Well she got me, Apparentely she she got delayed, but since I insisted in another post she either came or gave me my BFP by WED she decided she should come home.
Weird thing is despite being 11 days late yesterday when she flew in, im having a normal time, no more heavier, and no more lighter, the odd aches I usually get on day 1/2 so its just bizzare.
I am dissapointed, more so cause of how late I was, but I didnt expect to be preg as me and DH just didnt BD enough, so if I had been three days late it would have been easier to accept, but after getting to 10 days I had a little bit of hope, despite having the BFNS.
I guess having those more or less prepared me for the time when she did decide to arrive, so at least ive got my test ready for next month.
And if I was to fall preg :S the Baby would be a 17/7/07 baby !!! HM
DD is a 05/07/04 baby and im a 18/07/79 Baby so lets see if DH can get me a lil Birthday pressie LOL