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SPD/PGP Support Thread!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2014
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I'm sure I am not the only one out there who is 'enjoying' (HA) the charms of SPD/PGP.

I had SPD in my pregnancy with my daughter - hit at about 28 weeks and ended up on crutches for a while as it was so painful.

This time - I am almost 11 weeks. And its hit already!!!! I am already wearing a pelvic support brace and even with that I am still struggling to get around.

This is going to be a LONG pregnancy! Is there anyone out there to join me in my misery?
Me!! Had it with #2 at 33 weeks. Now I have it since 18 weeks. I am 31 weeks now and yes it has been a longggg pregnancy.
I had it at 28 weeks with dd#1 now 17 w it's not here yet, but I know it will come as I got twinges before pregnancy if I walked too far 😞
I got it the last few weeks during #1, at #2 it hit about 34 weeks, and #3 hit at 20 weeks. It hurts so bad, i am counting down the days until i can walk, sleep, or do anything normal again without constant pain!
Is there anything thats worked for you guys? I am being reffered to the physio but its going to cost a bit and don't want to pay if its not going to help!
I haven't really tried anything to help, but my dr has told me that rest/putting my feet up, baths, or tylenol can help. So far the only cure i've found is birth.
Last time I used a very strong support belt and basically did not walk unless I had too!
Holy cr*p I am in so much pain. DH and I attempted to :sex: last night and we couldnt even manage that.

Today I have been almost immobile. I can barely shuffle to the toilet (and thats with using the walls to hold myself up on). Its 5pm and I am in bed with a pillow between my legs.

And there is a 4 week wait for the hospital physio :cry:
Today was even better *not*

I am now stuck using crutches.

29 weeks to go :(
I was never diagnosed but I'm sure I had some pgp or spd last pregnancy. I had lower back pain one one side that went down my leg. By the 8th-9th month I was limping. My dr just said that the baby is putting pressure on some nerves and to do physiotherapy. I did for a while but it did nothing for the pain so I gave up. Sometimes I thought it was pain from my prolapsed disc- but it wasn't. It went away the day I delivered my baby. I walked from the delivery room to the maternity ward and even told the midwife accompanying me that I was so happy about not having anymore pain!

This time I had some butt pain at second tri. It suddenly went away completely and I felt light and perfect for a long time. It felt like an easy pregnancy. Then all of a sudden I had lower back pain on one side similar to my previous issues with my prolapsed disc. Saw my physiotherapist from before and the session helped a lot. The pain went away and was replaced by (or it wasn't shadowed anymore) pain in my butt and inner thighs, and burning in my lady parts. I don't think a physiotherapy massage can even reach where the pain is, it's just too deep. I can't sit down, lay down, stand up, walk. It's terrible.

Im going to see my ob on Wednesday for my 36 week appointment. Last time the pain wasn't irritated by spreading my legs but it feels like this time I can't. Would I be able to give birth vaginally? Should I not have an epidural so that I can actually feel how much I can spread my legs? I took pain killers earlier and they aren't even touching the pain. Does this sound like spd or pgp?
I was never diagnosed but I'm sure I had some pgp or spd last pregnancy. I had lower back pain one one side that went down my leg. By the 8th-9th month I was limping. My dr just said that the baby is putting pressure on some nerves and to do physiotherapy. I did for a while but it did nothing for the pain so I gave up. Sometimes I thought it was pain from my prolapsed disc- but it wasn't. It went away the day I delivered my baby. I walked from the delivery room to the maternity ward and even told the midwife accompanying me that I was so happy about not having anymore pain!

This time I had some butt pain at second tri. It suddenly went away completely and I felt light and perfect for a long time. It felt like an easy pregnancy. Then all of a sudden I had lower back pain on one side similar to my previous issues with my prolapsed disc. Saw my physiotherapist from before and the session helped a lot. The pain went away and was replaced by (or it wasn't shadowed anymore) pain in my butt and inner thighs, and burning in my lady parts. I don't think a physiotherapy massage can even reach where the pain is, it's just too deep. I can't sit down, lay down, stand up, walk. It's terrible.

Im going to see my ob on Wednesday for my 36 week appointment. Last time the pain wasn't irritated by spreading my legs but it feels like this time I can't. Would I be able to give birth vaginally? Should I not have an epidural so that I can actually feel how much I can spread my legs? I took pain killers earlier and they aren't even touching the pain. Does this sound like spd or pgp?

It sounds like it could be. I have heard that you can give birth vaginally but to avoid an epidural as you cannot feel how far your pelvis is spreading and it could cause damage during labour - especially avoid laying on your back with feet in stirrups or on your midwives hips. Water births may help too.

I am in so much pain these days - I can barely get to the toilet and move around the house. The house is a flipping mess because I cant vacuum, wash dishes etc etc and my poor hubby is working insane hours and trying to do as much as he can but its too much. And being in constant pain is making me a total bitch. I hate this.
I wish I had the option of a water birth where i live! The nearest facility is 3 hrs away on a good day lol. Definitely a good reason to try and avoid epidural.

I'm so sorry that you're struggling so much. The pain is making me hard to be around as well. My whole family finds me a nuisance and they've told me that. Except dh, he seems to be managing like a good sport (so far).
Perplexed thats not fair they shouldn't be talking to you like that! although I am sure people probably say the same about me but they dont dare say it to my face :haha:

Saw little bug today - first positive moment i have had in this pregnancy for weeks - was doing somersaults on the screen! amazing to see
Hi ladies! Is SPD/pgp a constant all the time pain? Or is it a come and go thing?

I'm only asking as I can go days or even weeks with no pain but if I'm standing for long periods or if I move the wrong way I get excruciating pain in my groin area and a burning / heavy sensation in my pelvic floor. It does ease after a out an hour to a dull ache after sitting or lying down then the next day the pain is gone!
My first pregnancy it started like that - I would have pain for a day or two then it would go, and come back It did end up constant though as I got further along
My first pregnancy it started like that - I would have pain for a day or two then it would go, and come back It did end up constant though as I got further along

Oh joy something to look forward too!:haha: thanks for replying! I've got the midwife on 8th April so will ask her!
Sorry to give you bad news! You may not get it as severely as I have though - fingers crossed!

AFM - I saw a chiropractor this morning. My pelvis is so far out of alignment that my right leg is sitting an inch shorter than my left!!!! She said I have way to much movement in my pelvis - and that is causing it to misalign - which is then pulling my spine out of alignment. Wonderful!! I need to see them 3x per week as if I go to long between adjustments my pelvis will be pulled out again. Feels good afterwards though - it doesnt feel as though I am dragging my legs, I can move more freely. Worth the money for sure!
Sorry to give you bad news! You may not get it as severely as I have though - fingers crossed!

AFM - I saw a chiropractor this morning. My pelvis is so far out of alignment that my right leg is sitting an inch shorter than my left!!!! She said I have way to much movement in my pelvis - and that is causing it to misalign - which is then pulling my spine out of alignment. Wonderful!! I need to see them 3x per week as if I go to long between adjustments my pelvis will be pulled out again. Feels good afterwards though - it doesnt feel as though I am dragging my legs, I can move more freely. Worth the money for sure!

No problem hun:thumbsup: I figured it would get worse the further on I got:dohh: The things we go through for our precious little bundles:cloud9:
Hello, this group came up when I was searching SPD. I'm afraid I have it now at 36 weeks. Didn't have it with my first. It hurts to roll over in bed, to walk, to go up stairs and to get in and out of the car. I did a lot of swimming yesterday and thought maybe I just overdid it but after googling 'pulled vagina muscle' it looks like it could be SPD. I had a great natural water birth with my first and now the hospital doesn't allow deliveries in the tub. I'm hoping to labor in there as long as possible but now I'm nervous about delivery. ugh.
I had it with my first and due to being induced I was not able to go in the water pool - it was fine and the actual labour was not affect by the spd for me. It also went away quickly afterwards too xx

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