SMEP success buddies

Oh wow!! Hes almost fully engaged!! Im soooo jealous!! At my appointment last week they said his head was still very free! Lol! Jeez oh! I bet hes here in a few weeks!! Eek!

Thats good ur still gonna get ur scan! Only two weeks to wait, that'll fly in, especially as ul be off work!!

I cant believe u havent put on any weight since ur 28 week appt! Im so jealous!! I seem to put on weight by the minute lol!

Ha, I would like to hope that this could mean he'll come a bit early - but I bet he'll just sit in there till i'm 42 weeks!!

Yep, i'm really pleased about the scan - i'm glad she still wants to send me for it. I do love my midwife!! I'd have really liked to go to the birthing centre she works in so she could deliver my baby but i've picked somewhere else now. Never mind!

I forgot to mention OBEM last night - did u guys watch it? I was laughing SO much!!!! x x x x
Bump pics time! :D

The first one at 34 weeks on it's own - the other one next to DS1's bump. I think they look pretty similar in size, just a diff shape maybe?

x x x x


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Aaaw yeah OBEM!!! That younger couple were absolutely hilarious!! Aw see when she poo'd herself and her friend was howling with laughter!! Haha i had tears streaming down my face!! Lol!

Awe ur bump is sooo cute!! It def looks about the same size as last time!! U look really good tho...u still look really slim!! Im so jealous! Im sitting at a 2stone weight gain but i can totally see it in the tops of my arms and my back!! Lol i hate back fat haha!!

Il go on my laptop just now and upload my bump pic from yesterday!

Here be my 35 week bump!! :flower: It looks rather droopy haha :haha:

I was having a bit of a panic last nite...I was sitting thinking that I hadnt really felt baby move so I lay on the couch to try and relax and see if I could feel him but do u know that way every minute that went by that I didnt feel anything I got more and more panicky! But eventually he started moving and he hasnt stopped today so I feel a lot better :cloud9:

Its unreal the state u can work urself into over absolutely nothing!! :dohh:

Im sitting just now trying to figure out what way he is lying!! I have NO clue how these midwives can tell haha!! xxxxxx


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Thanks Steph :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Your bump is beautiful!!! I just love how you've still got these little legs and then your bump on top. It's like someone has just stuck it on you :D gorgeous! Your arms and back do not look like they have fat on them at all!!

Oh I know what you mean about the panicking!! Every now and again I think I haven't felt him moving in a while and it seems like FOREVER until he moves again. I drink a pint of really cold water and then have a cup of tea or something - that usually kicks him into waking up if i'm getting impatient! (sorry Squiggle!)

LASSSSTTTTT DAAAAAYYYYY!!!! I'm feeling a bit nervous now. The next milestone in my diary is BABY!

x x x x x x
Your bumps are all soo lovely :) very cute! I will be taking my 'full term' 37 week pic tomorrow! Cant believe it - although i think my bump may have shrunk slightly?! maybe just coz she is fully engaged (not that it matters). I am also starting to feel the pressure so she is obviously pushing down. I guess the lack of fluid wont be helping too.

Smiley - :happydance: last day of work...wooop! so happy for you! also really pleased you got to have your growth scan - let us know the date :) I hope you do come a bit early - no overdue babies for us please :haha:

Steph - glad to hear babysitting was ok :) cant imagine 2 toddlers but I guess they will entertain themselves! I agree with Smiley, def no fat :)

Aww ladies I know the movement panic, however I seem to be feeling every prod, move, tickle 10x at the mo and its quite painful - apparently another thing with low fluid but it was almost making me cry last night, so sore :( hope my fluid increases soon!
Morning Certain!

I just have to wait for a letter or a phonecall now, but the scan should be between 20th-27th March. Midwife said I might not get a call until the day before they want to get me in though, so just have to play the waiting game. (which I hate!) But it's not that long away.

Daaaaa you're full term tomorrow!! :happydance:

My midwife told me yesterday that my bump is pretty much all baby (not low fluid levels or anything, just that some peoples bumps have quite a lot of fluid in) - and I seem to feel every movement / scrape and they are quite painful. So I can only imagine how sore you are when your DD moves about :hugs:

x x x x x

Im so jealous of uz with ur engaged babies!! Ollypop is most definitely not engaged! I feel NO pressure what so ever! I remember with Brandon i felt like i had a melon between my legs...i dont even feel like i have a raisin between them this time round!!

Certain - oh my god ur full term tomorrow!! Oh my god!! That is soooo exciting! A wee fully cooked baba!! :happydance: cant wait to see ur bump pic! Aaw i never even thought on how the low fluid levels would emphasise every movement! I get really sore movements sometimes so i cant imagine what ures feel like! Ouch!! But on the plus side...only 2 weeks left to go! Ooooooh!!

Smiley - hows the last day goin?? Have ur work mates been nice to u? Did they get u any presents? I bloomin hope so!!

U could end up gettin ur scan on the same day Certain has her baby!! How exciting would that be haha!!

AFM - well one of OHs interviews was cancelled last minute, apparently the woman has to go in for an operation so thats fair enough lol! His other one is at half 3 and this is the job he really wants so i really hope he gets it!

And this is really weird but at night, i seem to either have a terrible sleep where my legs cramp all nite or a great sleep with no leg cramps & ive noticed a pattern!! If i wear jammy trousers to bed...i have a terrible sleep! But if i sleep in jst my pants and a top, i have a great sleep! Lol just thot id share my random findings with u :haha: xxxxxxx
Hahaha Steph - you've made me laugh with the melon / raisin comment. I am definitely sporting a melon!!!

Last day is going good thank you, just had lunch etc. Got a couple little bits, it was definitely organised by the girl who works in accounts with me - bless her!

Oh good luck to your OH for the interview!! Hope it goes well!

Haha, good work on your random findings! anything that helps with a good night sleep :D x x x
Aaaw thats nice of the girl! Bet she'll miss u! Only a couple of hours left! Eek!

A few of the other supervisors in my work text me to see if i fancy a wee curry nite cos i never got to say farewell to thats nice of them! And a hot curru never done anyone any damage haha!! i come!!

I am gonna need to make a docs appointments for next week...this is gonna be TMI but my 'lady garden' had started getting sore again so i had a wee look in the mirror (lol im so embarassed) and there is LOADS of little red lumps...i have no clue what it could be! I dnt wanna google it cos i know all the scary results that will come up! I dunno if its maybe just a hormonal thing but i think i should def get it seen to! Ah so embarrassing!! :dohh:

Haha, get on the vindaloo's!! Have you been having your RLT? I am also going to start having some EPO tablets.... dunno, just seen it on one of the boards that might help things happen sooner. Not until i'm 36 weeks but thought it might be worth a shot!

Oh I feel your pain on the embarassing lady garden probs. When I was talking to my midwife yesterday explaining how MASSIVE everything is down there, I thought for a second she was going to suggest she take a look..... I was not even almost mentally prepared for it to be looked at, so quickly said "ah, maybe it's not that bad - it'll be fine" :haha: I still can't get over how big it is.

Sounds like it's best to go get checked though, not sure what it could be but i'm sure it'll be something delightful related to pregnancy!

x x x x
Haha!! I hate the thought that shes gonna ask to look!! But id imagine she will! Its so silly that we dont want people lookong down there when in a few weeks were gonna have someone staring at it haha!! So yeah, il mention to her and see wot she says! Lol im not mentally or physically prepared for it to be looked at haha! Its been a wee bit neglected in the past few months haha!! Ah well, who mums friend is a doctor and she said 'once uv seen one, uv seen them all!!' Haha!!

I havent had any RLT yet...i cant find the actual leaves anywhere!! Just the capsules! If i cant find the leaves within the next week then il just buy the capsules and start taking them! Yeah i read about EPO too! I have that in the cupboard as i used to take it before i fell pregnant so il take that too but i think il wait til im 36 weeks too! Better check its in date actually haha!

And i just wanna have a proud mummy moment but Brandon is well and truely potty trained :happydance: i honestly couldnt be prouder! He hasnt had an accident in 3 days and if we go out he tells us & he'l use the 'big boy toilet'! He doesnt even tell us anymore that he needs, he just goes to the potty, does what he needs then goes & pours it down the toilet and washes his hands! Hes even been dry the past few nights but i think we'll leave the nappies on at night for a while! We have 2 packs of nappies so might as well use them lol! But sorry, just wanted to brag a wee bit! :happydance:

Ahhh YAAAAAAAAY!!! Well done Brandon!!! That is so impressive how quickly he's got that. It wasn't long ago that you tried and then went back to nappies was it?? He is a little star!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Haha that is so true, it's funny how once you're in labour you don't care who is staring down there, or what it looks like!! x
Yeah i majorly impressed!! Thanks :hugs: it was December time that we tried it and he just was no ready! It just shows u how much they come on in a few months! Scary!!

:rofl: haha yeah i kno! I remember bein in labour with Brandon & they were trying to take blood from Brandons head and i had one doctor & 3 midwives down that end! Another midwife popped her head in the room and 'apparently' i shouted "hey, why dont u come have a look...everyone else in the room has!" Lol oh dear :dohh: its so true what they say tho, u def do leave ur dignity at the door haha!! Xxxxx
Hahahahaha!!! :rofl: Oh the delights of labour!!

Oh that wasn't long ago at all, it just makes so much difference leaving it a little while if they're not ready doesn't it. Well I am very impressed, I will be looking to you and Brandon for tips when I try and get DS potty trained... which I am scheduling in for 10 years time - haha!

x x x x
Haha 10 years time :rofl: that'll be here before u kno it haha!! I hate how grown up they are! I always thought 2 year olds were still babys! But theyre totally not...theyre such wee people!! I think im just gonna constantly have babies so that i always have a proper wee baby around me! Lol...altho i have told OH countless times this past few months that Im not doing this again!! Haha!!

Ooooh u only have like 1 hour left of work!! (Im assuming u finish at 5 lol?) Xxxxxxx
Haha i've said no more babies after this one a few times recently... but I know that's totally a lie!! We've always wanted 4 - but we'll see.

You're right though, 2 years old and they are proper people. I still find myself surprised when i'm having a proper conversation with DS and he's telling me things - when on earth did you get so grown up!!!!

I am finishing at 4pm - so 10 minutes!!! WOOP DE DOOOOO!!!! x x x x

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