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I don't seem to be getting any pms symptoms on my first SI cycle, has anyone else had that?
I had a lot more symptoms my first soy cycle. My second one I had little to none my usual symptoms that's the cycle I got my bfp.
Thanks Tesh!
My lack of AF symptoms made me test even though I was determined to wait. There's a faint BFP on both an internet cheapie and a superdrug test.
Can't believe that! Cautiously optimistic now, had a CP just in July so trying not to get too excited about it. Hopefully the line will get stronger over the next few days, I'm 12/13 dpo today.
I don't seem to be getting any pms symptoms on my first SI cycle, has anyone else had that?
I had a lot more symptoms my first soy cycle. My second one I had little to none my usual symptoms that's the cycle I got my bfp.
Thanks Tesh!
My lack of AF symptoms made me test even though I was determined to wait. There's a faint BFP on both an internet cheapie and a superdrug test.
Can't believe that! Cautiously optimistic now, had a CP just in July so trying not to get too excited about it. Hopefully the line will get stronger over the next few days, I'm 12/13 dpo today.
Congrats Dimmu!! Happy and healthy nine months!!
Yep, new cycle for me. I must have ovulated two days later than FF put me like I thought as AF didn't come till 16dpo. Felt like a very long TWW for me!
I'm doing soy again with the same tablets, couldn't get the old ones in time, I will get them for next cycle though. Been super busy moving, so I'm surprised to be on CD6 already. Just two more weeks till ovulation.
Third cycle of soy and I'm taking it CD3-7 200mg each day. Let's see if steady dosage does anythingNot going to temp this cycle. It stresses me out. I'll start taking OPKs around 12dpo and hopefully I'll ovulate around again CD20. Last few cycles I've ovulated CD21, CD20 and CD22. I conceived on the third cycle with my chemical and now I'm on the third cycle since then, so I hope this is it for us. Also, if I ovulate when I think I will, my due date will be the 12th of August, which was my original due date with Isla before they changed it at her 12 week scan. I'll also be testing on he day I got my first BFP with her. I really really hope there are good omens!!
Hey ladies- nothing new here. CD 24 and I have had a lot of ewcm the last two days. But no positive opk. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday so hopefully good comes of it.