Sophie update - she gave me a HUGE scare and I'm not coping so well today :(


Mummy of 1
May 31, 2009
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Sophie is having her sleep study today and if she passed it, was going to be allowed to room in with us tonight and home on Friday.

She started breastfeeding just yesterday and has been feeding on demand all yesterday afternoon and overnight. The first feed she did, she had a brady and went all grey and floppy and gave me the fright of my life but it didn't happen again for the rest of her feeds yesterday and through the night. They said it was probably just a rush of milk going into her mouth and her forgetting to breathe at the same time as sucking and swallowing. The rest of her feeds through the night were absolutely perfect.

This morning, everything was looking brilliant, her saturation levels were up at 97-100 through a nappy change, hiccups, and cuddles. They have to average 94 to pass the sleep study.

It came time to do her feed and she woke up and started screaming the place down (for the first time - nobody had ever heard her cry like that before). She latched on after a bit of fussing and then I noticed she was going pale then the monitor showed her heart rate had dipped way way down. I took her straight off and there was something just not right. The nurse said 'she's fine' and I said she's not, she doesn't look quite right, then I noticed she was starting to go blue round her mouth and under her eyes! I KNEW she wasn't right! I have never had such a scare in my whole life. Then the nurse took her from me and was patting her and blowing on her and shoogling her (the technical term lol) and eventually she came back to normal but I was seriously scared.

It happened again the next 2-3 times she started feeding. They think she is just getting a rush of milk at the start or is drinking too fast to think about breathing but they said it's all purely mechanical, nothing to do with needing to go home on oxygen or anything. They said it's just she needs to learn, and they think maybe they have pushed her a little bit too fast. This time last week was her last day on CPAP and she has only been off oxygen since last Thursday and breastfeeding since yesterday so she has done very well.

I was so scared I started crying - feel like I am cracking up for only the third time since Sophie was born. It's not even the thought of not getting her home as fast as we thought - I'd far rather she stayed in a bit longer and was ok for coming home than have something like that happen at home and not know how to deal with it. But I don't know how I've got this far - 13 weeks since all the problems kicked off - and just starting to crack now...I had a couple of other points a few weeks ago when I felt I could not cope with all the visitors and us getting very little time as a family etc but I've not felt this bad till now. DH was really really grumpy yesterday - he said he was stressed at the thought of Sophie coming home even though he is excited about her coming home he is scared too - and we were bickering all the way up to the hospital. We have been so strong up till now :(

I don't really know what to do with myself now, I'm on my own in the room we are staying in...the nurse told me to go for a walk and go for a cup of coffee etc but I'm still a bit of an emotional wreck so I don't know if I feel up to facing other people yet. I want to see if Sophie is ok but at the same time I can't face the intensity of that room at the moment. I know it's special care and much less busy and intense than HDU and ICU but it's so busy and noisy today. And I feel really bad for not wanting to go back along. Part of me is scared for what I will find if i go back along but I know that's stupid because she was doing absolutely fine, it's just the feeding that's causing the dips. I wish DH was here today but he is back at work after a few days off and won't be here till after 4. they said it happens to all the babies who have been very premature but they did say it's easy for them to say but a different story when it's your own baby.

I feel knackered too after my first night of breastfeeding and a few stressy days.

Sorry this is a ramble but I'm hoping someone will understand!
I don't have any advice and have never been in your situation but I found breastfeeding a term baby really stressful and we were only in hospital for a week and I got nervous and stressed about him coming home! :hugs:
Sorry shes been giving you a scare hun but she does sound like an amazing little lady and doing so well. Big hugs :hugs: xxx
This must be a terrible thing to have to deal with. I don't have any advice other than, have you considered seeing a counsellor to talk you through all this? It isn't something widely offered to Premmie mums and it should be. It might help you in your situation.

I'm going to alert Dona to your post as I know she had similar experiences and will no doubt have some wonderful words of advice.
Take some time out and don't feel guilty about not going into scbu as sophie is being well looked after.

I totally understand how you are feeling. No mother should have to watch their child turn blue. After my lo first set of jabs she Brady'd badly and twice needed neopuffed before they put her back on cpap for a day. That happened over 2 months ago and it still upsets me thinking about it.

When holly started feeding she would desat and sometimes Brady. After a few weeks she stopped doing it. She was 38-39 weeks gestation when she stopped.

Hopefully your lo will stop soon as practice makes perfect :flower:
Take some time out and don't feel guilty about not going into scbu as sophie is being well looked after.

I totally understand how you are feeling. No mother should have to watch their child turn blue. After my lo first set of jabs she Brady'd badly and twice needed neopuffed before they put her back on cpap for a day. That happened over 2 months ago and it still upsets me thinking about it.

When holly started feeding she would desat and sometimes Brady. After a few weeks she stopped doing it. She was 38-39 weeks gestation when she stopped.

Hopefully your lo will stop soon as practice makes perfect :flower:

Sophie will be 38 weeks on Sunday so hopefully things will start to improve as she gets that bit further on. I'm terrified to try feeding her again but the nurse said she will sit with me the whole time.
Oh hun massive hugs for you!
Can't imagine what a scare that must have been!

But they are right, things have been going pretty quickly for Sophie recently, she probably just needs a little time to catch up with it all and learn what she's supposed to be doing. I am sure they won't send her home if they don't feel you and her are right enough to.

Me and OH have had a few arguments you have got so far being so strong together! Go for a nice walk together and try and focus on some of the positive things you are each looking forward to, you are both bound to be completely stressed, I know I am! Maybe tell people not to flood you with visitors for a wee while until you get settled down?

I wish I was up there just now we could have met up for a coffee and a chat, I would have been if it weren't for the stupid council messing us about, doesn't look like I will get up tomorrow because its the only day OH will get off to move.

I am using my old mobile number today but will have my new simcard back in tomorrow so if you need to call me or txt, please do.

I wish you all the luck with Sophie's feeds and look forward to seeing your post welcoming her home! She is gonna Love that nursery! :D

xx *hugs* xx
aww :( im sorry you had to go through that, Olivia used to do exactly the same thing, every feed without fail, she would choke on her milk and desat to about 20%, her whole face would go grey/blue and her lips would turn blue.I was petrified of feeding her even when she came home. It turned out to be reflux and reflux meds have helped a bit but she still does it a few times a day. It took me months to get a reflux diagnosis even though i kept asking and they kept saying she was just being greedy and getting to much milk in her mouth. She does sound like she has done amazingly well though :) xxx
:hugs: What a horrible experience to go through, you're doing so well too.

Not surprised you feel the way you do, hun and I know how frustrating it gets when you get so close to thinking your LO is coming home and then there is a set back which pushes things back.
It's hard to take time out but try and force yourself too. Poppy was in a room on her own on SCBU and sometimes I would sit in there while she was a sleep and think I was going mad, just staring at her and the walls.

You know we are all here is you need to let it out :hugs:
Ah i am sorry this happened but maybe she just needs a little time. It might be a little too much too soon. Hope she comes home soon though hun! I know how awful it can be
Blimey, everything you have been through up to now, i would of cracked up long ago!:dohh:

You are doing so so well and coping remarkably considering everything thats been happening, and despite that episode Sophie is getting there.

i just wanted to send you big big hugs and wish you both well:hugs:

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