Ugh, Belle - sorry you were so ill the other day, are you feeling better now?
Ducks - even if your road ahead is long, honestly I found the NTNP period very nice after TTC for so many months. It wouldn't have been ideal with my school schedule if I'd gotten a BFP but we would have welcomed it, anyway the pressure was off.
Wishn - You've read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"? I've heard good things. Would you recommend it? Anyone else have an opinion?
AFM, had my last US of this cycle, and good news is looks like I ovulated, just waiting until Mon or Tue for my progesterone level to come back, so that makes me happy.
Need to vent for a moment about DH though. We had our appt 3 weeks ago with the doctor, I've been in for 3 US since then, made the surgery consult appt for early next month, and looked in to his insurance for where he can have the SA done. His only job is to make an appt and got give a sample. He hasn't done it, even with my reminders about every other day. He typically needs to be told in a moment he can just do something or he forgets, but I am just so frustrated that he hasn't done it. I don't want to remind him, I wish it were more important to him. I know he wants a baby as much as I do, but why does it fall all on me to do the work??! Okay, thanks for listening/reading ladies