I feel like it's one thing going wrong after another I think my LO has a lip tie - she clicks when feeding (even EBM from a bottle), milk spills out of her mouth when feeding, she starts off latched on ok but then slides off and has a shallow latch which is painful for me and means that she's not always getting the hind milk
who can I see about the lip tie? does anyone have any encouraging words/similar experiences to share?
I really don't want to give breastfeeding up, it's so important to me but I don't know how much longer I can go with being in pain every time I feed her and worrying about whether she's getting the hind milk. every time I change her nappy and it's green my heart sinks I'm only feeding her off my right breast at the moment because I have a crack on the left one that isn't healing due to bad latch so the right one is starting to feel the burn now
who can I see about the lip tie? does anyone have any encouraging words/similar experiences to share?
I really don't want to give breastfeeding up, it's so important to me but I don't know how much longer I can go with being in pain every time I feed her and worrying about whether she's getting the hind milk. every time I change her nappy and it's green my heart sinks I'm only feeding her off my right breast at the moment because I have a crack on the left one that isn't healing due to bad latch so the right one is starting to feel the burn now