Still not sure what to do.....


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi girls :hi:

I soooo want to have another LO, but at the same time I am loving every minute with Alfie and I want to go to Uni.

It is so hard wanting another one and also wanting to start my course! I am torn! I have a lovely little family now, and it would be great all round for me to get to do my chosen career, I have waited for so long!

But I really want to have both :hissy::cry: I know that makes me sound spoilt, but I really do know how lucky I am to have 2 kiddies already. But when you want a baby, you want a baby and I don't want a big gap between another and Alfie.

Anyone know anyone that has done pregnancy and Uni? I am just wondering rather than thinking of doing that, as my chosen course would not be ideal tbh, not to mention the point of having to stay awake to learn :lol:

The more I think about it, the more I think TTC is going to have to wait, I can't even TTC now as I want to lose weight before having another one for both our sakes! :cry:

Just had to get that off my chest it is pissing me off, especially when I think that it will be 2012 (the olympics year) when I could start TTC again :shock: Alfie would be 4 and I would be 35! It just seems so far away, AND I don't want our lives wished away, I just want to be happy with the waiting......I spose I just have to come to terms with it OR get used to leaving a little one in childcare at such a young age.

How would you feel, leaving a LO in childcare from 3 months of age? That would be all knew to me, I am not sure I could do it!

OMG see how confused I am, I talk myself out of TTC altogether, then into again :blush:

Somebody shoot me! x
have you thought about taking online courses? my friend who used to attend a university then fell pregnant continues her studies online while watching her baby at home.
yeah, thats what I am doing. I'm taking online courses right now. I took actual courses last semester. But I wasn't the size of a house then! I'm taking online courses now so that I dont have to walk around campus, then I will still be taking online courses when LO arrives.
There is always online courses, as someone has said.
What about a creche at the Uni? Have you looked into it.
I know that some univesities here offer day care inside the Uni,
that way you're never too far away. Or you could go back part time
At least until LO is a little older, or such.

There are some options honey, but if you choose to wait. Plenty
of women are TTC at 35 with success!
What about open uni Tam?

Wishing you lots of luck what ever you decide ... as long as thats after you've come to see me of course :rofl:
Thanks giirls....

:rofl: @ Wobs!

I am doing a home course now so that I can stay at home with Alfie until September 2009, but the actual Uni course is 50% Study at Uni & 50% Practical on placement, so once in Uni online courses are not an option.

There is a creche as far as I know at the Uni, but this is no good for me, because I will be on placement having to go to Uni everyday will take me miles out of my way :( there is an excellent childminder round the corner from me (if she has room when it comes to it) so I would hope to be able to get Alfie in with her.

I think I am going to have to wait :( I really don't like the idea of leaving and not seeing much of a new baby. It is going to be hard enough leaving Alfie! I know for a fact some days are going to be 12hrs long, so another baby really isn't a good idea!

I just have to be 'happy' with the waiting now, maybe once I start the course I will throw myself into that and then Study will be filling my mind and that will be all I can think of. I really don't want to wait any longer to do my study I am finally so excited about it, it has taken me years to get here. :happydance:

So wait I will, it doesn't seem so hard to say that today :)

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