Your symptoms sounds promising
Seems BFP is only few days away. Fingers crossed.
I have found this thread about Soy BFP's.
You aren't out. It is way too early. Probably test again on Friday with good 3/4hrs hold.
Yes that thread is so encouraging. I read it over and over again
Coming cycle I am thinking of doing soy from 2-6. 120,160,160,200,200.
This cycle I did from 3-7. 120,120,120,160,160.
Should I take it from 3-7 or 2-6 ?
Thanks Golden.
Xokittycatxo: Any update on opk's or cm ?
Are you fertile yet ?
Thanks Golden.
Xokittycatxo: Any update on opk's or cm ?
Are you fertile yet ?
Still watery cm but not getting anywhere with the opks. Bummer. Back taking the b6 and I'm tempted to start taking Fertilaid. It does contain vitex though and I know you shouldn't take them with the SI but do you think it would be ok at this point or should I wait until after O?
Thanks Golden.
Xokittycatxo: Any update on opk's or cm ?
Are you fertile yet ?
Still watery cm but not getting anywhere with the opks. Bummer. Back taking the b6 and I'm tempted to start taking Fertilaid. It does contain vitex though and I know you shouldn't take them with the SI but do you think it would be ok at this point or should I wait until after O?
Dont take fertilaid, taking vitex with soy is a bad idea. What Cd are u? and what cd u usually ovulate? did u take cd3-7 soy?
I think im 10dpo today, Last two days i have been sweaty and super hot all the time then i feel super cold at nights then wake p from sweat. So weird...DH has cold maybe im getting that from him![]()
When do you normally ovualte ? Earlier or later in your cycle ? How long your cycles are ?
When do you normally ovualte ? Earlier or later in your cycle ? How long your cycles are ?
Normally day 18-19 and m cycles are 26 days on average
Ok I'll try and wait it out. I did gain about a lb from the soy and that just shot up a red flag I think.
I do temp! I'll post a link to my chart. My cm seems patchy. Watery here and a little creamier sometimes. The only stable thing is my cp which remains high.
I am going to continue with the b vitamins I'm assuming no that's ok....
Ok I'll try and wait it out. I did gain about a lb from the soy and that just shot up a red flag I think.
I do temp! I'll post a link to my chart. My cm seems patchy. Watery here and a little creamier sometimes. The only stable thing is my cp which remains high.
I am going to continue with the b vitamins I'm assuming no that's ok....
Soy Iso makes u produce more estrogen at the beginning of ur cycle which will help u produce more eggs or better quality eggs depends on when u take the SI. However, ur problem is not ovulation, ur problem is short lp which means low progesterone. More estrogen at the beginning of ur cycle will not lengthen ur lp since more estrogen doesnt mean more progesterone. Doesnt matter which day you ovulate, early or late, ur lp will remain the same unless you work towards lengthening ur lp. You probably think if you ovulate early then u wil have more days left for lp? which is wrong, for example if i ovulate cd12, then i will get my af cd26 (lp 14days)
So my conclusion is that you dont need SI, you need to take supplements that makes more progesterone or go to doctor and get progesterone cream.
I didnt mean to give u a lecture but i highly recommend you watch the video and understand whats p. He explains everything really well.
For this cycle, keep taking vitamin b and next cycle go back to vitex and vitamin b to lengthen ur lp.