I just wanted to tell you guys that i've just found out im pregnant!
I guess the long list of supplements my OH is on has worked
and Georgiabelle I think you finding out about dental issues helped so Thank you
my OH had a tooth taken out and 2 months later im pregnant
we were due to start IVF in December but by some miracle I'm pregnant
Good Luck ladies
1st test 2ml 2nd test 2.5ml 3rd test 2.5ml
19million per ml 38 million per ml 44.8 million per ml
total count 38 million total count 95million total count 114million
A 6% A 4%
B 24% B 31 %
C 24% C 11%
D 46% d 54%
Morphology 3%
ArginineTake 4 gr daily. Needed to produce sperm. If the sperm count is below 10 million per ml, arginine probably will not provide any benefit.
Coenzyme Q10Take 200 mg daily. Increases sperm count and motility.
Flaxseed oilTake 1 tbsp daily. Is a source of essential fatty acids.
L-carnitineTake 34 grams daily. Required for normal sperm function.
SeleniumTake 200 mcg daily. Improves sperm motility.
Vitamin B complex 100mg
Vitamin C 6000 mg
Vitamin ETake 400 IUs 2 times daily. Is an antioxidant and improves sperms' ability to impregnate.
ZincTake 30 mg 2 times daily. Required for a healthy male reproductive system and sperm production.
Folic Acid 400mg
pycengol 200mg for morph
The last test we had for our IVF consultation my OHs result came back as normal 68% motility A and B, 112 million total count, we didnt get the morphlogy it just said normal. I firmly believe i am pregnant due to the supplements and dental work. after 8 months and one tooth removed we are pregnant and just before IVF
also i found the cheapest place to by vits was iherb.com
Good Luck ladies
yes he was taking them individually. i bought one of those medicine dispensers for old people. It has morning, noon, evening, and night he had about 6 tablets in each
I looked at fertility plus its ok but the amounts werent high enough to improve motility greatly.
Imaan what was your husbands issue? in my head i thought it was count? if it is he needs more vit c atleast 4000mg
It is safe my OH has had no side effects
also zinc 60mg plus folic acid 400mg increases sperm count very quickly but you need to take both together.
I think you should consider just buying your OH a really good multi vit and adding Zinc, folic acid and lots of Vit c
sign up to fertilichat.com in the male infertility section ask Rich about supplements i swear that guy taught me so much. he has helped loads of people improve sperm and get BFPs
Well oh phoned the doc for results!
She wasn't very helpful he has to wait until his docs appointment on Monday!
BUT... She did say they was normal but he has a bit of clumping and White cells? Anyone had experience with this? I'm just glad they're normal I was expecting a 0.5mil or something...
I will tell you the results properly when he gets them printed Monday I hope the results are normal as some of these docs don't have a clue!