moving it!

Gahhhhh!! Haha, he just kept saying "you must have sold it" and I kept saying "you're not looking properly in the loft!" this went on for hours until we finally called a truce and have agreed not to say either of these things again.

We also got down the baby swing, moses basket, a few blankets, some more baby clothes and a couple little baby toys. :happydance:

Haha, you sound like you're on a big nesting kick! I love that your OH has put in a request for you to focus your cleaning fix on the bathroom though :D

Ah, that's a pain. FX you get an appointment for tomorrow then! x x x
Lol i bet uz break that truce haha!! And no, i guess it prob isnt really sensible for u to be on the stairs banister and hoisting ureself up lol! I couldnt cope with that...!! Lol!

I wonder wot uz have done with didnt loan it to anyone? Lol ur gonna reach a point where ul question whether or not u did actually sell it :haha:

Lol i told OH il clean whatever my hormones tell me to clean!! Haha! Hes loving it tho, im not exactly wot u would call a domestic goddess but hes loving that he gets in from work and the place is spotless! Lol! Xxxx
Well i'm secretly hoping that when we move it will turn up in the loft and I will spend a lifetime of gloating!!!

Nope, didn't loan it to anyone (don't know anyone who would need it?) and yes, I did start to doubt myself last night in whether I did sell it, but I know I didn't. The woman asked me why I wasn't selling the carseat and I told them i'd need it - there is no way i've sold it!

Haha, you sound like me. I am no domestic goddess! Things are clean and tidy but i'm not massively house proud (OH's mum has an obsessively clean house!!!) so it's not always sparkling. So when I do have cleaning episodes OH loves coming home to it... Can't do it too often though or he'd get used to it :haha:

Ok question - Have any of you got a video baby monitor?? I want one, but not sure which to get. They are quite expensive so was gonna pick one then try hunt one down second hand! Just need to know what is a half decent one! x x x x

Kbkb - eeek your little son is soo gorgeous! Congrats on surviving and on the breastfeeding - we all imagined you would need some time before popping back on here :) but so glad to hear all is going well. I am sooo ready to meet my little one now!

Hoping - aww sounds like a manic week - dont think i could cope with 5 hours sleep at 7 weeks preg! well done you and hope you can catch up soon! Glad your not feeling too sick, I was always just mainly nauseous!

Steph - how annoying about the appointments - put your OH alarm on so he can make you an appointment :haha: hehe I love it, domestic goddess :haha: im not one either and the next two days are intended for cleaning too (my mum is coming on wed to stay for a week and although she would never judge - in fact she is telling me to rest more- I still want it to look nice). Also starting to get my nesting back - cant believe its only 2 weeks until my c sec date!

Smiley - oh dear I know the roundabout arguments but it sounds like you certainly shouldnt go up in that loft! I hope it does turn up though - how strange! must be nice getting bits down though. We didnt get a video one, just a light and voice feedback - I think a video one would make me too paranoid! I expect there will be 2nd had ones on ebay/gumtree etc...good luck!
Morning certain :wave:

Lol i always have to have a major clean if i know my mum is coming! Id hate her to think we live like pigs (which we dont, but the house certainly doesnt look like a show home haha!)

I cant believe its only 2 weeks til u have ur DD!! Thats amazing!! Are u all completely sorted now? Or as sorted as ul ever be lol!

Smiley, we didnt get a video monitor either! Didnt see muh point as our house is all on one level! I prob would have if we had stairs! There was a video one we had looked at! I'll see if its still in my bookmarks! Xxxxx
Morning Certain - Awwww TWO WEEKS!!! That is crazy close :D Do you have everything ready?

Thanks Steph - I am a bit baffled as to what would be classed as a "good" one! I just remember with DS I kept thinking how much better it would be if I could check on him without actually going in and disturbing him! Often he would make noises etc, but he was mostly just asleep still and I always woke him up if I went in! :dohh:

x x x x

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