I was taking online courses while pregnant and I did a semester where the first half I was pregnant and I had to finish the last month as a single mom to a newborn. I actually wrote my midterm while in early labor, thankfully these were online classes and an online midterm. I would recommend you go back to school, I started working my regular 9 to 5 job when my daughter was 10 weeks old which is when she started daycare.
In hindsight going back to work at 10 weeks worked out well and I was ready then and having a break during the day from parenting was a relief as I had no help at all with my daughter and lived alone. However doing even online classes with a newborn was hard as I wasn't mentally ready to focus on anything but my baby in the first 6 weeks after birth. Even when I did have time to do the work while she slept I just couldn't get myself into the right mindset to focus and I was sleep deprived. I do regret that semester and wished I'd decided to skip it as my grades were passing but hurt my gpa. I never did go back yet but plan to pick up my last 2 courses over the summer but this is my third degree and I have a good job so finishing isn't urgent for me.
If you can wait on school until your daughter is passed the first couple months then I'd say that's probably a good option, although if you can't delay a semester then for sure go back now. Don't put off school for more than a couple months, daycares in my area (Ontario Canada) will take babies as young as 6 weeks old. You can find care for that remaining hour but the first couple weeks will be an adjustment but you can push through.