Starting first round of clomid on Friday...anyone else?

Congrats Miana! I hope this is your month! :thumbup:

I had my Day 12 ultrasound today. Unfortunately, all they saw were a TON of cysts. The nurse said my ovaries looked like they had a string of pearls around them. She said I probably have PCOS. :cry: This is shocking news to me; I had no idea. I'm waiting to hear back from the office nurse to find out what the next step is......right now, I'm just feeling extremely discouraged.
I'm so sorry! That's has to be so frustrating. My sister has pcos (with regular periods) and conceived two kids naturally so hope is not gone.
How can they see a tiny follicle in an overy but can't see a 4 week fetus? I mean, they gotta be around the same size right? Ah, what do I know though.
It's all the waiting that kills me! Especially the damn "2 week wait", which will be soooo much harder this month now ha ha.
Dr put me on only 50mg too but I do ovulate regularly on my own so maybe that's why I have a few more eggs. Twins run in my family so I guess hyper ovulation could have been a factor too this month lol. I feel like a chicken!
Lol. I ovulate on my own as well...just down a tube so at least I'm only half broken. Both my husband and I have twins in our families, only my side neither twin has ever survived. So not really sure what that means.
Congrats Miana! I hope this is your month! :thumbup:

I had my Day 12 ultrasound today. Unfortunately, all they saw were a TON of cysts. The nurse said my ovaries looked like they had a string of pearls around them. She said I probably have PCOS. :cry: This is shocking news to me; I had no idea. I'm waiting to hear back from the office nurse to find out what the next step is......right now, I'm just feeling extremely discouraged.

Oh sorry to hear that :( the good news is lots of women can conceive naturally with pcos so you can still get there :)

Mod,you maybe be "half broken" (ha ha btw) but at least the other side works like it's supposed to :)
I bet clomid will do for you what it did for me, so be ready for a bit of a shock! Ha ha
Even the lady doing the ultrasound was a bit shocked! Can't be good when you shock the lady that does this all day every day ha ha.
Its awesome that you shock her. I hope I get that many...but have tobwait another week to find out! I'm so impatient sometimes. Were moving this weekend though so hopefully these next 7 days will fly by!

So when do you find out if any of them stuck? Or are you just relying on the good old sticks to pee on? Lol
Oh I'm sure I will be POAS from 9dpo Ha ha. Not getting my hopes up that anything will show up that early though. I have to go for a bloodtest/pregnancy test on the 12th so that will be the official testing date. Oh my god I hope one sticks! :)
.......... But not getting my hopes up (much ;) )
Gotta think positive. Five chances this cycle for one to stick for you. That's pretty good I'd day.

Dh knows this is an important cycle so he's been jumping on my every positive opk yet but he doesn't have to know that. I'm enjoying all this lol. Plus, he screwed up last week and I think is partially trying to make up for it. Either way, I'll take it!
AND omg the 12th seems so far away! I can't wait till the 5th much less the 12th! Lol.
Ha ha I know! I'll be dying for the next 2 weeks!
DH knows how important this is to me this month too, he's super keen (he usually won't leave me alone but this month it's like he's around every corner I turn ready to go lol).

At least it stays exciting, would hate for it to turn into a chore :)

Waiting, waiting, waiting ;)
How soon did you feel the cramping or twinges that you felt? I felt some twinges today but on my right side. I'm sure its too early and was nothing. I hope it was nothing...the right side will do nothing for me lol
I usually ovulate around Cd 10 but this time it was later due to the clomid. I had a big twinge CD11 or 12, can't remember exactly.I have had a bit of a bad back the last few months so I thought it could have been that..... But It was a different and deeper ache this time so I think it was my ovaries filling up ha ha. I usually don't really feel anything when I ovulate, or I just don't paying attention but this time there was no missing it!
Yesterday I was sooooo bloated! It would have been front the tablets though. I haven't taken them since CD9 (currently CD14) but I hunk thy might be leaving my system. My stomach was so tight and swollen..... I do have a belly on me usually but this was definite bloat! Ha ha
I don't feel ovulation either. My Dr even asked me if I could feel myself ovulate and I looked at her like she was crazy. She said she never has felt it either but that she gets patients that say they can feelbit every month. Crazy. I'd love to he able to feel when I ovulate...oh well, but apparently I don't feel much down there. When I had both my ectopics both my drs were floored that I wasn't in any pain. They were both pretty far along and both drs said they're very painful and that most women can't even sit down it hurts so much. Never felt a thing. What hurt the most was them jabbing the iv in my hand lol (almost made me vomit). Guess everyone is different.

I've had super sore muscles the last two days and was wondering if it could have been a side effect of the clomid, but I haven't taken them for 3 days now. I dunno. Probably just worn out.
Sorry to hear about your ectopics :( arrogance you didn't feel anything? Maybe a good sign if you have to go through childbirth! No need for drugs ;)
I thought the drugs would be out if my system by now too but I just had a hot flush a little while back, so I guess it's still there.
8days till I might take a hpt! Not that I'm counting or anything ha ha
Hey just wanted to say good luck i conceived my ds after 5 years with clomid & preseed & took epo too just for more ewcm as you know because clomid makes it hostile.

Thanks for the encourging post!

The epo is a REALLY good idea...I have some so I'll start taking it today. How many rounds did it take you and what was the process? Did you have all the bloods taken too? Or just have the one sono before o? I guess I didn't ask enough questions to my Dr.

They had said i could be on it for 12 months to see if workd. So 50mg first 6 months but they never did bloods in between to see it if it had worked but i didn't conceive then went bk & they put me on another 50mg said take for 6 months if nothing then will refer for iui. I tried for another 5 months nothing! Then got onto internet did my research & started epo frm cd1-ov & bought opks, preseed etc & last month of clomid before thm offering iui i conceived lol i would definitely as as many questions as you can & hav bloods in between to know if it's worked & deffo start the epo as it was that & preseed that wrked for me. Second time round i just came off pill used preseed, opks & conceived straight away & now struggling again but started vitex as it's batural herbal alternative to clomid & have read can benefit more as doesn't dry up cm & regulates all hormones will update you if i have luck with it sorry for long post x
Congrats Miana! I hope this is your month! :thumbup:

I had my Day 12 ultrasound today. Unfortunately, all they saw were a TON of cysts. The nurse said my ovaries looked like they had a string of pearls around them. She said I probably have PCOS. :cry: This is shocking news to me; I had no idea. I'm waiting to hear back from the office nurse to find out what the next step is......right now, I'm just feeling extremely discouraged.

Don't worry hun my sis in law has pcos & a freind & they actually have 2 kids each my freind conceives fast sis in law it can take about a year but she also does conceive. There's so many herbal supplements you can take for it too that work so try not to panic x
Sorry to hear about your ectopics :( arrogance you didn't feel anything? Maybe a good sign if you have to go through childbirth! No need for drugs ;)
I thought the drugs would be out if my system by now too but I just had a hot flush a little while back, so I guess it's still there.
8days till I might take a hpt! Not that I'm counting or anything ha ha

I thought about that too...that maybe I would need the epidural when it came time. I've been having hot flashes and dizzy spells too-mostly in the mornings. Nothing too serious though so a small price to pay I suppose.

When it comes to testing I try to test when dh isn't home...that way if its positive I have time to put something together to surprise him when he gets home.
Hey just wanted to say good luck i conceived my ds after 5 years with clomid & preseed & took epo too just for more ewcm as you know because clomid makes it hostile.

Thanks for the encourging post!

The epo is a REALLY good idea...I have some so I'll start taking it today. How many rounds did it take you and what was the process? Did you have all the bloods taken too? Or just have the one sono before o? I guess I didn't ask enough questions to my Dr.

They had said i could be on it for 12 months to see if workd. So 50mg first 6 months but they never did bloods in between to see it if it had worked but i didn't conceive then went bk & they put me on another 50mg said take for 6 months if nothing then will refer for iui. I tried for another 5 months nothing! Then got onto internet did my research & started epo frm cd1-ov & bought opks, preseed etc & last month of clomid before thm offering iui i conceived lol i would definitely as as many questions as you can & hav bloods in between to know if it's worked & deffo start the epo as it was that & preseed that wrked for me. Second time round i just came off pill used preseed, opks & conceived straight away & now struggling again but started vitex as it's batural herbal alternative to clomid & have read can benefit more as doesn't dry up cm & regulates all hormones will update you if i have luck with it sorry for long post x

Yeah I already started the epo like you had suggested and I also already bought preseed for this cycle, so that's all in play. Well waiting to get a positive opk then it will be in play. Thank you.

Do you ovulate on your own normally?

I work at a vitamin store and they actually still suggest taking epo with vitex. I didn't ask what the reasoning was but assume its to still help with cm.
So how's it been going?

I had my Dr appt this morning and a positive opk so I expected to go in and see some eggs ready to go but instead all they saw was one small follicle in my left ovary that wasn't even close to ready. So now I don't know what to think. I already ovulate in my own so not sure why the clomid didn't really work. My Dr did say that since I got a positive this morning its possible I already released the egg, but that it doesn't really look like it. Next month they're upping it to 100mg.

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