I am new to this forum and am in desperate need for some help and advice. DH and I started TTC in July 2011, after 1 year of trying we sought medical help and it turns out that DH's has extremely low sperm count and that we need to try ICSI in order to conceive.
We finally got our heads around that, when after further tests on DH we have been told that he has a testicular tumour. All blood and further testing show that it is most likely benign however they would like to remove the testicle to avoid any risks.
We are devasted. Not really sure where to go from here. We would like a second opinion but don't know where to turn. We live in London so would preferably like to see a private Urologist in London. Do any of you ladies have any recommendations? Have any of you and your partners experienced this?
Any help, support and advice that you give will be most appreciated as we are completely distraught and scared.