So confused & hurt advice needed


Apr 19, 2014
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My last period was March 15, 2014. I know I conceived either April 1st or 2nd. I got my first BFP April 15 at night. I took another test April 16th first thing in the morning. I went to planned parenthood that same day and they confirmed my BFP with another urine test. Tonight, April 18, I went to the ER because I started bleeding, but it only lasted about 45 minutes and it was light red/pink and was only there when I wiped. But it was enough where if I wasn't in the bathroom every 10 minutes it would've gotten on my underwear. I was pretty sure it could've just been extra blood coming out because I have heard that's common in early pregnancy. They took my blood and urine and told me my blood test showed negative for pregnancy. They want me to go to an OBGYN Monday to test again. But they pretty much told me I had a miscarriage. I just don't know what to think. I can't stop crying. I'm beyond hurt. They discharged me with papers saying I miscarried. Has this ever happened to anyone? I'm sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place. I'm just so worked up. Any advice is completely appreciated. :(
hi... firstly just try to relax :) if your blood test showed negative in the ER, thats quite weird koz wouldnt there need to be something showing in the HCG blood test if you are pregnant/ was?? blood tests are very accurate love, but maybe you can request another blood test possibly when you can... if u r pregnant u would be around 5 weeks/ 1 month pregnant and something should have shown on ur blood test... koz u stated that u know u conceived either 1st or 2nd of april. butt if they told you to test again on monday, hopefully u will get the answers that u need... sending u my best wishes and luck.
just for you to know:
hCG levels chart during pregnancy--

hCG levels in weeks from the last normal menstrual period:
3 weeks LMP 5 – 50 mIU/ml
4 weeks LMP 5 – 426 mIU/ml
5 weeks LMP 18 – 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/ml
7-8 weeks LMP 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/ml
9-12 weeks LMP 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/ml
13-16 weeks LMP 13,300 – 254,000 mIU/ml
17-24 weeks LMP 4,060 – 165,400 mIU/ml
25-40 weeks LMP 3,640 – 117,000 mIU/ml
Women who are not pregnant <5.0 mIU/ml
Women after menopause 9.5 mIU/ml
Hi there, I'm so sorry you're going through this :(

The month before I conceived my son I got several positive tests the day my period was due, but when I went to the doctors 4 days later their urine test came back negative, so they did a blood test which came back "inconclusive". I was told I'd "just had a late period", which I know wasn't the case.. It was a chemical pregnancy, or a very early loss.

Later that same day I started spotting, and the next day I started bleeding heavily. It was very similar to a period. Three weeks after the bleeding stopped I got a BFP again! So early miscarriages don't affect your ability to conceive again.

Again, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I know how much it hurts. Sending lots of love and hugs your way :hugs:
I'm sorry you are going through this. And I wanted to try and explain some things about what happened. First there's two things that could have happened. Either you've had what's known as a chemical pregnancy (Basically the egg fertilizes but doesn't implant before your period starts so you have a few days delayed period and a few positive pregnancy tests that quickly go negative.) or the ER dr was reading your hCG levels wrong. There are two different blood tests that they do to test for pregnancy-a qualitative hCG test and a quantitative hCG test. A qualitative hCG test is basically a yes/no type of pg test and is often known for false negatives in the first weeks of pregnancy. The other test is a quantitative hCG which measures the actual level of hCG in your blood and is far more accurate at telling whether or not you are pregnant. The problem here is that some doctors think pg is proven if your hCG is above 5 mIU while others think pg is proven if hCG is above 25 mIU. It's possible the ER dr did the less accurate test or doesn't consider pregnancy to be less than 25 mIU. I'd go for more blood work next week and see what your numbers are doing as it's the only way to know for sure. A viable pregnancy will have hCG levels rising quite quickly at this stage.
I think I'd take another hpt and if it's still postive I'd go to my OB next week and get bloodwork. If the hpt is negative, then I'd assume it was a chemical pregnancy.
This happened to me with first pregnancy, got a bfp all though faint, hadlight bleeding when wiped only got a tad heavier, went doctor and tested... Came out negative, they were very dismissive. I would of been 5-6 weeksi believe. Could have been a chemical. I'm not sure but I did pass a mass of tissue size of a 2p coin. Could of been blighted ovum cos it didn't look like a fetus. I was devastated but happier news I fell pregnant 6 months later and went on to have a healthy baby boy who is now 1 year old. Good luck to the future your in my thoughts xx
Thank you so much for your time. I do have an appointment Monday to go see an OBGYN and they're going to test my blood again. I'm hoping it wasn't a chemical pregnancy like others have mentioned on here. :-/ The doctor said if I am pregnant that by Monday my hcg levels should be high enough to show on a blood test. It was just so sad because I know they believe that I had an early miscarriage. It was as if they were announcing a family death to me. It hurts so bad because I was so soooo excited to finally be a mother and start this chapter of my life. But unfortunately I do think it's a chemical pregnancy because I'm starting to have bad cramping in my lower back & I am still having pink blood sometimes when I wipe. I will find out for sure Monday and update what exactly happened. Thank you to everyone who posted giving me some advice I truly appreciate it.
I wish you all the best for Monday. And if it is bad news it does get easier to deal with I promise, mc is so common unfortunately 1 in 4! And chances are your next pregnancy will be successful. Although nerve wrecking you will panic until baby is in your arms. Good luck xxxx
Well I just wanted to update everyone....because I hate reading posts and never knowing what happened... lol So to sum everything up....
March 14th- LMP
April 1st- Conceived
April 15th- BFP
April 16th- BFP & confirmed at planned parenthood
April 19th- Started Bleeding(No clots) Went to ER to make sure everything was OK, & they told me my blood test was negative and I probably miscarried
April 20th- Spotted off & on all day(No clots) then stopped bleeding.
April 21st- Took another test & BFP
April 22nd- Took another test & BFP. Had my blood taken at my OBGYN
Today...April 23rd- Got my blood results back & I'm still pregnant!!!!!!! :)

I go tomorrow to get more blood work to make sure my hcg is still doubling but omg, I'm so happy that everything is okay. I just had a gut feeling that the ER was wrong. I was almost convinced that I did have a chemical pregnancy, but lucky for me the ER was wrong!!! I have my first sonogram on the 30th. Thanks again for everyone posting ! :)
& hopefully if anyone is in the situation I was in this will help. :)
Well I just wanted to update everyone....because I hate reading posts and never knowing what happened... lol So to sum everything up....
March 14th- LMP
April 1st- Conceived
April 15th- BFP
April 16th- BFP & confirmed at planned parenthood
April 19th- Started Bleeding(No clots) Went to ER to make sure everything was OK, & they told me my blood test was negative and I probably miscarried
April 20th- Spotted off & on all day(No clots) then stopped bleeding.
April 21st- Took another test & BFP
April 22nd- Took another test & BFP. Had my blood taken at my OBGYN
Today...April 23rd- Got my blood results back & I'm still pregnant!!!!!!! :)

I go tomorrow to get more blood work to make sure my hcg is still doubling but omg, I'm so happy that everything is okay. I just had a gut feeling that the ER was wrong. I was almost convinced that I did have a chemical pregnancy, but lucky for me the ER was wrong!!! I have my first sonogram on the 30th. Thanks again for everyone posting ! :)
& hopefully if anyone is in the situation I was in this will help. :)
am soo happy for you hun am fingers crossed you hcg is rising. I got uti at moment so hurts like bitch. Luckly no bleeding but this is 3rd preg. I had adbo pain early both prev pregs an got early scans. I wont be suprised if you get one.
What a lovely update to read!!

Your LMP is one day after mine so we must be due around the same time! H&H 9 months (well 7.5 now).
Love this update! Praying for a happy and healthy nine
Congratulations! So happy for you! The same thing happened to me during my 1st pregnancy and now she is a very happy, very silly 10 month old little girl! Sorry the ER gave you one heck of a scare, but so very glad they were wrong! H&H 9 months to you!:flower:
Well everyone, I absolutely hate to be posting this right now... but I did end up miscarrying. :-(
April 25th or 26th-hcg was 1,037
April 30th-Ultrasound showed sac being 4 weeks along(I was 6 weeks that day) had blood taken that day also, called me later on with hcg results being 500 & some. They told me I'd be miscarrying soon or I'd need a D&C.
May 2nd- Terrible cramps for about an hour(thought about going to ER for meds)
May 3rd-Bleeding began(lots of little clots, but nothing serious, period like blood, cramps but not bad)
May 4th-Passed the sac...most heart breaking thing I've ever delt with.
May 9th- I stopped bleeding
My OBGYN told me since I was only 5-6 weeks pregnant I could continue to try and I'm at no risk for future miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy, & I've read online that 50-60% of first pregnancy's end in chemical pregnancy's ....idk the exact definition of what a chemical pregnancy is, but from my understanding it's a pregnancy that ends very early on. But that information did put me at ease. It's still extremely sad...I wish I would have never had that ultrasound....Because although the nurse told me the sac was only measuring 4 weeks, she said that didn't mean anything. Like I said I should have been 6 weeks along that day. But I thought I was looking at the baby I was going to be holding in my arms one day...:-(
Just to clarify the whole ER telling me I miscarried they were ******* idiots!!!!!
My blood hcg quantative test that day was 323. They told me my blood test showed negative for pregnancy. Idk, how the heck they got that mixed up. They have this thing were we can log online to our account and see our ER tests & stuff. & even after the ER visit, I was seeing my OBGYN every few days & my hcg was doubling, until of course the 30th when it dropped in half.
But I just wanted to update everyone. I guess after the ER telling me I miscarried & being devastated from that, I kind of already had my mourning...But I just hope & pray God blesses me with another baby this month. Best wishes to everyone!
I hope I'm back on here in a few weeks announcing another pregnancy! Thanks for reading & I wish happy healthy pregnancy's for everyone!
I'm so sorry to hear this Kayla I wish you thee best in your future (near future) pregnancy!
so sorry for your loss dear, i hope you get your sticky rainbow soon. :hugs:

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