So scared.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2012
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My waters broke 2 days ago at 35+2 and as my baby was breech, it was decided I would be monitored in hospital and given steroids then a c-section when labour began. Throughout my stay in hospital the staff consistently ignored everything I said about how my labour was progressing, ignored the fact I was bleeding heavily for 7 hours and ignored me when I told them I needed an immediate section because I knew I was close to full dilation. They insisted I wasn't even in labour right up until I delivered my daughters legs.

As a result I ended up having to give birth to my daughter vaginally. The registrar who was delivering her (and who had made all decisions regarding everything that had happened previously) chose to do nothing when my daughters head became stuck and her cord was wrapped tightly around her neck. She insisted I continue pushing even though I was no longer contracting. She refused to let me take my legs down from the stirrups and had 2 members of staff hold them there (I have bruises) even though I told her I couldn't push from my bottom like that and could only push from the front. I ended up just urinating when I tried to push. 20 minutes ater my daughter's body had been delivered, another doctor arrived. One of the midwives on duty had become concerned by what was happening and had called him at home and got him from his bed. He came swooping in, gave me an episiotomy and removed my daughter's head with his hands. She was born without a heartbeat at 7:37am yesterday morning. The NICU staff immediately began working on her and got her heartrate back after 8 minutes. She was put on a ventilator.

Currently she is still on the ventilator. She is being cooled to 33.5 degrees to prevent further brain damage. She has machines and tubes doing everything for her. We were told today that her chances of survival are good but that she will likely have some form of lasting brain damage. She has wires on her head that record her brain waves on a machine and we have been told that these are showing that she is having seizures.

I am so scared for my little girl. Her name is Phoebe Lauren. I am so angry at the countless mistakes that were made in the 17 hours I was in the labour ward when she could have been delivered by section. She would likely have needed help as she was premature but she wouldn't have been starved of oxygen for 20 minutes. She wouldn't have brain damage. I created a perfect human being and the negligence of 1 doctor and 2 midwives have changed who she is forever. I can't bear the thought that she may suffer.

I don't know what to do. Noone can tell me what to expect. I want to hold my daughter and hear her cry. I want to take her home. I understand that noone can tell me how long anything might take but I just feel so desperate.

I wish I could trade places with her. I feel so helpless. :cry:
Oh my goodness, my heart just broke for you :( you're treatment was shocking.

I will keep little baby Phoebe in my thoughts and hope that she is strong and fights and surprises everyone.

(This may or may not have crossed your mind with the situation you've been in, but document everything that has happened (like you've done in this post), and continue to do so because I think you've got a clear case for medical negligence).

Again, you're in my thoughts. I hope you get to cuddle your little girl soon x x
I have no words :( I am so sorry you are going through this.

I have faith your little girl will get through this well and strong. I was born at 30 weeks back in the early 80's, went into cardiac arrest three times and was deprived of oxygen for ten minutes during one episode yet I lived to tell the tale and am, for lack of a better term, "normal".

I agree with pp that you should document everything. It sounds like some very serious neglect took place and in due time will have to be addressed.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am in tears, and my heart is broken for you. I am so, so sorry for all you and your sweet girl have endured. Praying for you both!! I sincerely hope that she makes a full recovery, and that the people responsible are held accountable and prevented from hurting another mom or baby.
The care you received sounds dreadful.
I am so sorry this is how you were treated.
I hope your lo is doing better.
I had my lo at 34 + 5 she was breech also. I was 9cm by the time I got to the hospital.
They did suggest at one point I have a vaginal delivery but that was quickly rebuffed by other Dr's.

You have every right to be angry.

hugs and prayers your way x
I am so sorry you have had such a horrendous experience and as a result your daughter has needed cooling treatment. I don't have experience with brain injury due to being deprived of oxygen but my daughter did have a large brain bleed and like you we were told it was a waiting game to see what her outcome would be. We were given worst case scenario and although it wasn't nice to hear I wanted to be prepared. I spent the first couple of years of my daughters life worrying how she was going to develop and over analysing everything she done and really stressed myself out. She is 5 next month and we have been incredibly fortunate and she does not appear to have any problems as a result of her brain bleed but we will need to monitor her when she starts school.

I will be thinking of your little girl and hope you get a cuddle soon. Although it's good to prepared do not give up hope of a miracle. There is many on this board that prove they do happen.

Take care xx
Thank you, everyone. It helps so much to have your messages because you know what I'm feeling right now.

Phoebe is doing well. She is stable and her blood results are showing normal kidney and liver function. The only real worry is her brain. She is hooked up to a CFAM machine and it's showing clinical seizures, which she is on stage 2 treatment for.

She is so beautiful.
Glad to hear Phoebe is doing well hun. We were a bit like 25weeker too, Alex had a brain bleed too and shes dones fantastically - at a young age, the brain can rewire itself.

Please look after yourself too. :hugs: :hugs:
It is so good to hear a positive update! I hope you get good news about the brain and seizures soon, as well.

I also hope you are getting to cuddle and kiss her, and if not yet, then very soon!

Continuing to pray for you both!!
My friend had a very similar experience. One of her twins needed brain cooling due to a cord around her neck. Today, mentally, she is PERFECT. Has hit every milestone. She did have significant kidney damage from the lack of oxygen--I am so glad Phoebe does not. I am rooting for you and your little fighter.

Also, consider hiring a forensic perinatologist. My friend did. It sounds like you have a legitimate legal case against these so-called doctors.
How is beautiful Phoebe today? I have been thinking about her every day and hoping for a miracle.

I'm so furious about how you were treated. What was that effing doctor thinking?!?
Phoebe is actually doing really well. Her cooling treatment ended today and she is now back to normal body temp. She is still on life support but they hope that she will make attempts to breathe on her own now she isn't cooled.

She has had some seizures. THey can't really tell us whether it means anything for her future or whether it's something that will repair itself. She has to go to a children's hospital around her due date for an MRI and the doctor told us today that whatever happens, he will be keeping her in hospital until then as if she is discharged, there is a 3 month waiting list for the MRI scan as an outpatient. I honestly couldn't believe that he was saying she may be ready to be discharged before then otherwise! It's amazing how good things are looking now compared to 2 or 3 days ago.

She is now taking breastmilk through a tube into her stomach. Only 4ml every 2 hours but it's a start and they are going to let us do the feeding from tomorrow. So excited! It looks pretty complicated because you have to suck stomach acids up first and test PH levels then syringe in the milk but I'm sure we will get the hang of it and it feels SO good to be doing something for her.

My breasts have gone into overdrive. I think I have about 15oz of milk in the storage at the NICU. Not bad considering I only managed 0.6ml of colostrum in day 1 and 2 and the rest has been since my milk came in yesterday :)

So yeah, basically to look at her she is still the same. She is heavily sedated and not doing much for herself but test after test come back with good news and apart from her brain she is perfect. Only time will tell about her brain. Whatever happens, we will deal with it and be so grateful that she is alive.
Thank you so much for updating us. I'm really pleased to hear how positive things are. I imagine you go from feeling hopeful to devastated and back to hopeful again. I know I would be.

Well done on the breastmilk feeding! Woo for all that milk.

I'm not really sure what to actually say but I want you to know how much I am thinking about you and Phoebe. Nothing I say sounds quite right.

Love her name. So pretty.
Lj, that is a fabulous update!!! Continuing to pray for sweet Phoebe to make a full recovery, and for your peace and strength. It sounds like you're doing an amazing job with the feeding--way to go, Mama!!
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!

BUT oh my gosh I am in shock reading your story!! I am in tears. I cannot BELIEVE that 'doctor' ! It took a midwife calling another doctor at home for something to change?! gaaaaah!

My son was a micro preemie and the first two weeks he went into cardio pulmonary arrest every single day. Sometimes it took quite some time to reanimate him and he would turn blue. When he left the hospital 100+ days later he was stiff on the right side. They confirmed he had cerebral palsy, so confirmed brain damage. We did lots of physiotherapy. I also felt completely helpless and wanted sooo badly to trade places with him.

The amazing fact about these little miracles is their brains can 'rewire' themselves, compensate and reorganize. My son is 4 now and has no sign left of his paralysis. He's a bright and happy little guy.

Thinking of you and Phoebe.... what a beautiful name for a gorgeous little baby.
Vermeil, I cried reading your story and looking at your sweet little boy's pictures!!!! How amazing!

Lj, I know you have SO much on your plate right now, but when you have a minute, go check out Vermeil's story. Phoebe will get there! It will be a long journey, but there is so much hope in her story and pictures. Praying for you today!
So sorry for everything you and little Phoebe have gone through mama. I am glad to hear things are getting better. You both will be in my thoughts.
So Phoebe has been breathing on her own for 14 hours now and tonight I got a cuddle :)

Thank you so much, everyone, for all the kind messages. It's appreciated a great deal.


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That's amazing!!!!! She's precious! Thank you for updating--I hope to hear another great report soon!

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