Start of 2 WW -OV 17th Aug... after 1st AF... Anyone Else?

I bet your birthday month will be the month. :hugs:

Thanks, I am 5dpo, so I don't feel anything yet, except today the pmt bbs don't feel so much which is good, I always do this, guess at symptoms.....then AF comes.....:wacko:

Isn't AF the worst when you don't want her.....and yet I spent the last 10 years wanting to see wierd! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks Lucy hopefully your month too!
You really can't help but guess at symptoms as it's on your mind, I found it easier at work as it distracts you.

Once I got preg and lost it just made me want to be pregnant so much more, I suppose it's realising that you can get preg which I never presummed until then.

Take care x
Thanks muffin! So sorry about your loses, I know it's really hard. I hope this month is your month and you get a sticky one! I have only had one MC in July but I am scared if I get pregnant again it will happen again. I don't think I could deal with going through it twice and still be trying!

I tested again this morning and still BFN. And I will test everyday until it's positive or AF comes! :wacko: Good luck! I wish that we could have our cake and eat it too!!!! :happydance:

Sorry AF got you foxforce. Next month MUST be your month!!!
Thanks Mcstars, fx'd for you that you get your result and if worse should happen you can join me and klcuk, I do rather you got your bfp!

Babydust to you and good luck! :hug:
thank you mcstars!! i understand the hesitation to not be scared when you do get pregnant again...the best advice i can give is to embrace the pregnancy as much as you can bc it very much could be your sticky bean this time! last time, after my 1st loss, i did just was very difficult emotionally and physically, but i am still glad i took it in the way i did bc i think it would have made it even harder to get over and get through had i been worried the whole time...when i do get pregnant again, i am going to do the same...of course i will have my worries...(i think the worst is everytime you go to the bathroom, praying you don't have spotting or bleeding) i will be hoping and rooting for a BFP for you as well as all the other women on here!!:happydance:
i tested this morning w/fmu and threw it out within 5 mins bc of bfn...went out to bfast and ran errands and next time i went to the bathroom, decided to go through trash to find it :wacko: it has what looks like a very light pink line...i tore it apart :wacko: and line is on both sides...i know they say not to look at them after ten mins, but it looks very much pink and not colorless...i still don't feel pregnant and am telling myself it is a bfn...trying to decide if i should test again or wait till tomorrow....i have gone through so many tests so far LOL
good luck and keep us posted!!
baby dust ladies!!!!:dust:
I definitely will take your advice muffin! I know when I get that BFP I will be so happy, but you know I will be up in that doctors office getting my blood test! And your right the worst part is the bathroom trips and you know you will be going often, I hated that :cry: It is all so heartbreaking.

That would be great if you got a BFP!!! My fingers are crossed for you!!! I didn't feel pregnant last time I was I took so many test hah!! I would take another one if I were you, but it would be better if you waited until tomorrow! When is AF due for you? I am starting to feel discouraged and feel like AF is coming now. I have had some AF like cramps today and the sharp twingey pains I had over the weekend are gone now. And all the BFNs....:nope:
thank you mcstars!! my af is due saturday...on a 28 day cycle...i know it is still early...when did you get your bfp last time? did you get negatives and eventually a positive? i guess for me the hard thing is seeing a negative on a test and then thinking it could ever be positive after best friend keeps telling me i should wait till thursday to test again...there's no way...i am :wacko:
i am going to take another one in the morning...i have a feeling it was an evaporation line...feeling cramps right now...not like period cramps but could be pms' bb's are sore but they usually get like that before af!
is your af due on wed or thurs? when did you start testing?
ooo the agony of it all hahaha...i have never been so consumed w/something before...i will be hoping to hear good news from you :thumbup:
I know, nothing has ever consumed me like this either!! I am fine too, until the 2 week wait! Then I go crazy!

Mine should be due thursday. I have been on 30 day cycles since the MC it looks like... I don't know I have been kind of confused since then on my cycles and I use to not get sore boobs before AF but I did last month and convinced myself I was pregnant! Everything is just all different now and I was just getting use to it before I got pregnant because I had the Mirena IUD in before that and didn't have a period!

I know you're like me, I am going to be testing in the morning too, AGAIN! I started testing Saturday (stupid I know). What about you? Last time I got pregnant I tested BFN until after AF was due, I wish I could be one of the girls to get a BFP early! There is still hope though, I know it because I have proof of it!!! you didn't get a bfp last time till after your period...that is nice bc it's gotta give you gives me hope :) what kind of hpt did you use last time you got your bfp?
you're right...the ttw is around 5dpo i start getting antsy...feel the need to start browsing the internet for symptoms, pictures of bfp's, anything to give me hope and by a week past ovulation i am usually taking tests and feeling like a crazy, i get once i see that bfn i feel :cry: when i know i shouldn't yet...
i started taking tests on thursday hahaha 9days before my period was due...i am nuts! i think it also is hard bc when i was pregnant last time w/twins i found out 6po! and 7dpo on a was bc my hcg was super high bc of two...i have to realize unless i ever get pregnant w/twins again...i have to wait for results :)
i will be testing as soon as i wake up:test:
good luck tomorrow! hope you have a:bfp:
Last time I got a BFP it was 2 days after I was suppose to start. I know it's crazy I didn't test for two days but I had totally given up and felt nothing. I tested with a First Response offbrand from target. And then with a clear blue digital.
I am the same way about testing and looking for symptoms, so we are not crazy!!! We just want to be pregnant again so bad. I always test early too. I usually convince myself that I could already have a BFP or am farther in my cycle. Then convince myself there is still hope after it's negative. It's such an horrible circle!!! How far were you when you lost your twins? I am so sorry that happened to you. I couldn't even imagine. I started spotting 2 days after I found out and it went on for about 2 weeks before it finally happened, so I was only about 6 weeks.

How did your test come out this morning? I saw the faintest of a line on mine!!!!:happydance::happydance: I hope you saw one again on yours! I don't think that it is an evap, it came up pretty quick! It is just not very dark :cry:
SO I am freaking out, trying to not get too excited... but I am really excited. Should I test again? I still have the First Response Target offbrand since it brought me a BFP last time! Maybe I should just wait until tomorrow morning. I don't know!! I need to know now!! It will drive me insane!!!!:wacko: What do you think?
AWWWW yay!! i am so happy for you!! that is wonderful news!!:happydance: from what i read a line is a line and as long as it is within the time frame, usually 10 is a positive...this morning i was crazy...i woke up and held my pee for over an hr bc i was so scared to test...last night i was feeling definitely something going on down there...twinges and light tugging...i was not imagining it and i thought, either my period was coming pretty early or maybe i could be pregnant...i took a first response ab an hr ago and within the time limit and very light pink line came's so so light...but the difference w/this one is that it came up within 5 mins...i'm trying to remain calm LOL bc it very well could be an evap line
soooo did you take another test? if i were you, i would take a clearblue easy digital...i know you said you used that one before to confirm...i am going to run out now to target and pick a box bad you're not my neighbor we could share the box hahaha i have bought soo many tests!! did you by chance save your first pee from this morning? i always pee in a cup and dip...i have it still...:wacko: i am setting myself up to see a "not pregnant" on digital bc i know you need more hcg in your urine...i am not losing hope for either of us!! please keep me posted on if you test again and your results! i am so happy for you! that would be awesome if we both got our :bfp:
(with the twins i was 8 weeks along...went in for early ultrasound @ 7 weeks and shortly after started spotting and then full out craziness as i'm sure you know)
i will ttys! GOOD LUCK!!!! :thumbup:
:cry::cry::cry: So, I went and bought a clearblue digital and after I did it, surprise- AF arrived and of course it said the horrible "Not Pregnant". I feel so crushed. I can't stop crying, I want to be pregnant so bad :cry: This is only the second cycle after the mc, but I don't want to go through this every month! I feel horrible crying in front of my little boy like this. Why is AF early? ANd why do I keep getting all the typical pregnancy symptoms, I know it's not in my head.
I pee in the cup or on the stick. And use FMU as well.
Anyways, girl I hope you get your BFP. We both know that you deserve it! That would be sooo great, but you know you need to come back and check on me haha because I will still be going crazy. Fingers crossed for you!! Can't wait to hear that BFP for you!!!!
awww Mcstars :hug: :hugs: so sorry you got af and bfn and tears

Your same as me 2 cycles after mc - it almost seems like.there's more pressure doesn't it? And our bodies have good go at making us feel pregnant which doesn't help :nope:

I have a really good feeling for September anyway please try stay positive hun I believe that I may not have ov'd although it did feel like I did

You can be my buddy again now too. Focus on this month now as your body can do with out the stress (feel like I'm telling u off) How was your cycle length this time?
I know, there definitely is more pressure now. I wish I could go back to normal like before! It just sucks so much. I know it will be better tomorrow. It was 27 day cycle this time. I was sure I ov'd, I got those pains and twinges in my left ovary area. Do you get that too?
I hope that September is our month. I have decided to start working out again, it really helps with these crazies. Thanks for being my buddy for September it seems to help alot being able to get on here and talk to you ladies!!! Thank you :hugs:
oooo mcstars, i am so so so heart sunk when i read that your AF came and you got a "not pregnant"...those tests can be amazing bc seeing "pregnant" is :happydance: and seeing "not pregnant" makes you want to ](*,) believe me, i understand exactly how you will be a year next month since the first time i found out i was pregnant and it has been one LONG year of ups and downs waiting to be pregnant and have it actually stick!
i understand what you mean about the symptoms and then af your af heavy, like, definitely not just spotting? when did you get your first af after the miscarriage...
i didn't get back on here yesterday bc once i went out, i decided to wait to take test...i had a ton of errands to do but still, when came home last night, i took the digital i picked up and got a "not pregnant" i didn't get too upset bc the line on my fmu test from earlier was def light pink. i just took the other clearblue digital and got a "pregnant" :happydance: i am of course so surprised and excited but so so bummed you didn't get one! i am still in shock and it hasn't set it!
i would love to keep chatting and helping each other along! :thumbup:one thing i did differently this time and the last time i got pregnant (this time worked on first try, last time on second) is i took mucinex (the pills) 1200mg tablets that contains the only active ingridient, guaifenesin...they say to take it 5 days before ovulation, the day of, and day after and as gross as it sounds it looses up not just mucus up there but also down there helps those:spermy: be able to swim nice and easy through your cm...i also bd'ed w/my hubby every day from 5 days before ovulation and actually, not the day of....every time after i lay w/a pillow under my butt and legs in the air for 45 mins before getting up...:wacko: stuff but it seems to work LOL
please don't lose hope...i am praying september is your month!! and you get a BFP this cycle!! you deserve it! i always find it easier to get through once the trying part comes back in...around week 2 of cycle i always felt that i was more positive...and then of course comes the lovely 2ww which makes us go :wacko:! keep me posted on how you are doing...i hope your af comes and goes quick as well as the next 2 weeks so you can be getting your BFP!! <3
Oh my gosh!!! CONGRATULATIONS on the :bfp: !!! That is so great!!! I am so happy for you! I hope it is a sticky one!!! It better be, right! Are you going to go into the doctor so they can check your levels and stuff? How exciting!! I was wondering what happened to you and if you got your good news!!!

I got AF about 30 days after the mc. It def did not come back spotting this time, it was like the full deal with horrible cramps too. Usually that doesn't happen until day 2. I have not noticed any clotting, it's just kind of heavy :sad2: We :sex: almost everyday while I had my ovulation pains which lasted more like 7 days. But we didn't on the day that I was suppose to ovulate, but I am not sure exactly what day that happened either. I definitely didn't have a lot of EWCM like the last time though. I didn't make sure to lay around very long either. I will definitely try the mucinex stuff! Thanks!

I just keep telling myself I didn't want my baby to be born in may anyways lol it's the mother in laws birthday month. My baby needs it's own birthday month lol! My poor sons birthday is december along with some other family members, JESUS and then new years and my hubbys lol So, June is looking pretty good to me. My hope will come back one the :witch: leaves. I know that God has his perfect timing, but I can't help but question it! I will keep you in my prayers as well, and hope you have a wonderful healthy pregnancy! Keep me updated!:hugs:
Congrats Muffin on you bfp - happy & healthy 9mth to you :happydance:

Yes I do get ov pains and twinges but do you think you may not always ovulate even if you get pain?

I just got my sandra reading like 2 month after I ordered, she predicted bfp between now and oct so that makes it this month and a boy!:blue: much of the rest didnt relate to me to be honest, just bit of fun anyways not taking it seriously.

Your cycle is pretty close to mine then my last was 25 days.

I have ordered some maca organic pills to try help this month not sure if I have left it too late but I feel I need to try more, going to try the cough expectorant near ov too but I read you just need it on day of or when you get positive surge on opk's.
I would think the pains mean ovulation because the egg is bursting from the follicle and can cause the twinges and stuff. Otherwise I don't know why it would hurt?

I have read you should take the stuff like 5 days before you ovulate and follow the directions on the package to make sure your cm is nice and livable for the spermies because they can live for a while in there before you ovulate. That's what I am going to try! It makes sense and can't hurt anything, so why not! That maca stuff sounds pretty good too. Let me know how it works for you!

I don't know exactly what a sandra reading is, but I am guessing it's a psychic! That sounds like fun, did you have to pay for it? I hope she is right! Let me tell you though, boys are crazy sometimes!!! Very active little guys!!
That makes sense Mcstars with the ov pain. Yes I will prob try the cough stuff, I need more help as dp is away the weekend I'm due to ov, unless it comes early again plus it's my b'day :growlmad: so not the best of timings.

The maca hopefully comes today, supposed to be good stuff from what I have read and gives you more energy which is a good thing too! I'll let you know.

Sandra is pyschic yes only paid £3 but the wait was bad - she fell out with her man and it affected all her readings some more than others (me) so I had to wit 2 month! Most of it I couldn't relate to at all but hopefully the conception month is right :thumbup:

My friend just had a boy last month and he's proving bit difficult at times, I would say I'm not bothered but really deep down I'd like a girl as would dp.
Thank you both for the congratulations!! I am trying my best to be excited and not worry and so far it's working! Mcstars, I hope your af leaves by this weekend and you can start next week fresh and hopeful! I will be keeping you in my prayers that you get your BFP @ the end of this month! Are you also taking prenatal vitamins? I have been taking them since last end of september when we knew we were going to be trying...I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend and are feeling better!! I will ttys :) how do we keep in touch besides on this thread? Can u email on here? Lol I never really looked @ all u can do on here! Take care hun <3
got my bfp today, 1st month trying after 1st af after mc. im getting good at this gettin pregnant lark, jus not so good at getting a sticky one, so fxd this is a sticky bean.


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