So who is in cloth now?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Just interested as its been a hot topic on here for a while now and more members have been expressing an interest. Just wondered how many of you have ventured into cloth now?

Who uses full time/part time, whos still experimenting, who has given up and not go on with it?

Make yourselves known
My names Jo and i'm a Cloth nappy addict :lol:

I use them 9/10ths of the time always have disposables on standby :oops:

Just bought some Minkis
i just bought some off jo!! ill let use know how i get on( or drastically fail lol)
I've picked some up this week from freecycle. not tried them yet! Will let you know how it goes!
LynnieH said:
I've picked some up this week from freecycle. not tried them yet! Will let you know how it goes!

You've done VERY well to get them on Freecycle. Someone told me they were INUNDATED when they offered!

What you got coming?

*Oh to answer post, we're 100% cloth :D *
100% cloth since week one. Though on holiday I do use disposables
I got a couple of fluffles but abut 8 cotton bottoms and some plain white wraps. She also threw in some prefolds and a littlelamb tthat needs stitching. Not bad for free! I just thought it would gie me an idea if I could cope with real nappies!
Gonna go to Lynnie's when she has started and see how she gets on ... :oops:

Can't imagin washing the stuff out of cloth that maddie produces im just glad to throw it in the bin lol!!

Am debating on giving it ago though!!
I have enough washing to do as it is without having to wash a load of s**t lol. If it wasnt for that and the initial expense that I cant afford right now then Id definatly try them. wish I had the time to wash them all, if I was a SAHM then Id defo do it.
its honestly not a great deal of washing. I work too, and I do 2 extra loads. All I do is pop in the laundry bag with the nappies in the machinre overnight and hang them out in the morning. All done :)

EDIT: Just re-read my post and I come over a bit Mary Poppins. What I was trying to say is that the washing is really not that much extra. There is no handwashing, soaking, sorting darks from whites etc so it really is easy.
beanie said:
its honestly not a great deal of washing. I work too, and I do 2 extra loads. All I do is pop in the laundry bag with the nappies in the machinre overnight and hang them out in the morning. All done :)

mmm doesnt sound too bad! for me its just a case of remebering to do it, but I suppose I could have dispoables in just incase.

silly question but obviously you dont wash one at a time so have few for a load, then dont you have smelly dirty nappies in the laundry basket ? do you get rid of the bulk of the poo ? or does it all go in the washer ? :oops: i dont have a clue
You get a lidded bucket Lauz :D

You can use disposable liners and just throw it down loo or fleece liners which you wash after dropping poo down toilet
Lauz_1601 said:
beanie said:
its honestly not a great deal of washing. I work too, and I do 2 extra loads. All I do is pop in the laundry bag with the nappies in the machinre overnight and hang them out in the morning. All done :)

mmm doesnt sound too bad! for me its just a case of remebering to do it, but I suppose I could have dispoables in just incase.

silly question but obviously you dont wash one at a time so have few for a load, then dont you have smelly dirty nappies in the laundry basket ? do you get rid of the bulk of the poo ? or does it all go in the washer ? :oops: i dont have a clue

ah you replied before I edited my Mary Poppins comment.

I store my nappies in a nappy bin. There is a mesh nappy bag in there too so I just put them in there. My bin can hold about 2-3 days worth, then I do a load.

The poo goes down the loo. I use fleece liners and it just falls off into the loo. If she has had a bad one then sometimes I have to power shower the residue (sorry TMI) but it isd rare I have to do that. Alternatively there are opaper liners that can be flushed away too.
blimey, stop posting so damn fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maddie plasters!!

thats why i haven't tried it ....
Seren does big pats too, and when she was younger she had runny poo all the time, I used the paper liners then. Though the fleece are prettier
I prefer the fleece as well such a variety which is mad really ( or mental as OH says :roll: ) as you never see them and they just wee and poo on them!!
Yeah I use fleece liners most of the time, but cause noah tends to poo at set times each day I stick a disposable liner in that nappy, then just drop it down the loo and its all gone, nicer than having to bag up disposables! And their is nothing worse then opening your wheelie bin to the stink of disposables.

Ialso wash every three days, nappies are kept in their own kitchen swing bin not with the other washing, in a nappy mesh bag, so I just throw the whole thing in the machine in the evening and stick them on the airer before I go to bed. It really is no more hastle than disposables. Plus they are a real talking point and really funky looking.

Im cloth 100% of the time. In fact MIL is having Noah this weekend and I sent him over their with a sack of cloth and reuasble wipes etc. And sad as it is I do get excited about getting fluffy post, I have so far averaged £100 a week in stocking up on loads of lovely nappies, (far more than I actually need!)
100% cloth here. Changed over when Ella was 4 months and haven't looked back. I've stocked up on dinky little nappies for when the new baby comes and I can't wait to see him with his first fluffy white nappy on :D
i am 50/50 if i am going out for the day 1 pampers will last Harley for up to 6hours. but reusable lasts about 3 hours. in the house and just nipping out i use cloth. im just slowly building my collection up so it dont break the bank 1 nappy a week :D

Harley has minging poohs :lol: big orange ones with peas in them all up his back eyc, i just blast it under the shower then into the washing machine. although the other day i turned the shower on full and got all pooh splashed up in my face

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