Hi ladies.
I'm on month 3 of ttc without much luck, and I can feel myself spiralling into a black hole today.
I have been checking my cervix, and today noticed it was high and open, all good, slightly watery, whitish discharge that's a little sticky, again good.
But suddenly felt a little spot like thing on the opening of my cervix.
I've googled like mad and can see a lot of people, in fact most, have some kind of polyps and what not, but I have convinced myself it's something awful and that i must be infirtile and I'm just driving myself insane.
I've booked in for a smear but they can't see me until 2 weeks time.
I have no symptoms of anything untoward, literally just this little spot.
I just need a lift guys, I'm not in a good place
I'm on month 3 of ttc without much luck, and I can feel myself spiralling into a black hole today.
I have been checking my cervix, and today noticed it was high and open, all good, slightly watery, whitish discharge that's a little sticky, again good.
But suddenly felt a little spot like thing on the opening of my cervix.
I've googled like mad and can see a lot of people, in fact most, have some kind of polyps and what not, but I have convinced myself it's something awful and that i must be infirtile and I'm just driving myself insane.
I've booked in for a smear but they can't see me until 2 weeks time.
I have no symptoms of anything untoward, literally just this little spot.
I just need a lift guys, I'm not in a good place