

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2008
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I started spotting today, CD13 or so, I'm sure it's just because my system is out of wack because I went off the pill a couple months ago... Too early for implantation right? Because I'm pretty sure I should be ovulating around this time... Oh the joys of being a woman!:awww:
You can also spot for ovulation. Make sure to :sex: just in case. Good luck.
I didn't know ovulating could make you spot... I'm pretty sure I am ovulating because periodically I'm getting little twinges...
EEEEkkkk! Okay so this 'spotting' has turned into major bleeding (sorry, even more TMI coming up...) and I am needing to change my tampon ever couple hours... and it's actually bleeding past the tampon.. sorry if that was graphic, but what the heck is going on? I did have heavy bleeding before when i wasnt on the pill but not like this... Should I be worried?
If you have spotting from Ovulating it should not increase to heavy bleeding, call your DRs and ask them what they recommend. Have you had a regular period since you have been off BCPs?
you could also just be getting your period.... it took me a few months to get on a regular cycle after gettin off of birth control... it would be normal for a month then come weeks early ! i wasnt back on track for about 6 mths! :)
If you have spotting from Ovulating it should not increase to heavy bleeding, call your DRs and ask them what they recommend. Have you had a regular period since you have been off BCPs?

The first month was regular then the second month was ten days late but still normal flow, and now two weeks after that second period, this happens...

If it doesn't slow down tomorrow I will definitley call the doc:sad1:
you could also just be getting your period.... it took me a few months to get on a regular cycle after gettin off of birth control... it would be normal for a month then come weeks early ! i wasnt back on track for about 6 mths! :)

Yah you might be right.. I was expecting :witch: to be all over the place for a while after going off BC but not this heavy.
Mine has been the opposite, I had my last period which was withdraw from my BCPs on 8-13 and nothing yet but I know I did O so I will see :witch: on either Sat or Monday.
hi all
i didnt know spottin ocurred wen ovulating until... i was spotting last month and i was late on my period...thinking hopefully i was pg i went to the docs to check it out... when he told me it could be that, or i was pregnant and it was the fertilised egg planting itself into my womb which causes spotting and tummy cramps...i done a test there n then n sadly i wasnt pg...i was ovulating!! being a woman is not all its cracked up to be!!! lol x

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