I read on Carley's post the information that you do not actually need extra calories when you bf (didn't know this. With my first I stuck to the additional 500 rule). Which made me think. I started off 50 lbs overweight when I got pg this time. With my first I lost weight really easily thanks to bfing and I wanted to do the same this time. Only I really want to make a serious effort in the 11 weeks I will be home, as it gets so much harder to lose after returning to work. So, my question is, is there any such thing as losing weight too quickly when bfing?? I obviously don't plan to starve myself or anything dumb like that, just eat very sensibly (which will mean much less than I used to) and I was going to get a trainer to help me with exercise those 11 weeks. I heard a healthcare consultant talk once about how she had to stop bfing because she was a marathon runner and with all the training, her milk dried up. I'm assuming that's another myth, but just wanted to check!!