Spotting. Kinda (really) freaking out


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2015
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Okay ladies. I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. Yesterday my husband and I dtd and I bled afterward. It's happened before. I tried not to overreact and move on. No more red blood after that. But I've been having brown discharge since and I'm really freaking out now. Has anyone else had anything like this? I'm absolutely terrified of miscarrying.
If I see any more red blood I'm definitely going to see someone, but I'm trying to relax and wait and see what tomorrow brings. What do y'all think? Should I be concerned?
I guess I should add I've been cramping on and off since before I got my BFP, but less so more recently. Not really been cramping any more than usual since the bleeding.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. It's so scary. I had brown spotting starting on Sunday and went to the ER where they heard babies strong heartbeat (thank goodness). I followed up with doc and after a quick peek, she said my cervix was irritated which can cause minor bleeding. It has mostly cleared up by now. I'd say your cervix is probably just irritated from intercourse. I know it's hard not to worry. If I were you, I would try to get in so they can check on the baby or at least look at your cervix and answer your questions. It might make you feel better. Also, my irritated cervix feels a little like cramping too. I'm hoping for the best for you and your little one and I hope you get some answers soon. Keep me updated!!
Thank you for responding lilsoybean :) So far today, no more bleeding! Only a little brownish discharge right after I woke up and nothing since. I took another test and it came back very positive. The test line was darker than the control line! So praying this is the end of it. No more intercourse until I know for sure though! Gosh yesterday was scary. :nope:
Totally normal, but always scary to see. Sounds like the sex irritated your cervix and the brown blood is probably old blood from then. I had spotting on and off in 1st tri with my last pregnancy (and once so far with this one). I hate it, but everything's been ok. :hugs: Hopefully it stays away for you.
Totally normal, but always scary to see. Sounds like the sex irritated your cervix and the brown blood is probably old blood from then. I had spotting on and off in 1st tri with my last pregnancy (and once so far with this one). I hate it, but everything's been ok. :hugs: Hopefully it stays away for you.

Thank you! That's what I'm thinking/hoping! DH has been amazing. When he got home yesterday and I told him what was going on he just climbed up into bed with me and held me while I cried and reassured me we didn't know enough to be worried yet. When he left this morning he told me to call him if I needed anything and called me just a little while ago to check on me. I don't know what I'd do without him.
Spotting is just SO scary! Even when you line it all up and the rational part of you knows that the chances of everything being okay are WAY higher than the chances that you're misscarrying you're still like "BUT MY BABY!"
I'm already so in love with this lo I can't imagine 9 months coming and going without me getting to meet him/her.
Sorry. Vent over. Praying for a happy and healthy 9 months for both of us! :)
I spotted after intercourse with my first baby, and he's now a happy healthy 8.5 month old. Even now, my doctor tells me after every appointment to expect some spotting for a day or two after intercourse of vaginal ultrasound.
If I were you, I'd call your doc for reassurance, but it sounds to me like you're having a perfectly healthy pregnancy.
I'm glad the spotting has stopped and you feel better!
Hey ladies. Bad news. More bleeding today, and this time it's worse. No sex or anything that cold have irritated my cervix. I'm trying to get in to see the midwife now but if I can't I guess I'm going to the ER. :cry:
How scary, I hope everything's ok. :hugs:
I'm sorry you have to go through this. Nothing is worse than that fear. I bled a lot, ranging from spotting to gushing, throughout the whole first tri with my daughter. Nothing ever really happened to cause it and the doctors could never explain it. Always thought I was miscarrying. Apparently 1/4 of women experience first tri bleeding but at least half go on to have a healthy baby. I hope all goes well for you. :hugs:
I'm still not bleeding enough for it to even get on my pad, just when I wipe. It's mostly brown, sometimes a little red, and a few clots. I just don't know. It makes me so scared, not knowing. My poor husband is on his way home and we'll decide what to do from there. I'm still trying to find someone I'm comfortable with to go see. I figure if I'm miscarrying, they can't stop it, and if I'm not, it'll be okay. So I'm not in a huge hurry.
Bleeding slowed way down again almost immediately, just some brown discharge here and there again. My mom and MIL came over before DH got home and helped call everyone we could think of. OBGYN's, doctors, midwives, clinics, hospitals, everywhere. No one would see me and everyone kept pointing us to a specific hospital about 45 minutes away. (I live in the middle of no where, so all hospitals are about 30-45 minutes away) When DH got home we went the hospital, got sent around in circles, everyone refused to see me without an appointment/Dr's order and even with those things they said it would be days away. We went to the ER and were told the DR probably wouldn't do an transvaginal ultrasound, and if he did, it certainly wouldn't be today. (This is the kind of treatment you get around here when you say you're using a midwife instead of a DR. Not even kidding)
So eventually we ending up at a pregnancy crisis center. Like a clinic that helps troubled single moms. Not even kidding. They were the only ones who would help us. They confirmed my pregnancy and got in touch with a DR they deal with regularly, and he agreed to see me first thing this morning, before his office even technically opens. So I'm about to walk out the door now and hopefully he'll be interested in helping me. I'll keep you posted, ladies.
Good luck and sorry for all the hoops you're having to go through to be seen.
Ugh! That is terrible! Thank goodness you found someone to help you. I'm anxious to find out how it went!!
I am appalled and shocked that the ER won't see you. What the hell? They have to see pregnant women and do bloods and an ultrasound! I know that's how it is here in TN and I was under the impression it was a nationwide thing?! I have never had trouble getting care at the ER, I am seriously livid for you. Is there a different ER you can go to? Just go in and say "I'm pregnant and bleeding." Because there is NO reason they shouldn't treat you.
That's really terrible! I hope everything goes well with this awesome doctor who agreed to see you. GL!

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