Ducks-- I've adjusted my sig a bit to help and my chart shows up there too, so that should make my info clear! I am going to second (third, fourth?) your motion for uterus goggles to be created. I need a pair of those. I'll really need them in about 3 weeks when I'm back at the mid to end of another tww. You should be proud of yourself for watching the video. It's really hard to be happy for others who have exactly what you most want, but it's nice to remember that they didn't do it to you/at you specifically. I love this article I read recently, it's more about parenting... realizing that people aren't parenting AT you, but I think about it for pregnancy too... people aren't getting pregnant AT me to spite me, lol. It sure feels that way sometimes though.
Beany--I hope your o date has passed and your cycle becomes clearer each day and does NOT misbehave by lasting two freaking months. That's just not fair. TTC is hard enough!
Belle-- I'm sorry to hear about the red spotting, I was getting super pumped about your chart, but then again, you're not out yet. Do you feel AF coming on? Once I truly feel those crampy AF feelings, I just know.
Wish-- I hope your AF stays away and those cramp inklings abate and were just gas or something. Lol. Especially since it's still early in your TWW.
MK-- I really hope you don't have to wait until after September, but it's maybe a little relaxing/nice knowing that something will happen in a couple months that will greatly improve your ttc journey, and for now you can take a relaxed-ish approach until that milestone passes.
AFM, I did my labwork yesterday. My next appt is next Thursday afternoon, so I won't know anything about my labs until then, when we'll also do a sono and talk about my results. Looking forward to that. AF is letting up now. It was really heavy and horrible for 2 days, and it's been just light or spotting since, so at least it's ending quickly. Today is CD 4. I've switched to TriStart DHA prenatal vit, still taking coq10 but discontinued the other supplements (vit d, c, folic acid, fish oil) as they're already covered in my prenatal. Starting back with brazil nuts today. Going to eat 2 a day throughout the cycle and make DH have them too. Pineapple in tww is in the plan again. My doc also recommended getting a "pregnitude" supplement, so I'll likely get that in the next few days.
Overall feeling okay, but a little impatient. I am ready for it to be a week ahead of now so I can hear the results from my testing and start with productive bd'ing.