CROSSHAAAIRS! WHOO! oed on cd 13. HUGE improvement. Even if this isn't my bfp month (and I'm not optomistic, I had 16 hour shifts during most of my fertile period so not much bding to be had) I'm still considering this month a success.
Oh my gosh those charms are gorgeous. And tesh I'll probably start testing 11 dpo or so because my lp is so short anyways. I can't wait to see if my lp improves. That's so cool that you've ovulated early both months! I have high hopes for you this month I hope I ovulate early again next month (on the good chance even dh super swimmers didn't last until the egg this month XD )
Has anyone using Soy ever had the experience where their body tries to ovulate, but then doesn't? I was quite disappointed because after using soy days 2 - 6 my body seemed to try and ovulate a couple of days ago, but clearly failed I am losing hope that it will work for me. It worked when we were TTC our daughter and brought my ovulation forward from CD21 to CD13 with no issues, but this time it doesn't seem to be working right. I ovulate at around CD25 currently and it looks like soy hasn't helped. I feel really sad about it!
Hi again. IVe not started soya yet (waiting for Af) but have a few questions
1- what dosage do I start on? I'm going to take it days 3-7
2- how long after taking it will I ovulate?
3- will my ovulation symptoms chsnge in the run up to ovulation (be weaker/stronger etc?)
Any advice appreciated 😊
Thank you. No I've never taken any meds before- I just tend to have long cycles and ovulation so thought I'd give. Soya a try. I will refer back to first page thank you x