I just found this thread.
I am almost 39 and oh is 45
He has 3 kids (plus 2 losses) his youngest is 8
I have 2 ages 18 & 20
We started TTC in jan 2012.
Everything checks out ok for me
We just got hit with his sa results the other day.
We are in total shock because there were no issues in the past
His count is 9.9 and low motility and high morph.
My gyn wants him to see a urologist before we go forward with medicated iui
Oh wants no part of uro and now just says he is too old
I'm crushed. I know it takes time and I know there is hope
He hates going to the doctor and taking vitamins and stuff.
I know this could make a huge impact.
Any wise words in how to help oh see that it's not over yet?
I'm ready to ov and took clomid and he has no interest in bd