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SOY ISOFLAVONES and pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
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anyone here used soy iso to get pregnant, and if so how far along r u,
and has there been any losses while using it as a few other forums have said many go on to misscarry
i just had a blighted ovum in nov and that was my first using soy
im debating whether to try it again soon or not worry
Hi Traylee, soy is one of those things like celentro, you love it or hate it! I hate it, most soy is GMO and Round-Up sprayed. Modified soy mimicks estrogen (which is why women feel they can take it and wind up pregnant). For me, I have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone (I've had the doctors measure my hormones for months to see what the heck was going on). Estrogen dominance is a terrible state, it's a premenaupausal sort of thing. Google it, not fun. Estrogen alone isn't proven to make you ovulate better. This is done by using Chlomid or gonadotropins IMO.

Have you asked for a cd3 fsh, cd21 progesterone and estrodial test to see what's going on in your body? What about using an ovulation monitor? It helped me understand months when I barely o'd vs months where I had strong responses. I had strong O responses while taking vitex and DHEA and while I was using softcups I actually got a bfp. That could be a fluke as there was less than 5% chance of me being able to get pregnant with my diagnosis on my own so I don't want to chalk it up to softcups or vitex per say but by getting some tests you'll at least have an understanding of what's going on. My DHEAS was also really low, non-existent! I was taking DHEA since may and wound up preggers in Sept. My fs thought that this made a difference. I'm still a sceptic at the whole thing. It's a crap shoot afterall!
I wish you a speedy bfp!!
I used Soy. I had been TTC since January 2011 after a miscarriage at 10 weeks, I then discovered Soy at the beginning of July 2013 and used it for that cycle. I was used to having cycles anywhere between 60 and 90+ days, my next 2 cycles were 30-34 days which was like a miracle for me.. and in September I conceived :) I'm now 19 weeks along. I mean, I can't say it's 100% down to Soy as I didn't take it in August but after 3 years, I'd say there's a really good chance it is! x
i have charted and temp and use opks since may 2012, i get a pos opk and a temp rise to follow so i can see that i supposidly ovulate eveyr month, between cd 20 and 25, ( i have roughly 35 day cycles)
i think i have weak ovulation and also in premenopausal state
i have seen drs before after my first and they are all pretty useless
they are not helpful at all thats why i took it into my own hands.
the gyno here though when i just had blighted ovum said i can get referall to see her back at hospital and she will check tubes etc
i think i have weak eggs or something as been charting and doing everything right since may 2012, ( and been dtd for 15yrs without any contraception)

Hi Traylee, soy is one of those things like celentro, you love it or hate it! I hate it, most soy is GMO and Round-Up sprayed. Modified soy mimicks estrogen (which is why women feel they can take it and wind up pregnant). For me, I have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone (I've had the doctors measure my hormones for months to see what the heck was going on). Estrogen dominance is a terrible state, it's a premenaupausal sort of thing. Google it, not fun. Estrogen alone isn't proven to make you ovulate better. This is done by using Chlomid or gonadotropins IMO.

Have you asked for a cd3 fsh, cd21 progesterone and estrodial test to see what's going on in your body? What about using an ovulation monitor? It helped me understand months when I barely o'd vs months where I had strong responses. I had strong O responses while taking vitex and DHEA and while I was using softcups I actually got a bfp. That could be a fluke as there was less than 5% chance of me being able to get pregnant with my diagnosis on my own so I don't want to chalk it up to softcups or vitex per say but by getting some tests you'll at least have an understanding of what's going on. My DHEAS was also really low, non-existent! I was taking DHEA since may and wound up preggers in Sept. My fs thought that this made a difference. I'm still a sceptic at the whole thing. It's a crap shoot afterall!
I wish you a speedy bfp!!
Oh that's frustrating! If you think you're at all premenaupausal I highly recommend getting your GP to get your DEAHS levels checked and trying DHEA if you think you're low. It helps regulate your adrenal function, doctors feel it may help with egg quality and omg, I've never slept so well in my life. It really made me feel normal again, like how I slept in my 20's.
Thyroid function is the other. Mine was 3.5 and for optimal fertility my specialists wanted it above 2 preferably 1. My GP does it every year and never said to me I have a thyroid problem and she was surprised when my fs wanted me on the lowest dose of synthroid but was happy to help out. Again, thyroid helps regulate your adrenal function, gets things going for optimal fertility.

Maybe try soy too I guess :haha: at this point I know it's worth trying everything right! Very best of luck to you:hugs:
my level when i misscarriegd test was 3.6 with thryoid,
when i was pregnant with my now 3.8yr old it was 3.6 at 7 weeks pregnant and they nevber said anything
drs keep telling me its fine cause within limits of normal, as normal is .05 to 4 or soemthing on there chart
i have said but they want it around 2 for ttc and she said oh load of crap thtas not true,
(im gonna see another dr anyways cause i was gonna ask if i could see a endocrinolgist and they will tell me)

although i didnt have issues at all with my 3.8yr old when i was pregnant with her with those levels,

i do grow hair on my chin alot hairy man face lmao kinda, and other things that point to thyroid but when im dieting or on shakes i can lose weight while doing it right, (i am overweight)
i think when i lose weight im more fertile as when i lost 21kgs i got pregnant with my 3.8yr old without charting or anything just happened

OH when i say dr i mean normal GP we are limited where i am in hervey bay on anyone else only GPS
my level when i misscarriegd test was 3.6 with thryoid,
when i was pregnant with my now 3.8yr old it was 3.6 at 7 weeks pregnant and they nevber said anything
drs keep telling me its fine cause within limits of normal, as normal is .05 to 4 or soemthing on there chart
i have said but they want it around 2 for ttc and she said oh load of crap thtas not true,
(im gonna see another dr anyways cause i was gonna ask if i could see a endocrinolgist and they will tell me)

although i didnt have issues at all with my 3.8yr old when i was pregnant with her with those levels,

i do grow hair on my chin alot hairy man face lmao kinda, and other things that point to thyroid but when im dieting or on shakes i can lose weight while doing it right, (i am overweight)
i think when i lose weight im more fertile as when i lost 21kgs i got pregnant with my 3.8yr old without charting or anything just happened

OH when i say dr i mean normal GP we are limited where i am in hervey bay on anyone else only GPS
You def are WAY more fertile the less fat you have on your body (not too little of course). Your hormones are tied up in fat, they are fat soluable and everything functions much slower with weight.
I was told the normal limits are between 1-7 and mine was exactly 1/2 way inbetween. I'm sorry your doctor invalidated you when you asked about it. It's well known that thyroid should be a little higher for optimal fertility.
The thick hairs on your chin are likely from estrogen dominance. This is one of the signs of it (Dr. Oz spoke about this too).
yea theu are black and thick kinda, (maybe cause i shave em ages ago lmao oppps)
but now i pluck them
yea theu are black and thick kinda, (maybe cause i shave em ages ago lmao oppps)
but now i pluck them

If they're black you can laser them out for good, if blond like mine they can't get rid of them via laser. I just pluck & wax.:grr:

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