so broody - what would you do?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I'm soooo broody again. I know I will be alot happier when I am pregnant again because I was when I fell pregnant before my M/C.

But we are going to greece in July for 3 weeks so I don't want to be pregnant for that. and now OH wants to try and go to LA in november to visit some friends. The thing is that is such a long way to go and I don't know if I would enjoy it if I was pregnant. I'm not sure whether to put it off until after that - but that feels like such a long way away :(

what would you do?

TTC now?
TTC after greece (Aug time)?
TTC after LA if we hafta go (Nov/Dec time)?

I want there to be under 3yrs age gap between Eva and the next baby.
if it was me id try after greece (as i voted) so you can both enjoy a nice holiday together just the 2 of you with out all the stress of planning, charting, you can just relax, after that (or even during the hols) let nature take its course and hopefully you will be over 3 months by the november trip so its safe to go on a plane yey (as if anything goes that easy in real life but fingers crossed) XXX
I voted for after greece as if you catch right away your be in the 1st trimester in greece and likely to feel like poo and really tired !! then again you may feel fine, but enjoy your hols and have a drink or 2 without the worry id say ! good luck when you do want to ttc, im the same i cant think of the right time, at the mo the plan is to start soon but i keep changing my mind !!!! ha
its a tough one, i was in the same situation, sort of,

I wanted to wait untill after the IOW fetival in June, but when i got pregnant i was over the moon and knew that i wouldnt mind giving up the drink for teh festival, the baby meant more to me.

Id play it by ear, what happens is meant to be

Looks like everyone thinks the same. I will see what OH thinks about it. I feel like I will be alot happier when I'm pg again. I'm really looking forward to it x
I voted...try now. There'll always be a good reason to put off TTC. If you want another baby, why wait!
after Greece! a nice Spring 08 baby Vic!:hugs:
I voted for after Greece .. i think you should have this holiday and really enjoy yourself and think about it after.
I think that would probably be the most sensible option.

I can't help feeling like I wish I was pregnant now :( I'm not dwelling on it but I'm gutted that I would have been about 3 1/2 months pg by now if it wasn't for the M/C.

I think that would probably be the most sensible option.

I can't help feeling like I wish I was pregnant now :( I'm not dwelling on it but I'm gutted that I would have been about 3 1/2 months pg by now if it wasn't for the M/C.

:hugs: i really feel for you. x
thanks hun! and congrats on your pregnancy :hugs: I'm really happy for you xx
I agree with the holiday - have fun Vic :hugs: Based on the 2 hols & how far away the 2nd one is I don;t think I could wait maybe a 'what will happen will' ;)

Lots of luck I know its not easy :hugs:

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