I got checked today and my cervix is completely closed!!!
Apparently thats normal because it's my first baby.. but I was really hoping I'd be anything even if it was a 1 I would've been happy!
aw hun, this is why they dont check us here, just because its closed doesnt mean you'll go overdue xx
aw hun, this is why they dont check us here, just because its closed doesnt mean you'll go overdue xx
I know that's why I opted out of it until this point because I was afraid of this.. I finally got so curious though cause he's been super low since 34 weeks so I was really hoping for something!! I WAS 80% effaced though so that's good right? Event though its probably one of those things that could be like that for weeks and mean nothing..
That is good!! Don't worry LO will be here soon I'm sure you might not dilate until your in labour xx