My husband and I have been TTC # 2 for 14 months. Last month he had his first SA done and we were told the count was good (but didn't get specific numbers), he had 44% motility but 0% normal morphology
The Dr suggested lifestyle changes, namely exercising more and cutting out alcohol but he is already pretty healthy and we don't drink a lot (just at weekend and not huge quantities). He has had a tooth infection on and off for years so he finally went to the dentist after getting the SA results and is getting surgery for it tomorrow followed by a course of antibiotics. Our Dr (who is a GP not a FS) also suggested that if his body is fighting infections etc that could be the cause of the 100% abnormal sperm....OH is also convinced of this so is sure once his infection gets sorted we'll be fine.....
Has anyone ever heard of/ experienced anything similar? I've tried to do research on morphology but there doesn't seem to be much out there. Our next appt with our Dr is in 3 months and obviously if we still aren't pregnant (which is unlikely especially since any changes will take at least 72 days) he will go for his 2nd SA and then I guess we will go from there. Just looking for any advice/ suggestions anyone has or if they have managed to increase morphology. I know it only takes 1 so I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy the break from TTC this month!!!
(He currently takes multi-vitamins, Vitamin D and Omega 3's anyway but that's just for his general health and not related to the results of the SA)