So unhappy with antenatal care recieved!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2008
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:shock: bloody hell! Didn't think it would come out so long!!!

I was going to post this under someone else's thread re nhs midwives, but while writing it out it got me thinking..... is the care i have recieved by the nhs typical of everyone else on here??

We basically feel like we've been forced to pay for private healthcare for our antenatal care and birth.

I won't name the NHS hospital who's care i was under, but if anyone is interested i can pm it to you.

My NHS antenatal care has basically consisted of the 2 scans at 12 and 20 weeks, which we were very happy with. The sonographers were lovely and extremely helpful. The only antenatal appointments i had was at 18 and 21 weeks. After my 21 week appointment i was told by the midwife that as i was such a low risk that i wouldn't need to be seen again till 2 days before my due date in feb '09. (!)
My first appointment at 18 weeks consisted of getting seen after an hour and a half waiting time- now this i have no problem with, as someone who works within the nhs myself, i understand the pressure and constraints, people are not machines and if there are problems things can run over. What i did take offence to was being seen by the rudest most dismissive midwife who shouted at me as at my stage i should not have a bump. Bloods were taken for my antenatal screening and quadruple test and i was told i'd hear from them regarding the results, usually within 10 days.

2 weeks went by and i had not heard from them, so i called and was then told that the blood tests would take 3 weeks to come back.
I decided i wouldn't bother them any further and would wait till my next antenatal appointment at 21 weeks. By this time i had started to have symptoms of a urinary infection, with an uncomfortable sensation when peeing and backache, so i provided a hospital with a urine sample. I was told it looked like there may be an infection but that they would need to send the sample off to be sure and that i would hear from them within the week.

I asked again about my blood test results and was told that they take 6 weeks to come back. (wtf?)

A week went and passed and i was still in pain and hadn't heard anything from the hospital so i called them asking if everything was ok and was told by the receptionist that if I hadn't heard anything then it meant everything was ok. I therefore assumed that i was just experiencing normal pregnancy pains and just stocked up on paracetamol for the pain i was getting.

THREE weeks after my urine sample was sent off i get a letter saying i have an infection and that i needed to visit my GP asap for treatment. Well, by that time my symptoms had considerably worsened so i went off to A&E who immediately put me on antibiotics.
I have tried to call several times since for my blood test results, each time to no avail, and i can only assume that they have gotten lost in the system as they are never available.
We have now decided that we feel we have no choice but to pay for private healthcare as i just can't trust these people to safely deliver my baby.

Can i ask if the care i have recieved is typical of nhs care recieved by all?? I can't believe that the 2 lines of notes that i have is typical of maternity healthcare today. I don't even have a midwife to call for questions and just feel very lost in thw whole system. Plus i can't believe that the final time they need to see me is at 21 weeks?? Is that normal?

Thanks for reading xxx
No thats so not normal!!! Im shocked thought mine was poor! Id be complaining hun. This is my 2ND pregnancy and ive seen my midwife 3 times so far and there will be another at 28wks then 34wks and every 2weeks thereafter!! Also you are meant to be checked for b/p regularly and should have another blood test later on in preg to check for aneamia!!
Youre hospital needs sorting now, Leaving a urine infection can lead to miscarriage early on and pre term labour later on!!
OMG :shock: That is so wrong!
I was seen at 11 weeks, then 21 weeks, then every 3 weeks until 36 weeks, then every 2 weeks. My last appointment - at 38 weeks, I was offered one a week later, but I was happy waiting until 40 weeks, as I have a straight forward pregnancy. I also had my 12 and 20 week scans. Whenever I had a question, I called the community midwives and they responded immediately.

The treatment you have (not) reieved is absolutely disgraceful I suggest you look at the NICE guidelines (not sure of the website - shouldn't be too difficult to find) - they will tell you what you are enititled to and how to complain. You should not have to provide your own care privately.

I'm so sorry you've had such a bad time of it :hug:
Thats not normal. Complain to the PCT if I were you. That is awful! I am being seen every four weeks by mainly the MW and a consultant ever few months.
Look at this hun - it's really easy to navigate and will give you what you need. The ante-natal appointments you should get will be particularly interesting!!!
Gosh! Reading your post, my jaw hit the floor! That is terrible!! I agree, consider making a formal complaint- you shouldn't have to worry about the level of care you receive, and you certainly shouldn't feel like you have to go private for the sake of your baby's health :hugs:
i would say thats substandard care that you recieved, alot has changed since my last pregnancy 14 yrs ago, i've seen my midwife 3 times so far, this time in my last pregnancy it was double that. the thing i say is you may be going alobg physically fine, but all the worries that build in our head can't be good for us.
i'd have a look at that site Kat gave to you, you shouldnt have been left that long. i had a wonderful mw for the firt two appt's but she left and my new one was really cold toward me until i asked her about bf support groups that she runs now i'm her best friend and sent me all the stuff through the post.
:cry: Your posts have actually reduced me to tears and i just called up the hospital sobbing down the phone.

I was actually taken seriously this time and a midwife finally took my call, she agreed that i should be seen again and that i should have my blood test results by now.
She took my name, and ummed and ahhed as she looked through the system and said that my blood tests weren't on there but should be by now. She said to go in on monday morning and personally see her where she will try and sort out what has gone on.


Need to speak to oh about this, as i think i will be taking this further.
aww hun hope it gets sorted!! Least uve set the ball rolling
I'm so glad something is happening for you! Your treatment so far sounds appalling. I paid privately for a nuchal scan at 12 weeks but that was my choice as I'm 36 and my health authority don't offer it. The difference between the treatment at the private clinic & the NHS was massive but I can't complain about the midwife led care I've received.
We have community midwives who run clinics at the doctors surgery. I was booked in at 10 weeks and at that point she wrote in my green notes I would be seen at weeks: 12(scan) 16 (bloods) 20 (scan) 22 (mw&matb1), then midwife only at weeks 28,32,34,36,38,40.
I have to admit I don't really like my midwife much but she has done everything she said she would so far, and gave me her mobile number (9-5)and a 24hr number for the community midwife team.
I really would take it further for yourself and others who may be getting the same poor treatment.
Sorry it has been so wrotten so far xxx :hugs:
Not Normal at all hun , But believe it or not very common within the NHS or so i have read .

I so far have been told i have a low lying placenta (When indeed i never have had) .
Isaw my midwife at 15 weeks who told me then i will not see her untill the week after xmas !!.

If i had the money i indeed would do the same as you hun and go private , So sorry to hear they havent given you the care you need or want . xx .
The treatment you have received is awful, i'm glad they are taking you seriously and hope you get some answers on Monday.

Personally my care so far has been great, I was treated under the EPU for weeks 4-6 as they thought I may have had an ectopic pregnancy, after two scans, weekly blood tests and overnight stay they discharged me to my GP. She then arranged for me to come under the community midwife who I have seen at 9, 14, & 18wks. My next appt is 25 wks and then every two weeks thereafter. Then I've also had 12 & 20 wk scans in between.
I saw my midwife at 7 weeks,scan at 9 weeks, 15 weeks,scan at 20 weeks, 21 weeks, 25 weeks, my next one is 28 weeks.... with more apointments to come i imagine. I think its disgusting how they have treated you and I would report them!
I agree with the others, that's disgraceful treatment! You complain away until you get what you deserve!
Just a quick update, told my MIL (aka the rotweiller) what's been going on and she was so pee'd off that she called up the hospital complaints to put in an official complaint.

Should be recieving a call from head midwife today.
Good,let us know how it goes.
I can't believe how shoddy you have been treated!
That is terrible.
My NHS maternity have been fantastic,I am highrisk,so always up there.
But lowrisk receive regular excellent care too.

That should be regardless of where you live,I feel for you.
Hopefully this will be sorted today,this is disgusting treatment.
And the midwife who said you shouldn't have a bump yet?!

I don't blame you one iota for going private (((hugs)))
Just a quick update, told my MIL (aka the rotweiller) what's been going on and she was so pee'd off that she called up the hospital complaints to put in an official complaint.

Should be recieving a call from head midwife today.

Good - make sure you give them hell and don't back down. You go girl!!! x x
Just read this and wanted to send a hug and encouragement. Good for you for standing up to such bad treatment. Filing a complaint will help others down the road avoid bad treatment, too. Good for you for taking the time and effort, especially when you are also dealing with being pregs!
That's really awful!! NHS care certainly isnt like that in every region. Don't let them get away with it - you are entitled to proper care and attention. I have had loads of appointments. One at 6 weeks, a home visit at 9 weeks, a scan at 9+6, appointment at 16 weeks, scan at 21 weeks, appointment at 25 weeks. I also still have to come an appointment at 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 39 weeks and 40 weeks unless baby is here by then. I am also considered low risk and thought this seemed like a lot. When I asked why so many the midwife said it was because it is my first pregnancy and it is regional policy to monitor in this way with a first. You need regular blood an urine tests at the very least to ensure everything is progressing normally. Let us know how you get on and good luck.
That's awful.

Over here, I saw my family doctor monthly until I reached 24 weeks, then at 28 (ish) weeks I was referred to an ob/gyn that I'll see at 28 and 32 weeks. After 32 weeks it's bi weekly until I hit 36 weeks then I see him weekly until the baby is born.

I can't believe they'd tell you that they wouldn't need to see you until a few days before your due date. However, I'm not familiar with the healthcare system over there... so is there another doctor you see in the meantime? I'm just wondering as there's still tests that should be done between 24-28 weeks (gestational diabetes) as that's when it's likely to set in.

For what it's worth, I'm glad you're getting somewhere from your MIL complaining. That truly is appaling. :hugs:

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