Just curious.... I am not sure if I ovulated this month. My breasts usually get sore before AF arrives..... Does anyone get sore breasts before Oving??? Anyway I am just asking because they are super sore today. Even under my arms....weird for me.... OK, TMI... but one of my nipples has been really itchy the last 2 days...sorry about the TMI.... anyway has this ever been a sign of anything to anyone. It is just unusual for me. My cycle was messed up last month. It was a 38 day cycle because I OV late. normally a 28-30 day cycle.... MLP was 3/25...... Any ideas would be great!!! Could I have missed OV??? Could I have Ov'd and not known.... could it be coming up?? OR could AF just be getting back on track and showing up at the right time this month?? And what with the boobs! lol Thanks so much